Apparently, my character has no idea how to deal with a girl...
Venetia":1f2nb6z5 said:well the thing is supposed to be for .org regulars really ... i mean if he promised to come onto the forum and shit i wouldn't have a problem with it. but it might be a little weird since none of the rest of us know him, or have that comfort zone set up. just keep that in mind~
Although diminutive, Harthina carries herself with authority, the product of good breeding and many years of ruling the Ironwood family. Her expression is generally benign and maternal, albeit with a hint of sternness that becomes much more prominent when she's affronted. She wears her long white hair bound in a severe bun, and her nutty brown skin is covered in wrinkles, but her even features hint at faded beauty. She wears simple, conservative, well made dresses, often with a leather overtunic if she's traveling, and carries a walking stick that serves as a weapon in a pinch.
Cherri-Blossom":1h4xpy6v said:*still debating on joining - although I've never been a melee character before* O.O
It's a hard decision for me, for some reason. ^_^;
Perihelion":3cwhqxec said:Well, do you really want to traipse about in heavy armor?