Friendly Friend":3629gueh said:@ tobacco goldfish
First, have you look at least one episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic before forming an opnion like dadevster did?
Second, if not then you need to take the time to ignore this thread before buttiing in like a sore loser trying to make fun at those who watch this cartoon. If your doing this for fun then your just a troll.
Friendly Friend":49u33dzu said:@ tobacco goldfish
First, have you look at least one episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic before forming an opnion like dadevster did?
Second, if not then you need to take the time to ignore this thread before buttiing in like a sore loser trying to make fun at those who watch this cartoon. If your doing this for fun then your just a troll.
Friendly Friend":1ihnh4rl said:@ Noise, Don't judge the whole show by just looking at 5 mins of the first episode. Also the pilot episodes arn't the best because they are different than the all the other episodes. The show is slice-of-life after the pilot episodes, it gets better in later episodes (I.E Sonic Rainboom). Please respond at least after watching the whole ep, I like to hear your opnion( you can skip the intro if you like to).
Friendly Friend":3h3zdq93 said:@ Noise, Don't judge the whole show by just looking at 5 mins of the first episode. Also the pilot episodes arn't the best because they are different than the all the other episodes. The show is slice-of-life after the pilot episodes, it gets better in later episodes (I.E Sonic Rainboom). Please respond at least after watching the whole ep, I like to hear your opnion( you can skip the intro if you like to).