Oh yeah. Forgot to say. Got a new Theory on Sparrow.
What if he's a summoned creature? You know, like the angels? What if Kovak got the singer to summon a powerful creature to do his bidding so that he would have no trouble in people standing up to him?
Reason this idea cropped to mind was because I was looking through the RTPers links topic, and I found
this. Scroll down to the character called 'Scare Cloak'.
Scare cloak, eh? I dont need to point out the obvios pun, but it's relevant.
Scare crows are mindless things. In horror movies, or other media, scarecrows are often seen to be animated and attack the hero. Most of the time, this is because they are under the direct influence of another.
What if the same was happening here? What if Sparrow is a summoned being, likened to a scarecrow, and Kovak is the master?