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Mapping Improvement Thread 4

For a natural place in the world (waterfall), it seems extremely crafted. It's not particularly aesthetically pleasing, and doesn't make too much natural sense. The waterfall is straight across the map, making it look like a wall over a natural waterfall formation.

Additionally, the size of the waterfall sort of makes the size of the lake seem unnatural. Something half that size would probably fit a lake of that size (imo.)

Making the map larger so you can mess around would the aesthetical aspects a bit more could help, so you could use a bit more control with how it looks. Even if it's not an important map, a map requires detail to make it look both natural and not... can't think of the adjective. Still? Unnatural? whatever. Add flowers and different types of grass on hte ground. Add some things in the water, some floating flowers or whatever or junk.

Soz if it's not clear, I'm a much better rmxp mapper/critiquer than a rmvx guy.



I also don't terribly use RMVX, but the one thing that definitely stands out is how wide that waterfall is. There's no way it needs to be - or logically could be - as fat as it is. Make it at least half as wide as it is now.

Secondly, the map is just....well, it's kind of boring. RMVX is meant for much more linear mapping than RMXP, so that part of the map is fine, but...it needs something, ANYTHING, to make it really stand out, to give it punch. Maybe some rocks around the lake? Also, ask yourself: What is this map for? What is the main event? Quite clearly it's a stand-alone map, so what's going to happen? Is there room for it to happen? Aesthetically speaking, will it stand out when it does happen?
I don't like the base of the map. I appreciate that it's a style of mapping, but cutting it like that doesn't work with trees and such. We need to be able to see the bottom of the trees, for that kind of mapping to work.

Sorry if I'm wrong but I believe this is the kind of effect you're after:


(Apologies for the bad gfx, I don't have the originals at hand so googled the tree bottoms)

I mean I generally don't like the VX RTP to begin with, but I think it is suited for that kind of map end.



One thing I just thought of - is there a shadow tile? Not like a purple-y shadow, but a darker shade of grass. Using that where the trees are will add a world of depth to your map.



All right, making my big come back to the mapping scene. woo :toot:

Been working on this off and on for a few months.

The cave map looks exceedingly linear. I'm not sure why I feel it with this particlar map than with other maps, but I can practically see that large portions of it are literally 1 tile wide, and the player walks those tiles. Because of the way the cave looks sorta naturally formed (to some degree) I think it'd feel a bit... idk, useless, walking all that?

I don't have any problems with the map, but at first glance I see the entrance to the botttom leading to the other opening(s) and I'm like :x. It'd prolly work fine in game and I'm overthinking the reaction of the player, expecially when special effects and etc. are yet to be taken into account.



Daxis -- I do generally shy away from non-linear maps, though I was trying to go for a more confusing map for this one. The main puzzle isn't the map itself, it's getting to where you need to go to continue. If you look in the upper right, there's 3 doors, and as the map stands you can't access any of them - but you can SEE them.

Not to say it couldn't still be worked on. When I started this map, it was 15x30 tiles. :D



Wow. Very nice map, Thijsku!

A couple of critiques/things I noticed, however:

1. There's a rogue tile on the grass in the very upper right corner.
2. The undulation tiles look....bad. I admit it's my personal pet peeve but I would either get rid of them, or reformat them.
3. The second waterfall is strange. It should be flowing next to the wall, but you have the basin separated from it by about a tile.
4. Speaking of waterfalls, the very last waterfall seems to have an issue with the shore. I'd either make the waterfall one tile smaller or make the land - at least in that area - one tile wider.
5. (Not really mapping, but...) The shadow on the boat isn't dark enough - it looks strange.
6. There's an issue with land height next to the farmhouse on the mid-lower left.
7. The segmented (?) water doesn't make sense, but I like it.
8. The spears (upper left) aren't leaning against anything.
9. And only because I've now spotted it...that pile of rocks (middle bottom) on the path just looks out of place.

Kudos on a well-made map!
Thanks for your feedback! I really appreciate it. :)

Tindy":2nzp06jp said:
1. There's a rogue tile on the grass in the very upper right corner.
Yea, I removed it. :) The player can't see it ingame though.

Tindy":2nzp06jp said:
2. The undulation tiles look....bad. I admit it's my personal pet peeve but I would either get rid of them, or reformat them.
Alright. I'll change it a bit. :)

Tindy":2nzp06jp said:
Wow. Very nice map, Thijsku!
3. The second waterfall is strange. It should be flowing next to the wall, but you have the basin separated from it by about a tile.
You're absolutely right. Gotta change that!

Tindy":2nzp06jp said:
5. (Not really mapping, but...) The shadow on the boat isn't dark enough - it looks strange.
I'll make a new shadow for that one.

Tindy":2nzp06jp said:
Wow. Very nice map, Thijsku!
8. The spears (upper left) aren't leaning against anything.
Ghehe, I didn't noticed that. I'll change that too.

Tindy":2nzp06jp said:
Wow. Very nice map, Thijsku!
9. And only because I've now spotted it...that pile of rocks (middle bottom) on the path just looks out of place.
I know. I don't even know why I put it there. You can't see much of it ingame though. :P

RadethDart":2nzp06jp said:
Oh, and you may want to rework that background you have going on. :) For some reason, it isn't seamless back there.
That's because of the screenshot, it's acting fine ingame. ;)


Awesome Bro

Very impressive, Thijsku! I would recommend going ahead and adding a spoiler tag to your post since the screenshot is so huge (and I can only imagine how long it took you to combine all of those captures.) I personally couldn't find anything wrong with the map, and Tindy found very little, so this is certainly a beautiful and well-made map. Great job!
Hi, I'm currently doing a project and was thinking on a 2nd project which got started today.

The premise is a survival game and I was wondering if a game with this theme would work for you people?


(This screen was used on a map from my current project to the new one with the "new version" of the tileset so no fogs or screen tones are on this pic.) This is a simple mockup done in a few minutes I'm thinking on using other type of tilesets but to not waste time I did this and the colours turned out pretty good in my opinion.

I was thinking on having the game all in black and white excluding red (Ala sin city) or I could do it only red for the blood instead.

Let me know what you guys think :)
Hello, I have been working with a tileset and map for my game, originally designed by COYOTECRAFT:


NOTE: I have just made improvements to the map (and some addons to the tileset) but many people say it looks terrible, as I "don't know how to use the tiles the correct way (among my friend Coyotecraft)

Please help!



Well, I don't really have time to go into any details, but from glancing at it I can see a few things:

1: The tree autotile you're using around the edges, either remove it or use it properly.
You're supposed to put trees underneath them so they simulate the top of a forest. (As far as I know anyway..)

2: Those custom trees really don't match the RTP style imo, I'd stick with normal trees if I were you.
you put a lot of thought into this map, and it shows. but there's room for improvements.
- nobody uses the tree auto-tile, it just looks bad.
- you have too many tree/flower types. use only 1 or 2 types, or edit the colors to make them more similar. while you're at it, edit those rocky pillars too.
- download round auto-tiles for water/ground etc, to get a more natural feel.
Thanks both of you. I can change the trees to normal rtp trees from other tilesets. As for the tree autotile I could just delete it.

I could change the colors of the flowers.

I wil upload the improved map. Again, the original credits go to Coyotecraft


This is the new I got. I only included original RTP graphics, from different tilesets. IF there's anything not fitting it, please tell me:


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