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Guillaume777's Multi-Slot Equipment Script

I'm sure that there is a way for someone to move the X/Y position of the equip menu and other windows. It's been done before... like in FFVII clone menusystems.

But this system doesn't have any coding to do what you suggest. You would either need to create a script to do so to this system or find a ready-made CMS system that moves 'default' equip menus in the manner you want.

You could always ask in the Submitted Scripts for a script-ette to move the windows the way you want.



I don't know if this has already been solved... but when I set the font to $defaultfonttype, (I've made it possible to change font ingame) no text shows in the right window, am I doing anything wronmg, missed anything etc?

Never mind, I figured it out :)
Awesome script :P

[EDIT 2]
How do I set which equipment is usable for each slot after the default 5?
Hay I got a funny glitch using this script and I was wondering if anyone could help me out with this.

When I equip an Item in the boots slot it equips a different item "a helmet" instead,

Ok, ahhh..... nevermind that post I errrr.... lol

Found the cursed Item settings.

problem solved,



I want to make it so the extra armor slots all can hold the same accessories as slot 4. How would I do that?

EDIT: Never mind, I found out how to do it! :P
Hahahaha! :D

I'm having a ball seeing how many posts are getting edited with messages like 'Figured it out'. Guess the demo and built in instructions are really useful and easier to understand than some other scripts.
I'm running into a small problem, DW... maybe you can help. I'm using this script to basically do nothing more than allow 2 pieces of the same type of armor to be worn at once.

It works like this: A player can have a weapon, one Accessory Type A, one Accessory Type B, 2 Accessory Type C's, and Armor. They show up in that order (necessary to get other scripts to play nicely together.) That's not standard, so what the game defines as 'Helmet' is called Accessory Type A, etc, down to 'Accessory', which is now called Armor.

So, my customization is set up like so:
# * Configuration Section
#========Set weapon/armor properties ======================================
CURSED_WEAPONS = [] # ids of weapons to be cursed
CURSED_ARMORS = [] # ids of armors to be cursed
TWO_HANDED_WEAPONS = [] # ids of 2handed weapons
DOUBLE_ATTACK_WEAPONS = [] # ids of double attack weapons
NEEDS_OFFHAND = [] # ids of weapons requiring an offhand

SWITCH_EQUIP_WEAPONS = [] #[] ids of weapons switched when equipped
SWITCH_EQUIP_ARMORS = [] #[] ids of switched armors(same above)
# Use 1 array, first value of array = false item, second value = true item
# First value in the above arrays is displayed in the weapons/armors you can
# choose. When the weapon/armor is chosen, the second id value IS the weapon
# or armor that you've chosen. Example: Trick someone to equip a cursed bow.

#=========Set weapon/armor properties with element tagging and name edit===
CURSED_STRING = 'cursed' # put (cursed) in item name for it to be cursed
HANDS_ELEMENT = 'handed' # no. of hands in front of HANDS_ELEMENT in database
HANDS_STRING = 'handed' # name of string in item name like (2handed)

MULTI_ATTACK_ELEMENT = 'attacks' # name of element to tag to multi attacks
# like (2attacks)
MULTI_ATTACK_STRING = 'atks' # string in item name, like (3atks)

NEEDS_OFFHAND_STRING = 'needs_offhand' #string in item name if the weapon
#needs an offhand like (needs_offhand)

#=====Set character slots properties =======================================
WEAPON_KINDS = [0] # number of weapons, 0 = weapon
WEAPON_KIND_NAMES = ['Weapon'] # custom name of extra weapon slots
WEAPON_KIND_POWERS = [100] # 100 = normal power, 90 = 90% power
# Leave empty or put nil inside
# if you want the default names.
ARMOR_KINDS = [1,2,3,3,4]
# 1 = shield
# 2 = helmet
# 3 = armor
# 4 = acc
# 5 = and more : extra slot
# Name of the extra slots in equip window
# You need as many words as there are '5' or more in armor_kinds
# The first order of the slots names reflect the order of the 5 in armor_kinds
# Put (5) or more to in the armor name to have it assigned to the extra slot

#=============Set multi-weapon behavior====================================
IGNORE_OFFHAND = false # ignore off_hand support
TWOHANDED_IN_OFFHAND = true # If false don't show two handed weapons in
# the offhand window
ALL_WEAPONS_FOR_SKILLS = true # true = combined pwr of all weaps for skills
# false = only power of first weapon
SHIELD_HAND_SLOT = 1 # slot number to be used for shield hand
WEAPON_SHIELD_SHARE = false # if true, can't use a shield and a second
# weapon at the same time
SHIELD_HAND_WIELD = true # true = can use shield hand for 2handed weap.
WEAPON_HAND_WIELD = true # true = can use weapon hand for 2handed weap.
MULTI_WEAPONS_PENALITY = 0 # percent of atk that will be subtracted if
# you use two weapons at the same time.

#============Set appearance properties ====================================
FONT_NAME = 'Arial' # Font to use
CURSED_COLOR = Color.new(255, 50, 50) # Color of cursed equiped items
SHOW_REMOVE = false # Show empty in offhand window

WINDOWS_STRETCH = true # true : equip_right stretch to adjust to # of slots
MAX_SHOW_SLOTS = 6 # Maximum number of slots in 1 screen in equip right
# window. Useless if windows_stretch = false
HELP_AT_BOTTOM = false # If true, will leave place for help window at bot-
# tom. Useless if you didn't modify the help window
# y-coordinate.

STATUS_WINDOW_ARRANGE = true # If true, you get a new status window.
STATUS_WINDOW_SPACING = 24 # Space between each item in new status window.
EVADE = false # If draw_actor_parameter is configured to
# receive parameter number 7 (evade), then it
# will show in new status window.
# EVADE = true has no effect if STATUS_WINDOW_ARRANGE is false

#================ end of settings =========================================

Everything works fine, except in stores. If an armor being sold is selected on the left, then each character's 2nd Accessory Type C is show on the right. Not very helpful for someone trying to figure out if it's an upgrade.

I did a little nosing around, but couldn't find the cause of this. The script itself doesn't seem to affect window_shopstatus at all, the default window_shopstatus has a default catchall that seems to be contributing to the problem (maybe... what I don't know about scripting I could just about squeeze into the Grand canyon.) The catchall looks like this:

# Get current equipment
if @item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon)
item1 = $data_weapons[actor.weapon_id]
elsif @item.kind == 0
item1 = $data_armors[actor.armor1_id]
elsif @item.kind == 1
item1 = $data_armors[actor.armor2_id]
elsif @item.kind == 2
item1 = $data_armors[actor.armor3_id]
item1 = $data_armors[actor.armor4_id]

Any idea how this can be corrected?

I did a little more experimenting, and found that this happens even in the demo. If you set up a shop in the demo that sells Boots, for example, then play and look through his wares, when Boots are highlighted on the left, equipped rings are shown on the right.
I made a script patch for default stores. It won't fix custom shops, but it will allow the default shop system to work. There's even a variant available in the topic that mimic's RPG Advocate's Advanced Shop System.

Multi-Slot Store Patch
http://hometown.aol.com/Der%20VVulfman/ ... SCRIPT.PNG[/IMG]http://hometown.aol.com/Der%20VVulfman/Files/RMXP/RMXP-ORG/Forum_Icons/FORUMS.PNG[/IMG]
by DerVVulfman (03-13-2007)
Stores, Inns, Etc. / Equipment Related
This is a patch for the users of Guillaume777's Multi-Slot Equipment Script. It replaces the def refresh of the SHOP_STATUS window to reflect the changes made by Guillaume777's system.​

I would like to re-iterate. If any scripters decide to make Guillaume777 patches for their own custom shop systems... it would be great.
Rockin', DW. Exactly what I needed. Thanks a ton. Should have found it myself, but I appreciate the heads up.

It's certainly working to my satisfaction now. It's a piddling thing, but I did just want to point out to you that it appears the status window doesn't count equipped items as being possessed. (Screenie to illustrate here.) Really not a big deal, but I just wanted to point it out.

Thanks again for the help!
Like the default shop system, equipped items do not count as merely 'possessed' items. If the item (Revenge Orb) is unequipped, it would show in the menu as 'possessed', or it should be if the system you are using is compatible.

Some sort of orb system??? Can't guarantee.
Oh, is that how it's supposed to be? I guess I just didn't notice. Sorry. My mistake.

No, no, the system works great. The orb system employs a ridiculous mash of scripts, including multi-equip, your limit system, Trickster's Steal/Mug/Scan and Skill Effects, SephirothSpawn's Equipment Skills, Blizzard's Equipment Skills, Sandgolem's double attack & counter attack, and probably a few I'm forgetting. I finally have everything playing nicely together, and it all seems to work absolutely fine with multi-equip.

So, yeah, it all works great. I guess it just seemed counter-intuitive to me that an equipped item wouldn't count as possessed. Again, my bad. I didn't go back and check the default system. Sorry. And thanks again for the help.
i have a question about this script: what would be the scripting command to add equipment straight to the actor's equipped items if they arent the default equipment types? basically the Change Equipment event command only as a Call Script command so that you can add any type of armor.

PS. Sorry for the necropost
I've got a problem...
The weapons work fine, but when i tried to make new armor to go into the new slots, the new items wont work. If i add (5) to anything above armor #33 (a new game has 32 armors in it) then it will work for that slot, but anything after 32 wont show up when i try to equip stuff in that slot. Although, i can see the armors when i go to the Items menu...
Can anyone tell me what i should do?
I use the legal version of RPG Maker XP, and currently do not have any other scripts in the game
to swiftdeathsk:
Fraid the system can't add beyond the first four armor slots with the [Equipment Change] event in the editor. BUT... there are commands you can use to add to the additional slots, and are shown in the demo.

to tenraah:
If you look at the demo, the Iron Gauntlets in the demo are armor #35... three higher than the 32 default. It is entered AS 'Iron Gauntlet(5)' and works in the system.

The first four default armor slots do not need parenthesis (duh), but any others beyond the first 4 would be #5, #6, #7... etc. So, if the intent was to have your (5) armor show, it should be in the armor slot just below the 'Accessories' (#4) slot. This IS where you want it, right?
The armor is named "Shiny Necklace(5)" and it is the 33rd armor...
Is that how it is supposed to be?

I made an event give him one, and it shows up in the Items menu, but he cant equip it anywhere...

EDIT: I tried putting (5) on one of the armors above #33 and then he could equip that in his amulet slot...

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