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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

Sorry guys!  :)  Busy with lots of things. 

Fustel - This is because of a problem with the opening event code stuff.  I have already corrected the problem and it will be included with 1.5 when it is released.

Killerzkings - No, but you can rename it to something else, but it will always perform that action.

Jirbytaylor - Not sure what you mean by Triads.  Can you explain that a little further? The element_set error doesn't mean that you cannot set elements, just that when you have no equipment then you will receive an element set error.  This is because you are unarmed.
ISO maps are required to be on different maps (parent and child) because of the way it is built.  The tilling system just doesn't allow it to work otherwise I would leave it as a single map.  I have not encountered any freezing problems on my end with the map edges.  Are you able to duplicate this in the demo?

Tery Buster - Yes 1.5 is coming pretty close.  I think I finally have the main feature almost complete, larger units, so we should see it coming pretty soon.  Battle setups between 1.4 and 1.5 will be the same, so I would tell you to continue and just update the script after words.  You will want to make sure that you 'merge' the module ones so that you dont loose anything you have already setup.

Thanks Zander!

RaiseUp - Yes, this bug has been reported a number of times, even within this thread.  Look back a couple of pages and you will find the fix for it.  I have already corrected this little problem in the 1.5 project.

skirtboy - The exp is figured using (EnLev-ActLev)+10, with a min of 1.  The current system doesnt award based on completion of the attack, but I will be looking at correcting that soon.  Hold tight and I will try to see what I can do for excluding 'miss!' from the exp pool as well as attacking own party members.

Alex898, hope you got things figured out!  Let me know if you are still having problems with this.
http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y263/D ... orlame.jpg[/img]
Is what I get if I use ATTACK, but for some reason it only happens when either: I have nothing equipped, on the first map in my game. (I theorize also that it'll happen if my damage is zero, but I don't know that for sure.) I can change the monsters in the first map all I want, I still get the error, however fighting the exact same monsters on a different map doesn't give me this error =/

Also, I can't rename characters under this system- the default name appears in battle.
Not sure why you wouldnt be able to rename them, I pull the name from the actor data just like the menu and everything else. The graphic is pulled a little differently, but even so, it wouldnt expect to see the problem. 

As for the element_set error, its because your have nothing equipped.  There is a fix for it a couple pages back, just go look and you can find the solution.



Thanks for the great work on this script. While I'm working on sprites and stuff, I have a question, though:

[Using XP] How would I properly set up a character to auto-revive, after death? I tried rigging it through a Common Event-after-death (remove Knockdown, Recover All), which triggers properly, but when the character revives, her turn no longer comes up in ABS mode (in Team mode, it seems that the amount of characters that can move has been decreased by one, but she can technically still act), and in both cases, enemies now ignore her. Remove Dead is turned off for the player side.

(I totally realize my script-fu is weak, and it's probably that I'm using event commands in the first place that's the issue here.)
Sorry if I'm doing a question already answered.

How do I place more than 4 players on team? Without being controlled by computer.

In every way I hope you can answer the questions. Thanks!.. ;)
puffy, you need to remove the actor from $game_system.tactics_dead and add them back to the $game_system.tactics_actors via script in order for the tbs to recognize them being revived.

I will consider it, but I am looking at expanding this area alot so maybe not exactly as that is a huge part of the system. Are you thinking of only using skills for everything? No normal attacks?

Simply use a large party script to get more than 4 people in your party, then make sure you have more place or actor# events on the map and it should be taken care of automatically.
Only with his explanation solves the problem.
As you said it was only necessary to expand the team.

Thank you dude!

Excellent script. ^^
Gubid, I've said this before, but is there a way to add a save menu during a Tbs battle?

Also, is there a way to remove the hit-and-run system (attack, then move)? or a way to toggle the system on and off?
They weren't down, just with the change to this new forum stuff the links were just really small. I have updated the first post to make them more visible now.
Gubid, I have a question that I don't know if it was asked already and not in the help script...

Why do my animated battlers doesn't animate? It animates in it's Idle stance, but it won't when it attacks, casts, waits, etc. only animates with Idle, Struck, Death, I compiled the battlers completely fine, but still no good news. but when I tries those battlers in your demo used for Aluxes in your demo, it animates well, but in my game, it won't! :(

This is for RMXP Btw. and thanks if you'll respond! ^_^

Btw, are there Isomteric Tilesets downloadable anywhere? cause I can't complete my Tactical RMXP game without enough Iso Maps, I can't finish it without them..,. :(

EDIT: Forgot to mention that the template I used for compiling the sprites is your demon animated battler in the demo.
The reason it is not animating your battlers is because you are not using the correct attack animation for your weapons. It needs to be set to the ATTACK_ANIM id, which in the demo I think is 105. (no where near the demo right now to confirm) Anyway that should be all you need to do, for both actor or enemy, is just to set the animation id for the weapon as the attack anim id from within the script.

As for the iso tilesets, I dont know of any in particular. I have made all my own.
Hey Gubid,

I wasn't sure if this had been asked before--I didn't see it anywhere in the thread--but is there a way to make an AT List? You've played FFT, so I'm sure you know what I mean, but in case you don't, basically a list of the next x people who will have a turn, as well as projection for when a charged skill will go off. I'm not quite as concerned about it saying when charged skills will happen, but I was mostly looking for a way to show who's turn was coming up, as this helps with strategic planning rather than having to scroll over each individual person to check their AT.


I also just remembered to ask if there was a way to make the "else" case for skill ranges be whatever the weapon range of the unit is. If there isn't right now, do you plan on adding that feature in future releases? (ie, in FFT, skills like Charge or Battle Skill would be dependent on what kind of weapon you were using--if you were using a crossbow, it'd be max4min2, just like the bow's range.).
GubiD? Can you change it so some "allies" can change to attack you if you attack them a select amount of times? Like if you try to kill a friend, they'll not just sit there and die?

But of course they mustn't change alliegence to enemy cos' the monsters should still attack them and vice versa.

That'd be much more realistic 4 version 1.5.

Great script!

I'm using this system for a new project and found 2 problems, I think.

  • 1 The help window and the actor_name window don't use the GTBS::CONTROL_OPACITY
    I have this variables set to 160 and works fine for the rest of the windows.
  • 2 I want to disable the preview damage information that is shown on the status window
    so I have put the GTBS::PREVIEW_DAMAGE variable to false but it is still there.

EDIT: I solved number 2. The problem was that in Scene_Battle_TBS (line2712), that code calls the method dmg_preview without checking if the variable GTBS::PREVIEW_DAMAGE is true. I have put this code and solved it.



   @windows["status"].dmg_preview(1, @active_battler)




Gubid":3no50bgd said:
puffy, you need to remove the actor from $game_system.tactics_dead and add them back to the $game_system.tactics_actors via script in order for the tbs to recognize them being revived.
Urk, thanks much, but I'm pretty dumb and back for more. I messed around with that, but since I don't really know what I'm doing, it failed miserably. I don't know the syntax at all, but I tried:
With the actor dying and reviving being the first one listed, and the first in the party. The error returned is NoMethodError at Scene_Battle_TBS, line 5817, undefined method "x" for 1:Fixnum.

EDIT: Just FYI, this is me playing with the demo, no other content.

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