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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

thanks it worked =)
Another question, I use tint screen in my game in some places, but when I enter a battle, it goes back to the default tint, I can use a battle event to tint it again, but I can't make it work before the 1st turn. (therefore the "BATTLE START" and first enemy/your turn messages have still the default lightning) is there a way to make it when you enter a battle it doesn't reset the tint?
Gubid, I've tried $scene.remove_battler("enemy", 49, 117)
where: $scene.remove_battler("type", id, anim)
but nothing happens, even with $game_temp.in_battle as a conditional branch.
any ideas on how to fix this?
Edit: P.S.: I'm using VX
How do you change the battler picture for the characters in RMXP?

I changed the battler for one of the actors, but in-game it doesn't display the battler in the top-right, how do you get the script to display the new battler?
Why is the button in japanese? If it's an illegal copy it won't work, because none of the translations translate the script, and so it won't recognise any functions. If you want it to work you'll need the proper version.
I am still here!  Sorry, have been way to busy this last month to do much of anything.  I also admin at another forum(www.rpgm.org) but besides that just been working on filling old request that I took and never delivered.  I still have a bunch of things to finish scripting before I return to finish the 1.5 gtbs.  Its mostly done, just have some bugs to work out. 

As for the range things not working in vx, the problem has since been corrected, but is caused because I used self.id(xp command) to get the enemy id instead of the new method.. self.enemy_id to ask gtbs module what the ranges should be. 

Anyway, need to be off.  Later
Please forgive ma lazyness; but I just downloaded your script, and didn't bother rumaging through nearly 40 pages of posts...
This script seems to be exactly what I was looking for... exept a couple annoying things happening in the demo

1/ after placing my actors and started the fight, I have to press the action button once more for the combat effectively taking place. Did I miss something ?

2/ I tried replacing 'place' events with 'actor1' 'actor2' and 'actor' as specified in the help file. In ths cas, the actor are well placed when the combat starts; baut the game hangs ther with the battle BGM running.

3/ I also tried to start a combat with a slimes*2 troop. and ended up.... not with as many slimes as there are 'enemy' Events on the map (6); but 'only' 5 slimes

I'll try it a little more. See you later :wink:
Sorry to keep asking questions but, if I put in an event as script:


It would mean that if all the enemies are defeated then call common event number 10, correct? Just want to check whether the problem lies in that or my eventing.



What is the reason behind rplacing the tileset in the VX version with your own? Why did you take out tiles and replace them with numbers?
Its to display the isometric hieghts.  The number represents the current height on the map.  It had to be done on a non-autotile tileset and hence it I chose one.

this will say.. run common event #10 when all enemies have been defeated.

1. can you explain a little more what you mean, I am not so sure I understand it.
2. There was an issue in 1.3 and prior where if you had a autostart or parallel event you could get stuck in the battle scene and it attempting to abort each 'update'.  This should be resolved in 1.4, but if you are using 1.4 I would need a demo to determine the exact cause of the problem.
3. This is because of 1 thing, the script by default is setup to add 3 new slimes to the first troop in the database, which happens to be 2* slimes.  2* in turn becomes 5* slimes.  But I never place more enemies than there are in the existing troop.

Hope that answers your questions, let me know if you continue to have problems.



Lets say we have no intention of ever going to an "iso map". Would it be safe to use the default tilesets? Could I remove the iso scripts (Isometric Basic, and Advanced)?
1/ In the Q&A you ptovided with the demo, ther is the following issue

# How do I place actors, enemies and/or neutrals on the map?
#     Create an event with a name including "actor","enemy" or "neutral" 
#     followed by a number.

On the map of the demo, there are nly "enemy", "neutral" and "place". So, I renamed 3 of the "place" as "actor1", "actor2" and "actor3", and deleted the remaining "place" (I also tried leaving them in place).
When I started the fight, my characters were already in the specified spots, the combat BGM was started, but I never get the "Combat start" messsage, ond whatever keu I press, nothing more happen.


2/ When I said I was lazy... :tongue:


3/ Although I don't understand why it adds those 3 slimes, it works perfectly with the other slime combat you provided. Thanks.



any intentions of finishing the line skills piece of the code? I'm in the mood to make a laser beam attack that would span the entire battlefield because that would be awesome, but I guess I'm still waiting.
Is there a tutorial on how to make battles, change enemies attacks etc? Or do we have to guess how to work this script?

Just realised it is in the scripts list  :lol:

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