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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

Gubid, about your next feature the semi-3d maps... are they going to be implented as isometric? wht? My project is stoped now due a massive data loss in my HD so I've lost my project, soo... hey! just tell when is it comming up!!!



Gubid: Thank you very much for the time you took in reviewing the error. I really appreciate it- you've got a great script here!
Wow, im online again! Hi GubiD! Grad tests are over and I'm heading on to college! (In the summer). I see Your script is doing well. Guest i'll have to check out your script again and create some add-ons.



The error that appears is not constant (the times yes - sometimes not.), while the enemy is thinking.
Sometimes it not occur and the battle ends normally, but nearly 30% of the time, it happened.

The screen freezes for a few seconds (at the turn of the enemy) and appears something like: "undefined method: 'size' for Nillclass."

The line wich the script call is this:

_Game_battler (Line 870). :

if@move_route.size> 0
      run_path unless moving?

I will try to get some screenshots and post the error.
This happens, most of the time when the enemy is snooker.

Thanks Gubid!
Axules":11racybo said:
Yes, it works for XP.
Just study the needed scripts a bit...

Just downloaded it again, and it still doesn't work.

Xildra":11racybo said:
Hey, this is going to sound like a really stupid question, but i can;t make heads or tails of the battles. i get to the point with the 6 blue squares, and when i click on them the characters get placed, but i have no idea what i do after that. if i double select one of them an image appears above it, but if i do the same with another one, it crashes. help!

Gubid":11racybo said:
Actually there was a bug with the character replacement on the XP system.  I dont believe that occurs in VX.  Anyway, when the next release comes out it will have a little more information on that.
Can anyone please tell me how to adjust the skill range so that it effects the whole battle area. I have been trying to figure it out for 5 hours and my head is about to explode. In the script manual it says to do it this way:
Set range and field by skill_id.  Line Skills are skills in which affect the
  # entire range in the specified direction.  This means that the range is really
  # a line itself, instead of the area.   Line Skills are not currently available!
  # This value is same for both characters and enemies
  #[RANGE, Field, LINE_SKILL?, exclude_caster?]

BUT WHAT DOES IT MEAN? I am going crazy! Please help!

NVM, I figured it out. You have to add commands for each spell individually into the script. Now I have another problem.
When I finish the battle it says I have succeeded, but the screen goes all black. :S

EDIT2: NVM, I managed to fix this too after a lot of headaches. It was connected with the fadein command which I didn't use. Now I have a new problem. How do I set up the faliure condition so the game ends if all of your party members die? It says in the script:

Conditions                  Value
# if none specified          All dead

So I didn't put any command for faliure, but when all my characters die, the game just continues like I won the battle :S What am I doing wrong?
I have a different idea for a TBS battle system, and i want to use yours as a base for mine.
its a TBS battle system in CBS format in a way.

but anyway, i want the camand windows to go to the bottom of the screen and stay there in a box like the black areas in my screen shot:

<img src="http://i36.tinypic.com/orjpet.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">

And also show all characters and enemys stats in the bottom too.

Is there anyway anyone could make a script to do so?

Also how do i make an enemy event disappear after i battle and kill them?

Thanks in advance.  :smile:

P.s. is there anyway i could get Neo mode7 to work in a battle?
I am having problem with this script. when i was using the demo, there is a part where i need to arrange the characters on the 2nd time, i tried to add another actor on the battlefield but it justs shows an error and when i checked the script, it seemed to be on line 492, it had something to do with the bat.



Gubid, I get a serious bug: 1 hero can attack and move many times in 1 turn.
I move hero, then close the menu. When I open the menu again, the command "Move" appear and I can move hero again!

This bug is very serious, please fix this, thank you (^^)!

EDIT: I test it in team based (^^)
This is an excellent script.The only error that I found was when you attack with no weapon. However, you have already covered. Other then that, I think the script is near perfect. It will be good to see the 4 by 4 tiles for large creatures.



Great script indeed. Thank you Gubid.

Only trouble I ran into was creating a ranged (normal) attack for enemies. This probably was fixed though/I probably did something wrong.

It would be great to see the Advanced Wars Add-on.
I started a new project in vx, copied all of the scripts and all of the graphics from the sample VX game, but whenever I hit an enemy I got an error message(undefined method "name" for nil class), pointing me to this line:
it's on Bitmap/animObj
@turnable = animation.name.downcase.include?("[turn]")
I don't know where to start to fix it, I hope someone can help...

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