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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

How hard would it be for you to add in blocker events or something that contains your character to within the tile area? I think it would be easier that way as i wouldn't have to worry about doing any move commands within the script and could just let the character walk freely within the given tile area?
Hey, sorry, I figure this has already been answered, but I've been looking and I can't find it,so I'm just gonna post my questions.

1)I managed to get the battle running, but whenever I attack the enemy monster an error screen comes up saying "Script 'Bitmap/AnimObj' line 164: NoMethodError occured.  Undefined method 'name' for nil:NilClass"  And I don't know how to fix it

2)When I was getting the battle to run, I had to load Actor3 (which is where the animation for my character comes from) and $Slime into the Battlers folder, and the Actor3 was easy to fix, but I can't find anywhere where the basic Slime is listed as "$Slime", so I exported it out under that name and then re-imported it, but now the animation is all glitchy...

Please Help!  :(
1) This means that you DOES NOT HAVE the animation "attack" (neither any of the others probably), you will have to change the line in the GTBS config scripts or copy-pasta it in our project.

2)the $slime is not listed, actually the interpreter looks for any "battle_set" in the \"battlers" folder with the exatc same name of the monster in the database, in this particular case Slime (soo you will not need to do any script change if you change the monsters name!)
You must not export/import this kind of thing, just go in to the original folder, copy and paste in the desired final folder, ok?

GubiD my great scripter, where will be ready the next version?! *-*
I'm excited for the new features!!!!!! \o/
Hey, Gubid! I love your TBS script! I'm making a project based on a tactical rpg called Super Robot Taisen(wars).

I got a couple of questions:
1) (may or may not be related) is there a way to cast skills without wasting an actor's turn?

2)This may be posted before, but how do i use turn-based events? (I'm not a good scripter  :sad: )

3)If you ever implement the cutscenes attack system, will it be customizable?

4)Is there anyway to keep battlers in their place without moving back to their original spot after an event occurred that involved moving,
when a battle starts?

5)How do i remove a battler in an event?

6)is it possible to change bgm when an actor attacks or is under attack and change to a different bgm when a different actor attacks or is under attack?

Last one, 7) Is there a way to add a save menu during a Tbs battle?

Oh, and i noticed a slight bug:
Events stacks when I copy and paste them in an open_scene_event, during a battle.
P-Drogan":9ql5v3oc said:
Hey, Gubid! I love your TBS script! I'm making a project based on a tactical rpg called Super Robot Taisen(wars).

I got a couple of questions:
1) (may or may not be related) is there a way to cast skills without wasting an actor's turn?

yes, just have to follow the details in-script to make the skill a "non-time waste"

2)This may be posted before, but how do i use turn-based events? (I'm not a good scripter  :sad: )

I know how to do that

Ive done a "condition" in an event using the condition "script" (the last option on the tab 4 in the condition)

just "done" this
$game_temp.battle_turn == 2
this means that when the variable $game_temp.battle_turn is equal to 2 it "starts", you can also make something like "if its diferent" ( <> ) etc...

3)If you ever implement the cutscenes attack system, will it be customizable?

Hum, i may not answer, but im sure it will be, other els, it will only be a waste of time =p

4)Is there anyway to keep battlers in their place without moving back to their original spot after an event occurred that involved moving,
when a battle starts?

what do you mean?

5)How do i remove a battler in an event?


6)is it possible to change bgm when an actor attacks or is under attack and change to a different bgm when a different actor attacks or is under attack?

Dont you think it will be to many musics?  :crazy:

Last one, 7) Is there a way to add a save menu during a Tbs battle?

Yay! good question, I was thinking about it, cause I want to do in my game some extremely LONG battles.

Oh, and i noticed a slight bug:
Events stacks when I copy and paste them in an open_scene_event, during a battle.

oh...  :tongue2: what is it?  :lol:
Ruben52":18q9449r said:
How hard would it be for you to add in blocker events or something that contains your character to within the tile area? I think it would be easier that way as i wouldn't have to worry about doing any move commands within the script and could just let the character walk freely within the given tile area?

I'm actually really curious to see this movement system too like in shining force. You should really consider releasing a demo of that type of movement to the public. I think it would be really awesome. The great thing about this system too is that it allows you to program a characters actions independantly from the movement all together. It would basically display the tiles a.ka (where you can walk), then it would give you complete control of moving your character, but he would be limited to walking within the tiles and not able to walk out of them.
Ruben52":slb5al46 said:
Dario, any idea how a movement system like that would be done?

I'm not sure because i really don't know much about scripting. I'm sure Gubid would be able to help you out more, but i'm guessing that he would first display the tiles onto the screen using whatever code he made to do so. Now as for blocking the character from moving outside of the area of the tiles that i'm not sure about. Only thing i could really think of is having blank events on the map that serve for blocking the hero move passed them, and then they would be placed accordingly based on where the last movement tiles are, but that seems like an awefully lot of events so i'm sure there is an easier way to do it.

On a sidenote though, Gubid this is an amazing engine. I especially love what you have done with the attack/spell, skills cursors. It's clear why this got script of the year.
Thanks Lucas, that fixed my first 2 problems, but now I have another one...

The passage settings (you know, the thing that lets you control what can and cannot be walked through) doesn't seem to be working.  My character, without exception, can walk through anything in the "A" section of the tilesets, and since I couldn't get this to work, I set up a system to prevent it using events.  I place a blank event on every space that I don't want the character to be able to walk through, and then the walls work fine.  the problem though is that I can't get this to work in battle, because it turns the events off.  I went through and named every single event "battle_event" with the ID number of the event following that phrase, but that didn't work.  So then I tried naming them all "extra" with the id number following it, and this didn't work either.  Lastly, I wenjt through and changed all the event triggers from "action", to "player touch", and that still didn't work, so now I'm about ready to give up...

I guess the easiest solution would be if someone could tell me how to get the passage system to actually work, and if not that, then I'd appreciate some help on making the events stay in battle...   
kaze-no-ou":3kil7pwm said:
Thanks Lucas, that fixed my first 2 problems, but now I have another one...

The passage settings (you know, the thing that lets you control what can and cannot be walked through) doesn't seem to be working.  My character, without exception, can walk through anything in the "A" section of the tilesets, and since I couldn't get this to work, I set up a system to prevent it using events.  I place a blank event on every space that I don't want the character to be able to walk through, and then the walls work fine.  the problem though is that I can't get this to work in battle, because it turns the events off.  I went through and named every single event "battle_event" with the ID number of the event following that phrase, but that didn't work.  So then I tried naming them all "extra" with the id number following it, and this didn't work either.  Lastly, I wenjt through and changed all the event triggers from "action", to "player touch", and that still didn't work, so now I'm about ready to give up...

I guess the easiest solution would be if someone could tell me how to get the passage system to actually work, and if not that, then I'd appreciate some help on making the events stay in battle...   
It won't work if you have the ID number in the name. Simply name the event "extra" (without the quotes)
Lucas Scoppio":hwgs16gj said:
P-Drogan":hwgs16gj said:
1) (may or may not be related) is there a way to cast skills without wasting an actor's turn?

yes, just have to follow the details in-script to make the skill a "non-time waste"

Erm, I don't know what you mean by that. Could you be a bit more detailed please? 

2)This may be posted before, but how do i use turn-based events? (I'm not a good scripter  :sad: )

I know how to do that

Ive done a "condition" in an event using the condition "script" (the last option on the tab 4 in the condition)

just "done" this
$game_temp.battle_turn == 2
this means that when the variable $game_temp.battle_turn is equal to 2 it "starts", you can also make something like "if its diferent" ( <> ) etc...

It worked like a charm, Thanks! :smile:

4)Is there anyway to keep battlers in their place without moving back to their original spot after an event occurred that involved moving,
when a battle starts?

what do you mean?

Well, for example, before a tbs battle starts, I force-move a character somewhere via move event, and when the battle starts, it goes back to it's original position (back where it started).

6)is it possible to change bgm when an actor attacks or is under attack and change to a different bgm when a different actor attacks or is under attack?

Dont you think it will be to many musics?  :crazy:

I'm planning on adding character theme bgms along with cutscenes.

Oh, and i noticed a slight bug:
Events stacks when I copy and paste them in an open_scene_event, during a battle.

oh...  :tongue2: what is it?  :lol:

Basically, the open_scene_event plays, for no reason, twice even though i had a self-switch in there. I think it's because i copy and pasted some commands in the event.

5)How do i remove a battler in an event?

Perhaps i wasn't clear enough. How do i remove a battler (enemy, actor or neutral) via event or scripting. Hope I made it more detailed.
about your first qestion, there is in the script which allows you to configure spells one single atribute that "ask you" if your skill will or not take long to "start"unfortunatelly i cant show it  to you now cuz im really busy with a program im developing...
Hello Gubin.
A brilliant battle system, I will definitely be implimenting it into a project of mine soon. However, I do have one question. How do I make the battle system automatically be on TEAM (you know, turn by turn) ?



I've found an exploit in the system:

WHen you move someone, and you  select "Yes" to "Move Here?" , then press escape, you can re-select the character and voilá, the "Move" option will appear again. You can use this to move pretty much all over the map.

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