Thanks Lucas, that fixed my first 2 problems, but now I have another one...
The passage settings (you know, the thing that lets you control what can and cannot be walked through) doesn't seem to be working. My character, without exception, can walk through anything in the "A" section of the tilesets, and since I couldn't get this to work, I set up a system to prevent it using events. I place a blank event on every space that I don't want the character to be able to walk through, and then the walls work fine. the problem though is that I can't get this to work in battle, because it turns the events off. I went through and named every single event "battle_event" with the ID number of the event following that phrase, but that didn't work. So then I tried naming them all "extra" with the id number following it, and this didn't work either. Lastly, I wenjt through and changed all the event triggers from "action", to "player touch", and that still didn't work, so now I'm about ready to give up...
I guess the easiest solution would be if someone could tell me how to get the passage system to actually work, and if not that, then I'd appreciate some help on making the events stay in battle...