You can have the system auto return a specific name for all dead actors/enemies if desired, you simply need to update the def character_name method for the game_actor and game_enemy with something like this..
return "cross_image" if dead?
.. for enemies
return "dead_#{self.enemy_id}" if dead?
for this, I understand what to do with the actors, but for the enemies how can I alter the script so that when 'enemy' events are killed they are just removed from the map (as if remove_dead was turned on, but only enemy specific?). Also, is there a way to make the walk-in-place thing stop when things are dead? Like during your demo the downed characters had the /'s through them, but they still walked which was a little.. out of place. Is there a way to stop that when something is dead?
2nd, is there a way to make a skill with the ability to teleport? Basically, you use the skill, you have a range you can choose and you choose a square, the script you call then transports the character from their starting position to the selected destination, much as teleport from FFT works (without the failure rate, because this skill will cost MP)
3rd, does your script work with scripts that allow for individual character inventories?
4th, Is there an option in the AI that you can set enemies to go for a specific tile, actor or event, (such as in FF3/6 when the sprites advance toward Bannon) or can the AI only have the goal of like 'killing all actors(player controlled people)'
5th i noticed you answer one question in that you need to remove something in the script called battler_clear(true) or something, I removed it only in the area you specified, but when I did a search of all the scripts, that same line of code appears in other places, do those need to be removed/commented out?
6th, is there a way(with your script) to add multiple commands/areas where skills can be? For example, instead of just 'skills' or whatever you rename it to, can you have Attack, white magic, black magic, defend, move, wait, status, etc?
7th, I haven't tested this myself, but is it possible to have more than one battle per map? What I'm trying to go for are dungeons that have enemies scattered in them, where if you bump into one it goes into a battle, similar to chrono trigger, except that the battles would obviously be strategy based, not rpg based. Or can you only do one battle per map?
8th, I'm still not entirely understanding how the enemy-sprite thing works. I understand how it FINDS the file, I'm just not getting how it... uses it. For example, when I try to use the 'slime' in your demo as a character in VX, it highlights different sprites within the slime template, instead of all the sprites (as is common in vx), or a single sprite in a certain directional facing (As in xp). So how does your script interpret which character sprite to use out of say, 'actor1', which has 4 or 6 different characters in it? Do you have to divide up actor1 into multiple different templates, or can you specify which section you want to use? The main reason I'm concerned with this is I plan to have a lot of human enemies, which will involve using like actor1, actor2, people1, etc.
9th, Is it possible to have non-fighting/turn taking events that have HP and take up space? In this case I'm thinking of something like a tree, a wall, a rock that would have HP, maybe even 'defense' and can be destroyable. This doesn't happen in FFT, but if you've ever played some of the Front Mission games, this would be a nice feature.
10th, Is it possible to have the AI do other things other than kill or going to a certain point, such as defending a certain point, targetting a certain actor; trying to destroy a certain event (similar to what I'm hoping for in question 9), etc. Or is the AI only capable of kill all enemy scenarios?
11th, if there is a spell that ends a battle, like Egress from Shining force, is there a function in your script to restore that particular battle to its defaults and then re-start it if the player enters the same area, or does whatever they did to initiate the battle in the first place?
12th, What things from the database do NOT transfer to battles? For example, does extra critical under the actor tab, dual strike or whatever under the weapons tab and absorb damage under the skills tab transfer over into your battle system like normal, or are extra steps needed to make one actor do more criticals, one weapon attack twice, or one skill absorb hp damage as hp healing for the user?
13th, When 'placing' your actors, is there a way to scroll through (like L1/R1 in FFT, to skip characters that you don't want to add?)
I can't remember the other questions I had, but these are a lot as it is.
One last thing:
I've changed the following things and it still shows up as a blank character whenever an actor dies, here are the areas I modified, tell me if I messed up somewhere, or if it must just be the template itself.
def character_name
return @character_name if !$game_temp.in_battle
return "deadchar" if dead? and !animated? # beauner alteration
return @character_name
and from actor/enemy death
module GTBS
# Character/Enemy Death Options #
# Check Death Action
# This section allows you to identify common events upon death for what map
# you are fighting on by the id of the actor/enemy
def self.check_death_action(map_id, type = 0)
case map_id
when 1
return {1=>6} if type == 0 #actors
return {} #enemy death
when 3
return {1=>7} if type == 0 #actors
return {36=>8}
return {} if type == 0 #actors
return {} #enemies
# DownSets by Nick - create a battlername_down file for each character to display
# other than a downed soldier.
# Downsets are only used if you are not using Animated Battlers or Remove Dead
def self.down_graphic(type, battler_name = "")
if FileTest.exist?("Graphics/Characters/#{battler_name}_down.png")
return "#{battler_name}_down"
if type == "enemy" ; return "$Slime down"
elsif type == "actor"
# This little code gets the downset from the prefix.
pre = battler_name.split("-")[0].to_i
if pre >= 1 and pre <= 16 ; return "$Slime down"
elsif pre >= 17 and pre <= 32 ; return "$Slime down"
elsif pre >= 33 and pre <= 48 ; return "$Slime down"
else ; return "$Slime down"
def self.down_x(id, type = "enemy")
# The X of the downset here. To add enemy, add below "enemy", else add below "else"
case type
when "enemy"
case id
when 5 ; r = 1
else ; r = 0
case id
when 1 ; r = 0
when 2 ; r = 1
when 4 ; r = 2
when 5 ; r = 1
when 6 ; r = 2
when 8 ; r = 1
else ; r = 0
return r
def self.down_y(id, type = "enemy")
list = []
# The Y of the downset here. To add enemy, add below "enemy", else add below "else"
case type
when "enemy"
case id
when 0 ; r = 0
else ; r = 0
case id
when 1 ; r = 0
when 2 ; r = 2
when 3 ; r = 3
when 5 ; r = 1
when 6 ; r = 1
when 7 ; r = 3
when 8 ; r = 1
else ; r = 0
return r
# End Downsets by Nick