Lucas Scoppio
GubiD, sorry to ask, but do you have any reference book or "how to program in RGSS2"? I'm actually trying to make my way into it but I do not have any kind of documentation to help me =\
There is an "easy way" to calculate which "tile"(x,y) in the "mother map" belongs as what tile (x,y) location to the "child map"? You know, its pretty hard to assemble an isometric map when he is actually 2 maps! >.<
I really need a feedback on that so this "work" can be something else then a "make and try"
0 - Hum... I'll try to add some "fixed Battle tower" and I will tell you if it does work XD
2 - I need a change in this part of your script, could you help me? (I mean, do it for me cuz im a noob!)
Actually the "Set Battle_scene" is based on the map_id, but i do need it to be based on a variable (I will have a lot of battles comming from a single map, and I will lose too much maps if I do "change the map" for every different battle_scene... =\
Something like THAT
I know its not "right" but the idea is close to it, instead of using "case map_id" I want to use:
case game_variable
when "variable = 1" then map = 1
when "variable = 2" then map =2
else; map = actual map_id
return map
(this "game_variable" is one of those variables that I can access using the events "set variable to", ok?) I do apreciate your help and all your efforts to make it good as it is
There is an "easy way" to calculate which "tile"(x,y) in the "mother map" belongs as what tile (x,y) location to the "child map"? You know, its pretty hard to assemble an isometric map when he is actually 2 maps! >.<
I really need a feedback on that so this "work" can be something else then a "make and try"
0 - Hum... I'll try to add some "fixed Battle tower" and I will tell you if it does work XD
2 - I need a change in this part of your script, could you help me? (I mean, do it for me cuz im a noob!)
Actually the "Set Battle_scene" is based on the map_id, but i do need it to be based on a variable (I will have a lot of battles comming from a single map, and I will lose too much maps if I do "change the map" for every different battle_scene... =\
Something like THAT
# Sets battle_scene to change if called from specified map, otherwise it is self
def self.battle_map(game_variable)
case game_variable
when 1; map = 1
else; map = map_id
return map
I know its not "right" but the idea is close to it, instead of using "case map_id" I want to use:
case game_variable
when "variable = 1" then map = 1
when "variable = 2" then map =2
else; map = actual map_id
return map
(this "game_variable" is one of those variables that I can access using the events "set variable to", ok?) I do apreciate your help and all your efforts to make it good as it is