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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

I know this will sound noobish. But I am a noob - lol! :biggrin:

I've got the soldiers in my game to slash. But what if I want soldiers (enemy) to slash you, slimes to slime you/clobber you to death and bats to bite you to death and archers to fire you to death, how do you do that?

Cos' all I can get is slimes sliming and soldiers swiping but no bats biting... *chompy chomp*

Please cure my noob-ishness and answer my question! I've got everyting else working and it's such a great script!
Amos36":1lafpds6 said:
I know this will sound noobish. But I am a noob - lol! :biggrin:

I've got the soldiers in my game to slash. But what if I want soldiers (enemy) to slash you, slimes to slime you/clobber you to death and bats to bite you to death and archers to fire you to death, how do you do that?

Cos' all I can get is slimes sliming and soldiers swiping but no bats biting... *chompy chomp*

Please cure my noob-ishness and answer my question! I've got everyting else working and it's such a great script!

This can be done independently of the script. Just go to your database and make a new skill that uses a biting animation or a slashing animation, etc. with a base damage of 1, MP cost of 0 and ATK-F of 100. Then go to your enemies tab and replace "Attack" with that skill for the enemy. The panels won't come up as red like normal attack panels, but in the long run that really doesn't make a difference.
I know that, but it still brings up a "skill casting animation" and yellow panels. That's what I've done for now, yes. But I imagine there must be some way to do this within the script...

Any help anyone?
Someone have a script of a shop where you can buy mercenairies dinamicaly? like, without you have to create the chars on the database, you can hire mercenaires as much as you want with the class you want, like in the normal tactical games...
I saw something like this in the past Sephirot made one but i cant find it.. so can someone help me?
Hello Gubid, long time no see

i just wanna ask if its able to do double team attack in GTBS.

if the two allies are attacking the same enemy

can u make a double team attack ?
+ additional question..

1 .Can I make the dead characters to move by using


this code ?

just like , if one character dies , he will run away from the map , and I can use that code to make the down set move..(down set will be the normal characset)

is it able ?

2. Can u tell me how to hide a particular enemy's Hp & SP just like VX ??
<somethn like this .. ???/???>
I think is not available for XP yet..

3. if a battler is casting a magic, can we make it to show the name of the magic at the top of the map ?

4. how do we use teleport in the battle ? i only know that there is a teleport but i dunno how to use it..

5. If we get closer to the monster, can we just turn immediately into battle without moving the map ? ( im talking about just normal field battle , not the event battle..)

6. when the battler earned an item, can we show immeidately ? not after the battle...

7. last time i asked u about the AI of the neutrals or enemies.

I wanna know if its able to make enemies to attack particular characters.
and if its able to make neutral to move to somewhere..

8. in the victory conditions there is 'reach'
but i know that we only have to reach one coordinate to gain a victory
how can we make it to increase the coordinates possibility of the victory ?

9. can we make one enemy to transform into another enemy during the battle ?
for example, if enemy A 's HP is under 50% , then A transform in to Giant A.

10. Remember you made ccoa's UMS and GTBS compatible last time? and u told me i have to use \gtbsA[actor_id] or \gtbsE[enemy_id], these two codes for battle..
I was not trying for this and today i tried..
but nothing happend...

you can find your code over here..


11. Assume that we are using a downset, and how can we make it able to go over the battler's downset ?(But not able to go over the active battler..)

and also.. im going to make a chest in the battle and make it able to earn item..
but the battlers are still able to go over the chest even though i made it not to go over..
how can i handle this ?

12. when is the next version comming out ?


sorry for asking many questions, and i hope u continue to work with this amazing script
As far asI know, this hasn't been asked, but I haven't been through all 41 pages. What's the best way to make an event run automatically upon ending a battle, without it running mid-battle? And what does the third gauge on the stats mean/do?

After the battle is finished, turn a switch on that turns an auto-event on. When the auto-event finishes use another switch to turn off auto-event.

The 3rd gauge is the Time Gauge. When it reaches 100 the player/enemy can move/attack. The faster the player's agility, the quicker it goes up.

Can anyone help me with changing the attack animation of enemies. Swords, punches and bites, etc...?
I did that. The problem is, I can't stop it activating the switch before the battle, and the endingplaying through the battle itself. Or, if I do manage it, anything before gets played twice.
try doing something like this:
tbs_victory("cond", nil, 1)
where 1 is the common event number, the events after the battle.
Turn a switch on in that common event, or just add anything you want to put in it.

*replace "cond" and nil to something else.
Hi all,

Was wondering if someone knew how to alter the enemy collapse se (and other system sounds) in battle. So, for example, a goblin would make a different grunt noise than a human once he collapsed in battle. I'm familiar with scripts such as this: $game_system.enemy_collapse_se = "<filename>", which one could use to enact in an event to change any system sound. How might I set this up so that every monster/actor returns a different sound when they collapse?
P-Drogan: Forgot about that! :biggrin:

So can anyone help me with my problem? I still haven't figured out how to have the bat biting, the slime sliming and the soldier slashing you to death. I need different attack animations for different characters. I know u can do that with a skill but I know there must be a way to do this in the script, if not then can someone make a small edit possibly?
You could probably set up a common event, OR you could make an event called "trap" set to "when event touches" and then you can set up common event which moves the event depending on ur x,y.
Whenever I try to delete a placed character, I keep getting this problem:

First time I click on it, it selects it to move it to a new place, which works fine, but if I click it again, it does delete the character, but it places their battler pic instead of their sprite. Then if I press select again in that space, it highlights the space. If I press select again, it crashes and says:

Script '-Scene_Battle_TBS-' line 492: NoMethodError occurred.

undefined method `bat' for #<Sprite_Battler:0x6a63988>

Any idea what that means/how to fix it? I'd really like to be able to delete placed characters instead of the fix I have. The way I have it, it just plays the invalid selection sound when you click on the character you're moving again. Aside from that, it works wonderfully for me.
GubiD - problem occured! When getting enemies to move, they can only move using the "else" bit. e.g - I am using soldier. Soldier is set up individually to move 3, but the default makes it move 5. Also I still can't get the different monsters to attack differently.

It would also be nice to see the name of the spell appearing at the top of the screen in textbox.

Please answer our prayers GubiD and save us! :angel:
It's omg isn't kjel such a noob number 3! Can I have a face graphic for enemies as well as actors in the onscreen status box thingymawhut?

Edited to isn't he a double noob! Can I make it so that a new song doen't play when a battle starts? I can make the same song begin again, or make no song, but not make the song just carry on.
hey! I may sound stupid asking this question but is there a way to use ANIMATED character for the Actors and not just for the enemies for RPG MAKER VX?
thanks in advance.

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