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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

Wonderful! Thanks Gubid.  I have a few other question like if it's possible to change the AI difficulty and overall behavior i.e aggresive or passive. I seriously can't seem to find the help section, maybe i'm blind. Do you mind sending a link please?

Thanks again.
That information is in the help file.  Open the demo, press F11 to open the script editor, scroll to the bottom and you will find GTBS Help and GTBS Tutorials(unless you are VX), but the HELP should always be there.  Anyway, you are allowed to set the AI level based on the enemy ID.  however if you want to reset it for everything then look at the Game_System script OR review the help file to update it after the game has started using a Call Script event command.
here.. this should do the trick
class Scene_Battle_TBS < Scene_Base
  alias gtbs_gain_exp_proffession gain_exp
  def gain_exp
    type    = @exp_gained[0][0]
    battler = @exp_gained[0][1]
    targets = @exp_gained[0][2]
    exp = 0
    for target in targets
      next if !target.is_a?(Game_Enemy) or target.dead?
      if ENEMY_CLASS_EXP[enemy.enemy_id] > 0 
        exp += ENEMY_CLASS_EXP[enemy.enemy_id]
        exp += enemy.exp
    for actor in $game_party.members
      if actor == battler
        actor.class_gain_exp(class_exp, nil, false)
        if GTBS::EXP_ALL
          actor.class_gain_exp(class_exp/2, nil, false)
I tried the script that you gave me.
Thank you for your time, but it doesn't work...

Maybe I am placing it wrong?
I tried placing it in a new script and I also tried placing it in Scene_Battle_TBS.

I get a error with the line:
     if ENEMY_CLASS_EXP[enemy.enemy_id] > 0

And a second question, (yes i keep asking hihi)
In the Help section there is:
Can I fight on a different map then the one that calls it?

But can I also fight on a different map for a Area ID?
That's easier with World Maps...

Thanks in advance!!
Did I say that I didnt test it... cause I didnt test it.  However the solution is simple to the problem.  Replace the enemy.enemy_id with target.enemy_id in both places and it should resolve the problem.

At this time it doesnt have support for VX's region system. 

Celvin.. I dont have time to read it all right now.. how does it work?  Fog's are natively supported by VX so its likely a modification to SpritesetBattle GTBS class. 
Well thank you very much!

lol not tested again I assume,
now it sais there is a problem with 'class_exp'
in the line:
        actor.class_gain_exp(class_exp, nil, false)

Thank you very much for your time man!

And the region/area thing, will you make that in a newer version?
Or could you make that as a little add-on?

Thanks in advance.
Gubid":3hel8dld said:
Did I say that I didnt test it... cause I didnt test it.  However the solution is simple to the problem.  Replace the enemy.enemy_id with target.enemy_id in both places and it should resolve the problem.

At this time it doesnt have support for VX's region system. 

Celvin.. I dont have time to read it all right now.. how does it work?  Fog's are natively supported by VX so its likely a modification to SpritesetBattle GTBS class. 
Heh, I guess I confused you a bit there. It works like an ordinary fog. I just use them to add lighting effects for my maps. I'm using XP btw. From what I can tell, screen shake, screen flash, color tone and weather effects is updated. But I don't see anything about fogs.

Edit: How do I set up my victory conditions, so that I trigger common event 5 for instance, when I defeat all enemies? I've tried different variations, but with no luck so far.
I only seem to get in a loop so that I continue to fight while all the enemies are slain.

tbs_victory ("Defeat all
enemies",0, 5)

tbs_victory (5)
Change the word class_exp to just exp and it should work. 

I will consider it.

edit.. didnt notice your question about victory events...
tbs_vectory(nil,5) should do it.
I dont know exactly how they are applying the fogs to the map.. but I would guess you simply need to copy the script for Spriteset_Map into a new section and simply rename it to Spriteset_Battle_GTBS and it may work.  There may be problems, but I dunno.  I would have to look into it.  I would guess that above should do it before I use all the default methods in mine so their alias methods should work and update accordingly on my code.
I figured it out now. I have to update the fog the old fashion way while the battle is in progress. I usually call the fog by script as I'm using the Double Fog script, but for some reason that didn't work.
My bad..
I just suddenly started getting a

Script '-Game_Battler-' line 1050: NoMethodError occured.
undefined method `sp_cost' for nil:NilClass

when it's a new character's turn. It hasn't done it until now. If it helps, I just implimented Weapons and Summons. The thing is, it only seems to happen to the first character [001].

Could someone help me out?
I'd appreciate it a lot.

EDIT: It only gives me an undefined method when it's my first character's turn OR when I choose "Wait" for that same character [001].
Does anyone know if this battle system can become compatible with other battle systems. Specifically, Charlie Lee's CBS v2.10. I really want to implemant both in my game. It would a shame if I won't be able to.
It should be, being as you can switch between the DBS and the tactical one.
Gubid, I have a question. Is there any way you can make the status window show all the time while you are selecting an action? It's just I've edited your battle system's windows, and the layout just doesn't look right without the status window as well.

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