Thanks Exo! The map is going to auto center in 1.5 over the first place or actor event on the map it finds. So scrolling will start from there instead of the uppermost corner.
fox5, Thanks! It is likely that the calling event is a parallel or autostart event. When that is the case, if you dont set a switch/self switch before the "battle processing" command, then it may auto abort the battle. This has already been corrected in 1.5. I am working on adding mouse support so its being quite fun.
xSnOwYx, if you ask me, it requires 10x less setup than other TBS's available and is ready to go by simply placing 2 events on a map. actor1, and enemy1. Then call you battle and WALLA! You have a battle. Anyway, I wonder if someone could create a video tutorial to help out you, going by your quote, "noobs."
badmonur, NightSway and ragnaroa,
Found and resolved, will be part of 1.5
Cyrtii, I can imagine it wouldnt be that hard, although, I am kidda strapped for time, which is why I didnt respond until now. Has anyone accepted your request yet? Regardless it SHOULD only require a small update the gain_exp method in Scene_Battle_TBS to gain class exp as well as regular exp.
Temogin, I am going to need a little more information to help you. Can you provide the line number the error was encountered on, and is that part of my scripts. Also, are you using any other scripts that might affect it.
Odinel, I got your demo, just havent had time to look at it. I will shoot you a reply when I have a minute to review it.
ragnaroa, yeah, when I release 1.5, I will start a new thread. I think we have almost hit the post limit for this thread anyway.
FireDragon_IceWolf, Odd.. summons always disappear immediately when they die.. can you give me some steps to duplicate this scenario? Limitbreaks can be added, but I dont know what you would have to do. I have never reviewed anyones limit break code. Perhaps a future add-on. Although anyone is free to make it for me.. if you get what i mean.
As for the current location display... do a search on @cur_location (ctrl + shift + f) then where I set the .x and the .y for it.. add a new .visible = false line, and it will be hidden.
Twytchums, actually that wouldnt be hard to do. You will have to update 2 sections of code. First is def update_battlers(if you are using xp) or def process_battlers(vx) and find the death stuff, which adds the actor to the $game_system.tactics_dead array. As you notice in the code when the GTBS::REMOVE_BATTLERS is true, then the battlers are added to a different thing. There is also a if statement for Game_Enemy vs Game_Actor. Just update the Game_Enemy method to do the Remove_Battlers function all the time. Then update Sprite_Battler_GTBS when it checks for !battler.collapsed? and battler.dead?, and have it again, always perform the remove_battlers thing when a Game_Enemy.
Well, anyway, I guess I can tell you about some of the stuff I am doing for 1.5. First let me say that I am adding a Mouse script (Woratana's for VX and Mousie for XP) and that they have both been modified to only accept input from the mouse when you are OVER the 'active' window. This allows for more complexity when selecting tiles ect to move and blah blah. I am currently working on the method to get the map x,y when in iso, based on the current displayed area, and a new scroll method to update the window based on the current mouse position, but only when clicked etc. Anyway, I am also taking a stab at large units. I found a way that may be clever enough to pull it off and it only required small changes to the engine itself, but a couple of complex change to the battler passable techniques etc. The large units could be applied to the normal map as well, so that you can something like 'Garr' from BoF3 where he cannot pass where the other characters can, although at this time it is only getting added to the tbs. I am also working on adding DIM objects as well. When you move behind a DIM object, then that object would DIM so that you can see behind it. These at this time will have to be events on the map and I will create a special case etc for them. I have also corrected all the bugs mentioned above and a couple others I found. Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I am updating the graphics system. In the future of GTBS you will use a single sprite sheet and its size etc wont matter. I am going to allow you to customize your animations.. so that you can reuse frames without having to redraw them in a separate cell. By that I mean that you will have a pattern_index.. you will give it a patter of say.. @pattern = [1,2,3,2,4,5,4,3,2,1] and it will be processed in that order. This will allow for less time required to do spriting and will allow for variable length animations. By doing this, you can also implement alternate attack patterns for the same weapon, by that I mean that you could.. attack low one time, and mid/high attack the next time. This will take a bit of configuring, BUT would pay off big for a professional type. Of course it will come with the default that is already configured 6 frames of [0,1,2,3,4,5] for right now, but in the future, if I can get some new sprites, will be far more complex. Along with alot of this is going to come GTMenu, which is a FFT style tactical battle menu system, that gives you everything that the normal menu gives you, plus all the features of FFT.. ability assignment and class changing (class changing was previewed on this thread a while back.. ) Anyway, Hope you all enjoyed the quick update. I suppose that is enough of me talking about stuff. Oh yeah.. one last thing. not all of these enhancements.. like animations and dim objects etc, are not going to VX, sorry

. If someone would like to help start taking on this project that would also be highly appreciated. Perhaps I will open a sourceforge project for its distro etc.. perhaps later. Well, later!