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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

1. Gubid, I see in the demo , Aluxes use the counter attack automatically..

where can i do the settings like that ?

2. How can I change the font during the game ?

I only can change the font during the battle.. let me know how to change the font of game ;; I only find the font setting in the battle..

  EXP is based off the FFT default which is (10 + (Actor level - Enemy Level)), that is x2 when delivering the death attack. You are welcome to modify the exp model to your desired model.  Its called def gain_exp in Scene_Battle_TBS.  If you have any questions, please let me know.
  Open Scene bug.. yes its a bug.  I am looking into it.
  Help.. working on it.
  Damage display.. Can you provide an concrete steps to have it display when it shoudnt?  That would help in narrowing down in the code why/where it is occuring.
  btw, I like the look of your tileset and characters.  quite nice.

  Yeah, actually it wouldnt be that hard to do that.  I will draw up some methods soon and will let you know.

  1.  Its a state that is assigned to him by the armor in which he is wearing.  As long as the actor has the state "counter" assigned to him/her, then they will counter when attacked based on percents and etc.
    Font.default_name = "FONT_NAME"
    Font.default_size = FONT_SIZE

That should work for both XP and VX.  Changing the default font should change it everywhere... unless those particular scripts specific a particular font in them.  There are a couple places in mine that I do.  Just look for '.font.name =' and you should find a number of entries.
hmm gubid i have a problem ..

i can see the settings that i can change fonts in

-GTBS_Engine_Settings- and -Main-

If I type korean letters in -GTBS_Engine_Settings- i can see the letters during the battle

but i can't see the letters during the game eventhough i changed the font in the -Main-.,.

do u have any idea ??
1. Yes ! I cant see the korean letters when I try to show the text and also in the menu..

i can see english but not the korean letter eventhough I changed into korean font..

But I can see korean letters during the battle.,.

2. Gubid can you please tell me the code that i can make the actor escape frome the normal battle ? sorry i for got the code..
Hey, Gubid!

Just stopped by to congratulate you on your award.

In other news...is there a way to automatically summon more troop members on your side when you start the battle? like in FF12 Revenant Wings? Basically, when the battle starts, 2 summons are summoned for each of your party members. I don't need quite that much, but it would be really cool if this is possible. I wouldn't want to control them, because that would be too much hassle. I want the AI to control them. I know you can summon manually by activating spells. So if this is done by eventing, with the "Force Action" command, would it work?
I have a question and something I would like to post.
First question is where in the TBS does it read skills. I want to have some skills that take effect when used, but allows the actor to still take a turn.

Second is I found a way around the Class_ID reference for movement. I used armor4_ID. It doesn't read the exact number for the armor id, but apparently from a a list. I haven't tested it much yet but It would be a nice edit for those that are making a mecha game and have movement defined by a leg part

Quick Edit. When I have it read from Armor4_ID, it only reads the first Armor_ID. If I can find a way to have it read all values from the database then this feature would be great to have
If I remember correctly, you are using CCoa's UMS right?  If that is the case you need to update the Font name for the UMS as well.  Find line 249 and it should say    @font = "Verdana"... simply change the verdana to what you would like it to be.


ragnaroa,  Thanks!
You can do that using "set_character" read the help section to figure it out.  Its pretty simple.

You mean that you want a skill that will take effect immediately but not using their "action" for the turn?
You would need to modify the def base_move for the Game_Battler class to return each of the move numbers... then average them out or something to get the best move. 
Read it for each of the armors(1,2,3,4) and add it to an array, then read everything out of the array and add it together then divide by the size of the array and you have your number.  At least that is what I would do.
1. Gubid i tried to replace the word 'move' 'attack' 'wait' into image file..

<img src=http://www.op.co.kr/ii/t4/imgd/th200807/21/12/139300778548841ad7572f8.jpg>

It looked like this , how can i get rid of the boxes ??

2. I saw the previous forums and i found this...

<img src=http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/8407/currentguild2.png>

How can I make Like this gubid ?

Thanks !!
odinel":mvfbklk9 said:
1. Gubid i tried to replace the word 'move' 'attack' 'wait' into image file..

<img src=http://www.op.co.kr/ii/t4/imgd/th200807/21/12/139300778548841ad7572f8.jpg>

It looked like this , how can i get rid of the boxes ??

2. I saw the previous forums and i found this...

<img src=http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/8407/currentguild2.png>

How can I make Like this gubid ?

Thanks !!
I think you'll need isometric script, but i wonder if there is an isometric for vx since vx mapping system is different than xp system that on vx version didn't allow us to change its priority or changing passability arrows
iqbal_0k , thanks but i was not asking for the isometric thing..

I was asking about the menu style like the player status ..
If you want to set the windows in other locations, then follow what digidog did here.  Its 2 post below the image that you posted.. which he posted...
http://www.rmxp.org/forums/http://dev.r ... 83#p440083

iqbal_0k, there is a iso system for vx.  I wrote it.  You can find the demo around here somewhere in the script archive.  Actually the VX GTBS demo has a iso map.. although it just uses the default tileset, but it is isometric movement.
<1> well i replaced the two script that digidog told..

but this kind of error occured..

<img src=http://www.op.co.kr/ii/t4/imgd/th200807/22/29/211073433848856210331c3.jpg>

<2> Hmm gubid can U check another error ..

<img src=http://www.op.co.kr/ii/t4/imgd/th200807/22/32/1509392614885ef631ecc0.jpg>

I dondt know why this occured;;;


Can I make

display the word ' Esacpe ! ' when the actors escape from the battle ?

and also can I make a selction like

"escape or not ? '

1. Escape => escape from the battle
2. Dont

Ill wait 4 ur reply !
Gubid, I've got a weird problem with skill wait times. Basically, any wait time above 0, and the skill just doesn't cast. At the time of the actor's turn to cast, it just does a normal turn. (This works just fine in your demo)

Also, setting enemy movements doesn't work, either. It just does the default. (This holds true for your demo)

Any ideas?

EDIT: Also, state effects (poison, blind, etc) don't work, heh.
1.  Return your scripts the working version.. then open Scene Battle TBS and find each window when its created via the @windows["WINDOW TYPE"] = and you will set its x,y manually by doing.. @windows["WINDOW TYPE"].x = NUMBER, and @windows["WINDOW TYPE"].y = NUMBER
2. Recopy the GTBS_EngineSettings script, cause it sounds like you removed the def self.font method.
3. Sure you can do whatever you want.  I dont know how you would call the escape menu, but I would guess it would be a triggered event. So a script would do the trick for poping the "escape" 
  for actor in $game_system.tactics_actors
    actor.damage = "Escape!"
    actor.damage_pop = true
As for a window, you can do that via the event with show choices or something.  If you really want a separate window, then I would recommend you start learning scripting. 

demo me
Okay, so my question for the day is this:
Is it possible to alter the system so that when party characters (actors) die, they are "downed" as they are by default, but when monsters (enemies) die, they disappear for good? :huh:
That would be just the thing to make my game that much more interesting.
(just because I'm using monsters, and I've decided they don't know how to revive each other >.<)
Any help with this would be awesome. :thumb:



How do we turn off the little numbers in XP GTBS demo? It tells the coordinates of the square you selected. >.>' I need to turn it off. Also...how do we set it so Team Battle is the default instead of ATB?
Ooh, I can help you with that last one! :smile:
Changing the default to "Team" instead of "ATB" is easy.
In the "Game_System" script, go down to line 24 and change "ATB" to "TEAM".
@cust_battle = "TEAM"
Hope that helps you! :thumb:



Thanks. :3 Also I just noticed....you can revive your summon with a tonic. >.>'

And....I'm still having problems with the coordinates thing still appearing on screen.

Edit: THink there'd be a way to implement limit breaks on the TBS as well?

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