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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

Gubid":1p1lhjhd said:
It wouldn't need to be like 200 objects.. Create a tree character set to have all the different types then just set them when necessary.  At least that is what I do.  See then its 1 event for an entire tree.  Just as you were saying with pictures.  You will define the "dim" area by adding a comment in the code.  It will be a event function, so it can work for normal scene's as well.

Of course, why didn't I think of that O_o;
ragnaroa, couple weeks.  Still much testing to be done. 

Odinel, 2 problems.
1 is because you placed the sdk below my scripts.  The SDK must be placed ABOVE it.
2 is something I did.. find the script for -Game_Map- line 49, and change it from
    return if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Battle)
    return if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Battle_TBS)
and it wont auto bail on you.  That was because of the 1.4 enhancements that it didnt work like it was supposed to.  Something I missed.

Anyway, progress is coming.  the mouse stuff is still giving me trouble.  Until I get that worked out I am putting the other stuff on hold.. for a little bit.  Hope to get some major work done on it over the next couple of weeks. 

I will look into the summon thing.
Gubid thanks everything was solved !!

but I still have two problems..

1, Last time you told me how to display the word 'Escape' when the battler escape..

you told me 

for actor in $game_system.tactics_actors
    actor.damage = "Escape!"
    actor.damage_pop = true

this kind of code.. where do I have to add these ??

2. when I escape from the battle..

<img src=http://www.op.co.kr/ii/t4/imgd/th200808/01/08/161705275248928c577375b.jpg>

the battler's picture just like the image that I linked , doesnt disappears..

how can I make that picture disapear when the battle ends ??
( It dissapears when I end the battle with killing all the monsters..)

I think it only happens when I escape from the battle..
DB, I specifically made it so there could be only 1 version of any character on the field at a time.

1. In a call script command. that passes the escape command.
2. I wonder what escape command you are using $scene.end_battle(1) or $scene.exit_battle.  You should be using $scene.end_battle(1)
<1> For number 1 ,

<img src=http://www.op.co.kr/ii/t4/imgd/th200808/01/09/220872121489318ffe997f.jpg>

is this right ??

but the word Escape doesnt appears..

for number2, now it works ! thanks.,.

<2> I found the error now.. the error about the equipment skill..

when I try to see the 'Skill' & 'Equip' menu..(the normal menu..)

<img src=http://img.op.co.kr/ii/t4/imgd/th200808/02/13/10454822504893281271c88.jpg>

this kind of error occurs...

<img src=http://img.op.co.kr/ii/t4/imgd/th200808/02/13/21195858724893281283d8d.jpg>

As you see in the picture I placed the SDK above your scrip and equipment skills..

can u find out what is wrong?

the error occures at the line 416 of equipment skill script..
<img src=http://www.op.co.kr/ii/t4/imgd/th200808/02/16/26704576489328d2b413f.jpg>

I believe you can help me again thanks !!
i Think the ai of the enemy Is a little low they need more skills in another way i think 6 frame ( for vx )is not prefect so I have a better way: 5 frame (2,1,0, 1,2)
Is there any way to use the old way on animating your battlers in the next version of the script? So that I don't have to mess with the animations I've already made?
Sorry Odinel, I will post your demo you provided me back online with the fix when I can get around to doing it.
qcqm2001, I will look into the problem and with the next update you can setup your frames to be whatever you need.  Whether than is 3 frames and 5 "animations" or whatever.
Celvin, the new animation system will be backwords compatible so that you dont have to recreate animations.

I was wondering how you can update weather in the TBS? I've got a(n) (common) event weather system in my game, but once in battle the weather effect on the screen never changes. If it's raining before the battle, it stays raining even when the bgs stops, and the exact opposite happens when there's no weather and it starts raining (the bgs starts).

EDIT: Also, is it possible to change the "Z" axis of the battle windows so that they're 'above' the screen when it flashes (simulating a thunderstorm)?

Could someone please give me a brief tutorial on how to add new skills/weapons and how to set their range. I can't seem to find the help section.

psiclone, I would guess the reason it doesnt update is because I dont check common events each round to see if another one needs to be run.. I simple pass a common event when manually called upon.  I will look into enabling common events during the main battle scene so that you can still use those things.  However, I will only do common events.. anything else will need to be called battle_event for me to acknowledge it without making it a battler.  Leaving all the events on the maps, tends to only make things more complicated in my opinion.

odinel.. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?k2jplt1hgaq , sorry it took so long. 

Dylan Kenny, Thanks!

jermseh,here is the snippet from the help/tutorial section..
# How do I create new skills,weapons or Summons?
# Creating Skills, Weapons, and Summons for GubiD's GTBS
# The Basics
# ----------
# Creating a skill for use in GTBS is quite simple; you simply need to make it
# like you would any other spell, in the built-in Database for RPG Maker XP.
# However, in order to fully utilize the system, there are a few things you
# must also configure in the GTBS:
# - The range of the skill, if greater than 1 tile adjacent to the user.
# - The waiting time of the skill, if waiting times are necessary.
# - The shape of the skill. Either a plus (+) range, or an L-shaped one.
# - Whether or not the skill is actually a summoning skill.
# Configuration
# -------------
# The rest of the skill's properties should be handled correctly by the
# database. Moving on, the specific methods in -GTBS_Move/Weapon/Skill- which affect the
# skills in-battle include:
# def self.skill_range(id)
#   - Defines the range of a skill by its ID in the Database.
# def self.skill_wait(id)
#   - Defines the waiting period, in AT, in which a skill must be on standby
#     before it is casted, configured by ID.
# def self.is_summon?(skill_id)
#   - Defines if a skill is a summoning skill or not. Summon skills must have
#     their summon itself configured in a seperate method (see Summon section).
# The Basics
# ----------
# Much like skills, most of the features of a weapon are configured directly in
# the database. Only one extra thing is customizable in the GTBS with weapons,
# which is assigning a custom attack range based on the equipped weapon.
# Configuration
# -------------
# Only one method is associated with weapons, and that happens to be:
# def self.w_range(id)
#   - Defines the range of a weapon by ID. If none is assigned, it is set to 1,
#     which is the adjacent tiles only.
# BOW_LSHAPE = _______
#   - Defines whether or not weapons can attack at "angles" or "L shapes". If
#     set to false, you can only attack in a straight line in any direction,
#     limited by your skill's actual range and splash.
# The Basics
# ----------
# Summons are a custom, new feature, built directly into the GTBS. With it, you
# can create an actor that is considered a "summon", which you can bring to the
# field in-battle by making a skill to summon it. The database plays the role
# of giving the summon its stats, and the rest is configured entirely by the
# GTBS's module configuration section (-GTBS_Move/Weapon/Skill-).
# A few things to note about summons:
# - Summons are controlled automatically by AI during battle.
# - Both an actor and an enemy entry for the summon are necessary. However, you
#   only need to configure the stats, equipment, levels, classes, and other
#   things to the actor only. Ideally, they should also be the same ID.
# - In order to make a skill into a summon skill, you must create an element in
#   the database which matches the one in -GTBS_Move/Weapon/Skill-, which, by default, is
#   position 17 of the element list.
# Configuration
# -------------
# The summoning side of the GTBS has two options to be configured:
# def self.is_summon?(skill_id)
#   if .element_set.include?(17)
#   - The first one appeared in the skills section, as well. However, it has
#     dual uses; it shows which element ID must be applied to a summon (in this
#     case, element #17) and which skill ID summons which actor in the
#     Database built into the game. Remember, it summons the actor entry, not
#     the enemy entry.
# def self.move_range(class_id)
#   - Defines the move range of a summon, based on its class. You can make a
#     new class for each individual summon and define all of their move ranges
#     independently here.

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