Thats a pretty good looking isometric map. On the left side of the map... I noticed that you wrote 10 above the pieces when they should infact be 6. Judging from the look of the map, I wonder if your squares are really the correct size. The reason I say this is because, the placement in an isometric map is actually kinda hard to get.. 'just right'. I have personally found that drawing the map in paint manually then skinning it later is the only way to ensure its the exact right size. Here is a picture included in the isometric demo to portray exactly what I mean.
And a good check to run on this to ensure you are "on the right tile" is to stay on the 2 section below it and see if you are still accurately placed when you are below the cliff. It should be a distance just of 4, but if you are not centered on the lower tile, the likely problem is that your cliff, is not big enough. Use that iso map template in the above link to ensure you are lined up correctly on the map and that you drew it correctly. You might also try to draw the map in something else first.. like that default iso template in the demo.. then after drawing it and testing it to ensure its correct, re-skin it. I did that for a couple of my maps.
The animation system is based on the default update pattern method.. which simply increases the pattern after x number of runs throughs based on current stance of still or walking or speed. Its the @anime_count inside Game_Character.. I copied the default system over to the battle system and adjust it slightly. It would be fairly easy to update the system to follow a patter index. So when the pattern is increased then @pattern = patern[index], where pattern is your noted array... [ 1 2 3 2 1 4 5 4 ]. Then you can remain with the 5 frames, and yet still receive your "correct" animation. This for most people however is very complex and will likely confuse many users. I would however be willing to show you how to implement that if you would like, it really wouldnt be that difficult.
Thanks guys for the nomination and deliverance of a prized award. I placed it in my signature.
btw.. I have since checked out shinning force, but before really getting into this, I hadnt heard of it. I used to be really heavy in gaming, but then I got a job and didnt have much time to devote to games. I have since faught that curve and put in some time, but I just dont spend that much time playing them anymore it seems.
DB, sorry. I was out of town most of this week, or enjoyed BoF3 and didnt really want to be bothered with programming. I will be taking a look at it tomorrow when I have some down time at work.
odinel, you can create an update to the damage method of RPG::Sprite to produce the sound if the "value" is text and includes those words.
something like this..
class RPG::Sprite
alias add_sound_to_damage damage
def damage(value, critical)
if critical == true
if !value.is_a?(Numeric)
if value.include?("Miss") or value.include?("miss")
add_sound_to_damage(value, critical)
Keep in mind that I didnt test that and the syntax may be slightly off, but should be pretty close. Give it a shot and see what you get.
I will see what I can do gannon.