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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

This may be difficult, but if not, I have an idea. Could you set it up so range, field, and all that was done with Database Note tags? That would make creating skills so much faster! :thumb:

-Shadow Lord

P.S.-By the way, I use the VX version. It rocks!
Hi GubiD i have just tried your VX version of Gubid's Tactical System as i only got the vx maker as of now. Im really impressed on the system and really cant wait for the latest update version of it. You even have the ISO feature and another WOW for it, i say it got lots of potential and cant wait to see moar of it!
As for some remarks or feedback about your latest demo i noticed when on the battle event, the tiles where the enemy monster (slime) dies you cannot pass on that tile not even the enemy. Was it intended? i think it would be much better if you can pass on that tile like those of FFT. Great works Gubid!!!
skynabe, yeah, its the status window that is causing the lag in the 1.4 release.  I have corrected it already, and if you look back a couple of pages, you can find a remedy for it as well.
SL, You know thats a good idea.  Perhaps when I do a revamp of the system, that is what i will do.  It will however, likely stay the way it is, for some time.
muffin, Thanks for the comments!  As far as I could tell, you can always "pass" by one of the tiles with a dead enemy, but you cannot directly occupy that tile.  I count it as passable in the code, until the end, in which I remove it as a movable location, although you can still move "through" it.  This is the same way it worked in FFT.  I retested the demo to make sure that is the way it works, and it appears to be correct.  Let me know if you are seeing something else.
Great system GubiD, but for some reason when a battle starts and an enemy or player attacks something I get the error
'bitmap/animeobj' line 164: NoMethodError occurred. undefined method 'name' for nil:nilclass
I'd appreciate it if you could help me out.
What is the total number of animations in your database?  make sure its at least 110, and if that doesnt help.. are you using any weapon modifier scripts or of that sort?
Gubid":1jexy2w4 said:
What is the total number of animations in your database?  make sure its at least 110, and if that doesnt help.. are you using any weapon modifier scripts or of that sort?
Okay, well, I checked my database and the animations were under 110, and I'm not using any weapon modifying scripts. My maximum animations were at 100 with about 85 taken up, so I changed it to 150. So does it have to be 110 animations with all of them being used? Also, I'm not great with RPG Maker VX or scripting of any sort so if you can could you explain the 110 animation thing?

-edit- Forgot to add that I tested it out with 150 (maximum) animations in my database and it gave me the same error. Also, the only other scripts I am using is MOG_Menu_Status_Aya and MOG Menu Yui  and I already tried removing them and got the same error.

-edit 2- Okay, well I woke up today and just put in 110 as the maximum in animations, and now it's working. Thanks for the help Gubid!
Glad you liked my idea! I didn't expect it to be implemented soon. I just wanted to give everyone using the scripts (VX and XP) an easier time making weapons/skills. Thank you for the system!

-Shadow Lord
There are a few bugs i found when i tried to convert the screen size to 800x600.

Anyways The @windows["help"].visible = true doesn't refresh properly for me, i'm not sure how to fix it as i'm not so adept in scripting.

When i enable this option to true, it doesn't display the info menu; however, when i de-select the character [goes to no selection free map scroll] and then select the character again. The info menu shows up. I'm not sure if this is a bug or if it's something else i'm doing wrong.

This is from the battle sequence.

When i test the summon system, after certain periods of summon, they are "doomed" and i get an error. I used the default sprites so there shouldn't be any problems O_O;; not sure. I'll post more when i have time to trace the error/screenshot.

I'm also working on an iso tileset layout if your interested. it looks extremely nicer compare to the defaults lol. I'm better doing layouts and mapping compare to scripting D:
ninjaalamode, the reason it requires at least 110 animations in the database is because that is what I set the "animated" animations at.  By that I mean... animation numbers that cause the actor to initiate an animation instead of playing the said animation_id.  Hope that makes sense.

Dung Beetle, I will be taking a look at the demo today and will let you know.

Shadow Lord, np, thanks for the input!

mukumuku, not sure about the status screen thing, although I found and corrected the problem with the summoning.  I referrenced battler_sprites instead of actor/enemy_sprites which is one of the requirement changes of vx.  Didnt play that part of it.  Also, I didnt include a monster_down file for the summon. I would love to see the iso tileset.




First off let me say I absolutely love your tactical battle system. It is exactly the kind of system a lot of people can put to use in some fantastic games. I haven't been able to read this thread entirely because I've been strapped for time with work and working on my own project but I have a few questions that I may have missed or haven't had the time to completely seek out.

First off, I see the animations for each character extend to 6 frames. Why did you chose 6 frames and did you base this decision of a certain sprite set or the likes? I think final fantasy tactics uses 5 frames, or at least thats how I've been able to build the sprite sets for each tactics character. If I wanted to change my animations to 5 frames would this be difficult?

Also, I've been working on recreating isometric map sets in photoshop, currently working on a forrest+swampish set(based off fftactics of course), I'll surely post it to give everyone a sneak peak of the interesting mapwork that can be done with this system. Its too bad slanted tiles aren't possible, then again that must require a lot more coding in the sytem. I could produce slanted tile maps, but the square highlighting system won't highlight them entirely correctly, which may or may not be a big deal, I'll have to look into that.

Oh, and my other question is why did you decide to make a version for the RMVX? To my knowledge that system doesn't support any map layers and to have a really nice isometric game like fftactics in a sense would be extremely daunting. I hope you greatly continue to improve and support the RMXP version, because thats the one I plan on working very intensely with. Thank you for your time!
Aaust, I dunno, I just choose 6 cause its a good number.  It is easily changed in the script.  I am actually thinking of changing alot of the animation stuff in the near future.  Separate images for each pose actually might be easier to maintain and would allow more frames if desired for each "pose." This way you set the number of frames manually before using a skill or whatever, and that will allow that animation to be processed as desired.  I am thinking about adding a "helping" animation for them as well, so that you can still have sound effects with your skills and so on.  It has lots of room for improvement.  I think I created the animation system in 1-2 days, so meh.

I would love to see your isometric maps.  I am actually looking at a method to bring in a height field map that will get the "height" of each corner of each tile and draw the map  In other words getting the vertexs and drawing a real 3d map.  I dont know about animated tiles, but I do have a lot to figure out before that will be a reality. 

VX was because so many people had requested it.  You can still create a quality map, it just requires much more effort in VX that it did/does in XP.  I personally will develop the VX code a little more with bug fixes and a couple new features, but I intend my main focus to remain on XP, as that is what I am making my game in.

Thanks for your comments!  later



Hey thanks for your reply! I'm glad to hear you're pretty equally dedicated to both engines. And that's really cool that you decided to offer up your time to create a version that works in RMVX.

So, I've run into a problem that is stumping me pretty profoundly. I wonder if anyone who's built maps in your system, or you yourself can point out to me. This is the map I was currently working on designing.


The two locations where the blue arrows are pointing are indicating height levels where technically they should both be "6"... but it doesn't work that way. They only way I found I could travel effectively on the path I show is by putting in the numbers in blue. However, wouldn't this present a problem if I wished to make a staircase on the level thats a "10" in height back down to the "2" height level!?

Oy, this is boggling me. Did I do something wrong in my map design? O_o;

I'll honestly start drooling in a stupor if I continue to itch my head over this one. Oy.
gubid , how can i make the sound different when the attack is miss or critical ?


how can i make Aluxes not to use counter attack ? where can I find the settings ?



EDIT: I figured out the other code area I needed to change to change the frames.. but I also discovered something else that may be an interesting point to note..

Also, another thing I forgot to mention in my first post is I wished to know where I could change the animation frame number from 6 to 5, I located

I had to change: 6 to an 8

self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.character(@battler.character_name,
          if @character_name.include?("ANIM")
            #@cw = bitmap.width / 6
            @cw = bitmap.width / 8          #Where I changed the number
            @ch = ((bitmap.height / 11) / 4)

Also had to change the number here..
          if @character_name.include?("ANIM")
            #@cw = bitmap.width / 6        
            @cw = bitmap.width / 8          #Where I changed the number
            @ch = ((bitmap.height / 11) / 4)

But, the reason why I had to change it to an 8 instead of a 5, is because I realized I needed 8 frames, not just 5 to get the smooth animation like seen in Final Fantasy Tactics.

See you actually have to animate the frames in this order according to this frame set:
http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c9/le ... eanim1.jpg[/img]

ANIM [ 1 2 3 2 1 4 5 4 ]

If you animate them in this order (I checked it in an animation editor to make sure my theory was right) then they get the smooth walking animation seen in the game, otherwise animated just 1 2 3 4 5 it looks choppy and weird.

Which led me to creating this sprite set:
http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c9/le ... eanim2.jpg[/img]

And to get to my point. Is there any way a script can be made to specify the animation frame order the game selects for a battler? Like if someone wanted a frame to be repeated for a few or if like my above example, certain frames needed to be run a second time to give fluid motion. I imagine putting it in script would save a lot more data space than making the battler sprites so huge. @_@;

Also, forgive me if this is what you were already talking about changing in the way animation was processed. I just got caught up in actually trying to animate the sprites to where I was satisfied! Once again, love your script there Gubid =D



Ya beat me to it.
I nominated this script for script of the year. Now that youve won, You have my congratulations.

Also, I am so disappointed no one has even THOUGHT of making a Shining Force fan game with this. I'm even more disappointed if you don't know what that is. If you do know what shining force is and you have thought of making a fan game of it, high five.

Final Fantasy : Nintendo :: Shining Force : Sega
hi, this may sound retarded and stupid. But help a noob like me out. How do i actually install this script and how do i add it to my current project? i would love to see how this battle system go with my game ;p thanks

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