Shadow_lord.. your problem is simple. If you noticed.. when you try to move on the map before calling the battle you cannot move either. This is because you modified your passabilities. In particular tileset b, first cell. If you click on "passage settings", then switch to tileset B.. then make the first cell a O then retest.. everything will be fine.
Lucas scoppio..
extra enemy troops is the place.. Lets explain it this way..
1 => [1,1,1],
34 => [1]
Ok.. so here we have 1=> [1,1,1], what does this mean?
1=> is the troop_id designation. In other words troop 1...
[1,1,1] means to add enemy 1, enemy 1, and enemy 1 to the troop.
So if the troop consisted of [2,3] (enemies 2 and 3 from the database), then when battle was called it would be [2,3,1,1,1].. In other words you can make the troop any desired size. You can take a 8 enemy troop and make it 20 if you wanted to. If you are using RMXP you can see this used during the second battle. If you are using RMVX.. then you will see this in the free map battle when you talk to the gargoyle and in the story demo with the battle with Frog.
So to use it.. simply start by finding the troop_id you would like to add the extra troops to.. then enter that number in the script.. then => [NEW ENEMY DB ID, etc, etc, etc ],
As for the iso thing.. all that is required.. is that the name of the map(the iso child map.. where all the events should be) needs to include 'ISO' in its name. Everything else will take care of itself automatically.
Let me know if you need any additional clarification.