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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

hey lucas I recommend a large party script, all it does is allow your window to scroll down so you can equip everyone in the party.  I have my party at 20 people.
shadow lord,
hmmm.. do they still take their turns.. but just cannot move or does it play the music.. but doesnt seem to be active?

Everyone else..
your welcome.  Hope things keep on the up and up.
Hey, Gubid. I've got a problem here.

When I replace the actors with my own custom sprites, they don't show up anywhere when the battle begins and I have to place them on the field.
Send me a copy of the project and i will see whats wrong. It doesnt make a lot of sense.

I would guess that in the process of changing your characters look you are not also reseting their battler to the same.  The Battle system looks at the battler name and queries that in the characters folder to find its graphic during battle.

The big enemy stuff is completely working now.. just need to finish resolving a movement issue with them and its ready.  To be honest, I just need to buckle down and do it.  I have been doing other things because I got annoyed of working on it.  Suppose to blow off some steam about it.
I would love to use the bigger enemies cuz the game i'm doing is about Battletech, So if this feature was actualy working I would be able to do battles with... well... bigger mechs! ehehhe

Sorry to annoy you, you might already have told someone about how to place more opponents in the battle in this topic, but it haves already 33 pages, so, could you explain me how to do or point me what script to use? the script "extra enemy troops" that you point in the GTBS Help script does not tell how to do it, neither the help itself, I was looking for help in the forum that I participate (rpgmakerbrasil.com) but none could explain me about any single thing of your TBS.

To start an iso battle in a diferent map (I only use ISO in the battle maps) It just have to be an ISO map the destination (battle ground) and there will be no error? right (I would test it now, but im working on my resourse for the game)
Shadow_lord.. your problem is simple.  If you noticed.. when you try to move on the map before calling the battle you cannot move either.  This is because you modified your passabilities.  In particular tileset b, first cell.  If you click on "passage settings", then switch to tileset B.. then make the first cell a O then retest.. everything will be fine.

Lucas scoppio..
extra enemy troops is the place.. Lets explain it this way..
  1 => [1,1,1],
  34 => [1]
Ok.. so here we have 1=> [1,1,1],  what does this mean? 
1=> is the troop_id designation.  In other words troop 1...
[1,1,1] means to add enemy 1, enemy 1, and enemy 1 to the troop. 
So if the troop consisted of [2,3] (enemies 2 and 3 from the database), then when battle was called it would be [2,3,1,1,1].. In other words you can make the troop any desired size.  You can take a 8 enemy troop and make it 20 if you wanted to.  If you are using RMXP you can see this used during the second battle.  If you are using RMVX.. then you will see this in the free map battle when you talk to the gargoyle and in the story demo with the battle with Frog. 

So to use it.. simply start by finding the troop_id you would like to add the extra troops to.. then enter that number in the script.. then => [NEW ENEMY DB ID, etc, etc, etc ],

As for the iso thing.. all that is required.. is that the name of the map(the iso child map.. where all the events should be) needs to include 'ISO' in its name.  Everything else will take care of itself automatically.

Let me know if you need any additional clarification.
Ive addded the full script to my project to test the iso battle, have not done the auto-teleport system to draw me in the battle, so its quite primitive right now (I dont know much about scripts, I shall lose sometime in your help script tomorrow to do that), its all right at first sight, but 1 problem happened.

-The enemies just dont move... at first i thougt it was cuz the floor wasnt set right(even the actor wasnt moving), i corrected it, the actor is now moving but the problem still with the enemies, they just dont move.
WHAT? I'm so sorry for wasting your time, Gubid. I don't know how the hell I did that without noticing... Thanks for looking at it for me. I can be such an idiot... -_-
Ive a functional game here... it may be usefull for you to tell me what can be wrong in my version =\

Also, I tried this script, Event Triggered by Distance, it is working in my game/test, but isnt working if I draw it directly in yours.

Also, sorry for sending you my game in a different Language, Im from brazil soo my mother tongue is portuguese, maybe I feature a "double language system" in my game... I'll just have to figure out how to change the vocab script with a switch that triggers firstlanguage/secondlanguage.

Here is my game, have a look, i hope that you can open it, some games i tried to open here and it didnt worked properly, like Terra's game, and some script demos (not yours, but a few others have crashed when I try to open it).

here it is - the "battle" starts when you come closer to the skeleton in the upright of the screen.
Well Lucas.. you found a bug.  Good job!  Here is the fix.  Find 'def update_iso_scroll' in Scene_Battle_TBS and replace it with this.
You will notice that there are only 2 lines that are different from the original.  Each one stating if need_scroll, but with a 'and distance != 0' which is all it took to resolve the issue.  Something I should have done earlier, but better late than never.
  def update_iso_scroll
    direction = 0
    distance = 0
    need_scroll = false
    speed = GTBS::SCROLL_SPEED+1
    display_x = (@cursor.x-@cursor.y+$game_map.height)*256-CENTER_X # Calculate coordinates
    unless $game_map.loop_horizontal?                               # No loop horizontally?
      max_x = ($game_map.iso_width - 17) * 256                      # Calculate max value
      display_x = [0, [display_x, max_x].min].max                   # Adjust coordinates
    display_y = (@cursor.x + @cursor.y) * 128 - CENTER_Y            # Calculate coordinates
    display_y -= display_y%256
    unless $game_map.loop_vertical?                                 # No loop vertically?
      max_y = ($game_map.iso_height - 13) * 256                     # Calculate max value
      display_y = [0, [display_y, max_y].min].max                   # Adjust coordinates
    #Check current X display and move to current position
    unless $game_map.display_x == display_x
      distance = ((display_x-$game_map.display_x)/256).to_i.abs
      if $game_map.display_x < display_x
        direction = 6
        need_scroll = true
      if $game_map.display_x > display_x
        direction = 4
        need_scroll = true
      if distance > 6
        speed += 1
      if need_scroll and distance != 0
        $game_map.start_scroll(direction, distance,speed) 
        return true
    #Check current Y display and move to current position
    unless $game_map.display_y == display_y
      distance = ((display_y-$game_map.display_y)/256).to_i.abs
      if $game_map.display_y < display_y
        direction = 2
        need_scroll = true
      if $game_map.display_y > display_y
        direction = 8
        need_scroll = true
      if distance > 6
        speed += 1
      if need_scroll and distance != 0
        $game_map.start_scroll(direction, distance, speed)
        return true
    return false



GubiD, thanks for the info! I figured it might be too different, hehe. But has Sephiroth made his script public? If so, could you possible give me the name of it, or a link if you can?
Lucas.. $game_temp.battle_turn

Vivere.. the script is not public and was make specifically for his game to my knowledge.  Here is the link to his project page if you are interested.  Link
Hum... I realy like your TBS GubiD, I just need to learn how to use the scripts soo I can make some battles better! Now im working in a isometrical tileset and looking for a mouse system that suports the 8 side movement system... unfortunately your isometrical map and battle dosnt works with mouse =\

(also, im trying to learn something of scripts so I will no more bother you about all the things I want to put in my project)
Umm GubiD that game is TDS' it's not going to be a public script. It's for that game only.
It's 5x6 btw :3

Edit: Question!

I've been trying to use this TBS last night but I had problems with it, it works perfectly if I use this
But when I tried using this

It goes a bit bad? I Tried Aligning it in Character maker 1999 as well, I tried reading the animation part but I kinda didn't understand :P
Well.. I just found some information that may help get the mouse system working.  We will see how it pans out.

I know, he asked, and I told.  I figured it was solely for his game and not for public release.

As for your question.. its because your animated template isnt big enough.  The animation system requires CURRENTLY that you have a 11 pose layout with 6 frames of animation for each of the 4 directions.  Down/Left/Right/Up.    With the upcoming update you will be able to use this sprite.. because you can define how many of everything you have and what number of frames to process.. so as to give you more control over the animations.  In the mean time.. if you want to develop your template further to meet the 11x4x6 quota for animated sprites.. then go right ahead.  The new system will auto be configured for that method.. however you can update it to your desired method.

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