Tofurkey - I have not yet implemented that. I completely forgot to be honest. Should be pretty easy to create though. I will make sure that makes it into the next update.
Dragnar, for you error, ensure that you have copied all of the scripts over from the demo. This method is defined in the -sprite_battler- section and should work. If you have not yet moved this part of the script, you will receive this and possibly other errors. Also, as for adding party members during battle. Examine the battle event for the troop "guard" from the demo and that will show you how to add enemies. Also review the help file, it gives you some additional details there.
Skare_kro, During your placement of characters on the map, you can use the L/R keys (actually q/w) to jump between current character selections. This is the SKIP method to get to the next actor. This should go through all members of the party regardless of size.
I will see about doing the HUD update for the next version. Mostly its just placement of the windows, so it should be easy to implement with a switch to control it.
probpe - kemuri, I have download the UMS and examining it now for compatiblity.
probpe, technically when the system is in Active Time, its almost exactly the same as RTAB in the respect that it goes though x cycles before each person gets to go. The only difference is that I dont display a bar indicating how far along each character is. That is why I listed AT in the status window. The AT value is the current "wait" between turns. When it reaches 100, then it will be the actors turn. If there is a character that exceeded the 100 at the same time, which ever has the higher amount will go first.
Arajabat, what exactly are you trying to do, I am no so sure that I understand exactly what you are attempting and completely clueless as to why team or active would have any effect on it.