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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

Hey Gubid, just wondering if skills like Spin Fist and others that have a self-range AoE have been implemented yet. Keep up the good work, can't wait for the next update!
When I'm placing characters at the starting of the first battle in standard demo
I got an error

Script '-Scene-Battle-TBS-' line 492 : NoMethodError occurred.
undefined method 'bat' for # <Sprite_Battler:0x3ba2020>

And this is the greatest demo in the world
Great job
Thank you , Gubid

Why can't i summon 2 monsters ?
Gubid , I have another question.. Can you make this GTBS into real time battle ?

Just like DerVVulfman's RTB.. All of the orders will be performed after the waiting bar..

Can you make like this ? 
probpe":2e3jdcma said:
The scrip is ccoa's UMS , can you do something ??

I would also appreciate it if you could get ccoa's UMS to be compatible with your battle system. I've been trying to get it to work myself, but unfortunately I'm not a skilled enough scripter to make them work together.
Hmm... Thx... In ATB mode I could make what I'm trying by modifyng the ATB Update method... But in team mode I have no idea...
Hey GupiD
How could i put the in-battle event ? E.g: a new actor suddenly appear and be automatically added to your team. Or actor1 go to somewhere in the map and something may happen.
And Is there anyway to play with more than 4 actor ?
is it possible to choose which characters you want to use in the battle map......like in FFTA.......u can choose which character u want to use in a particular battle(using place events), if you don't want to use a particular character...you can just press the arrow keys and it goes to the next char.......(i'm using a large party script.....and so i want to make it possible that the lead characters don't have to be placed first.......)
Tofurkey - I have not yet implemented that.  I completely forgot to be honest.  Should be pretty easy to create though.  I will make sure that makes it into the next update.

Dragnar, for you error, ensure that you have copied all of the scripts over from the demo.  This method is defined in the -sprite_battler- section and should work.  If you have not yet moved this part of the script, you will receive this and possibly other errors.  Also, as for adding party members during battle.  Examine the battle event for the troop "guard" from the demo and that will show you how to add enemies.  Also review the help file, it gives you some additional details there.

Skare_kro, During your placement of characters on the map, you can use the L/R keys (actually q/w) to jump between current character selections.  This is the SKIP method to get to the next actor.  This should go through all members of the party regardless of size. 

I will see about doing the HUD update for the next version.  Mostly its just placement of the windows, so it should be easy to implement with a switch to control it.

probpe - kemuri, I have download the UMS and examining it now for compatiblity.
probpe, technically when the system is in Active Time, its almost exactly the same as RTAB in the respect that it goes though x cycles before each person gets to go.  The only difference is that I dont display a bar indicating how far along each character is.  That is why I listed AT in the status window.  The AT value is the current "wait" between turns.  When it reaches 100, then it will be the actors turn.  If there is a character that exceeded the 100 at the same time, which ever has the higher amount will go first.

Arajabat, what exactly are you trying to do, I am no so sure that I understand exactly what you are attempting and completely clueless as to why team or active would have any effect on it. 
Dragnar, for you error, ensure that you have copied all of the scripts over from the demo.  This method is defined in the -sprite_battler- section and should work.  If you have not yet moved this part of the script, you will receive this and possibly other errors.
Oh,I see , i will check it now ....
Using battle event or place event. 

Event, please read the help file... here is the quote
#      If you want to do this during battle via event or other.  In the event tell
#      it to run a script with the following:
#        $scene.set_character(type, id, x, y, animation_id)
#        type should be "actor", "neutral", or "enemy"
#        id is the ID of the actor/enemy, but remember the id entered for neutral is +50 to find the actor
#        x,y isnt that obvious?
#        animation_id, assign an id if you would like an animated entrance

as for place, that was already shown during the demo.  Hopefully that helps.
Hope this isn't a stupid question, but is this VX compatible yet? I like the programs rtp and the new additions to the program, so i might crossover,
Thanks Gubid ! So those it means the GTBS is real time battle right ?

1. and, is there any way to give a different increasing AP speed for each battlers ? IF there is not, i think ist good to make it..

2. is there any way to put every actor's AP gage at the bottom and we can see it ?

3. im gonna make the animated battler character set, but i dont know where I have to put the motions;; can U give me a easy way to make animated battler ?

thank you ! I love this script
Not into VX yet, that is what I am working on right now. 

# 4)Create your sprites!  Animated sprites in GTBS use 6 frames of animation and has
#  11 poses.  To setup your sprites for use in GTBS use the below format template
#      Frame1 Frame2 Frame3 Frame4 Frame5 Frame6 > Down
#      Frame1 Frame2 Frame3 Frame4 Frame5 Frame6 > Left
#      Frame1 Frame2 Frame3 Frame4 Frame5 Frame6 > Right
#      Frame1 Frame2 Frame3 Frame4 Frame5 Frame6 > Up
#      Do this for each of the "poses" in the following order:
#      Wait, Walk, Attack, Special1, Special2, Defend, Pain, Heal, Casting, Cast, Dead
You can see a good example of these templates in the character folder, ANIM_demon and there are others as well.
1. Just increase their AGI/10, that is what is added to their current AT each turn. 
2. You will need to have something in the update cycle check each persons at, and update a sprite with that info.  You may be able to examine code from other CBS's to do it, but as of current there is no method to do that... currently.  (personally I never liked it)  Would you like it to be something above below each character or a overall one with pictures moving up/across it until they reach the end?

Anyway, good luck with your project. 

Oh yeah, I am almost done with the VX version now.  Just doing bug checking.  I also need to remake the demo, but its coming along.

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