1 - That is a good idea. I will see what I can do.
2 - I am guessing this is because I force you to the wait direction and dont let you select status. Is that correct? For flow reasons I set it up to force you to the wait selection.
3 - I have some of the stuff in place to do a "weighting system" this would cause your AI characters to raise priority for attacking certain members of the opposing team. This feature is not yet complete, but I like your idea of setting an AI target. Although isnt that the point of having AI, is for them to choose the target on their own?
4 - The Config menu cannot be disabled during battle at this time. Although you can disable it manually by editing the script... comment out the following lines of code, starting at 1800
if Input.trigger?(Input::B) and (@target_cursor_enabled or @selected == nil)
@enable_target_cursor = false
if @spriteset.tile_sprites.size + @spriteset.range_sprites.size > 0
@windows["option"].active = true
@windows["option"].visible = true
@windows["option"].index = 0
@cursor_active = false
5. $scene.set_character("enemy",1,[15,14],0) is described in the help section.
set_character means to place an character on the map... type(actor/enemy/neutral, ID, Coords, Animation Entrance ID
6. Secret hunt simply needs to be applied to a weapon. As long as the weapon includes that element_id and your deal the last hit, then you have a "chance" of receiving an item based on that units id. Read the secret hunt section of the GTBS module under skill setup.
7. You can place it in its own script if you like, but if you are going to do it that way you must put this above it...
class Scene_Battle_TBS
8. Gilthyr is not an animated battler, he is default. A Good example of an animated battler and the template, look at the Demon_ANIM in the graphics folder. Then read the help file to understand the poses orders.
9. havnt had time yet. I have been working on getting GTBS to VX. Its proving difficult.
Arajabat - You mean like a skill to give another player another turn? (If you have played Vandal Hearts 2.. re-turn?)
Shinn - I know. I plan to put mouse support in, but I just havent had the time yet. Life is busy and I have so many projects its not even funny. Eventually, I will have to get started on my own game.