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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

Gubid, to make a very good game , I thkin many good scripts must be compatible..

Im trying to make UMS , GTBS , Equipment Skills , Mog'sMenu System compatible, but of course this is not easy..

so can U help me to make these compatible ? To do that all at once might be very hard so can U help me with making Equipment Skills and GTBS compatible first ?

(I tried to add the Equipment Skills script to GTBS but I think the error occurs in Iso scripts,but Im not gonna use Iso.. )
All the scripts you mentioned should be compatible because I use the same default access methods to get skills etc.  I simply assign additional data to them based on settings in the GTBS module for skills etc.  The only one that might be a problem is the Equip Skills, and only because I dont have a AP addition method for enemies killed like it does.  The skills themselves should work fine, supposing all scripts are placed correctly.  GTBS can come above or below the menu or ums, but must be above the equip skills.  because it modifies some of my methods which might cause mine to crash. 

According to the email you sent me, all is well now, so it might be helpful for others to see how you resolved it.  Would you mind sharing?
thanks gubid , but still the UMS is not working in the battle and can you make a demo for gaining AP(from equipment skills) during the GTBS battle ?

Also , i need help with mog's menu system and equipment skill cuz of the skill exp, but Ill ask you for this next time , so can U please help me with UMS and gainging Ap in GTBS ?..


yeah and Ill share the script which forum do I have to upload the demo ?



I really like this script but kind of want to make my project in rmvx beacuse of scripts made for it and other features... can you set a general time frame for the vx release? If not its ok, just wondering.
hopefully within 2 weeks.  I have run into a problem and getting around it has been a pain.  The battle system is basically there already, but I am trying to get all the other features to work.  I will let you all know when its done.



Gubid":2z1x69r0 said:
hopefully within 2 weeks.  I have run into a problem and getting around it has been a pain.  The battle system is basically there already, but I am trying to get all the other features to work.  I will let you all know when its done.
Good because i want to make a vx project but crisaegrim abs crashes my game. im guessing its not even worth trying compatibility scripts because of major rewrites...

Edit: is it worth a beta release? because i don't use 90% of the features 90% of the time...
The big problem I am running into now, is running events during battle.  Particularly, message boxes.  The message box is there and receives what is passed to it, but for some reason, it wont display above everything.  (the map and battlers)



Gubid":nbuqvobj said:
The big problem I am running into now, is running events during battle.  Particularly, message boxes.  The message box is there and receives what is passed to it, but for some reason, it wont display above everything.  (the map and battlers)
Yeah, ok. But its going to be so good i just cant wait lol. Untill then im stuck with the lousy default/ side view.... unless someone can do a workaround of scene_gameover which causes my abs problem.
Sorry, i know nothing about rgss but is there some window depth setting? Or is in posible to move the box so it dosent interfer with menus. Or maybe disable the hud during message sequences... Just throwing ideas out there...
Gubid , can I make a battle like battle royal ?

For example, there are 4 team and they are all fighting each other..
Yay.. the VX update is almost complete!  Everything is over and working, just need to bring over iso, and slap together a demo. 

Gannon, run event on death before calling game over?  I would guess that victory/failure conditions is what you are talking about.  It doesnt actually run those before going to game over, it does that when the conditions are met to display it, which could include game_over.  That is a integrated part of the system and cannot be separated.  The Demo should be out soon, so hold on.

Triforce, yes I am working on making this compatible with CCoa's UMS.  I will let you know when I have something new to report.  Can only do one thing at a time.

DB, what particle system are you using?  Near Fantasia's or Arev's? .. or Anaryu's?

Probpe, No, the system is built for player vs enemy, not player vs player vs player vs player or whatever.
Hey guys! I've been on vacation, so i haven't really had the time to check out the forum. But i am back. i am glad to hear that you almost have the vx update done. Well, i only like VX for the smooth graphics and the RTP, but i am just about done with a rmxp converted version of RMXV's rtp, (it's in my sig) well anyway, i decidded to make a tactics game (officially).
I used Arevulopapo's Particle Engine then I tried Near's Particle Engine but fuck, I hate SDK-ed scripts 'cuz they might ruin the rest of the scripts installed in Silver Sunflowers (now called as NGCS). Also, are there non-SDKed (I vomit each time I see "I need you SDK my love, for me to work"-type of scripts) versions of Near's Particle Engine?

EDIT: I've just made my way how to eliminate the annoyingly stuck Window_Help bar after ending your actor's turn. I just added this line to lines 2142, 2144 and 2146 of the Scene_Battle_TBS for the Window_Help takeout. Here's the work-around I've made:

if @active_battler.perfaction? and !@active_battler.moved?
   text = "Do not move this turn?"
   @windows["help"].visible = false
elsif @active_battler.moved? and !@active_battler.perfaction?
   text = "Do no attack this turn?"
   @windows["help"].visible = false
elsif !@active_battler.moved? and !@active_battler.perfaction?
   text = "Do not move or attack this turn?"
   @windows["help"].visible = false

This workaround suits best because you really don't have to kill the entire Window_Help function just to kill the stuck Window_Help.
Please note that I am talking about the version you are making for RMVX.

Im wondering (Actually signed up to ask this question), will it still possible to have normal battles or does this block that somehow? Or to have the characters engage in normal combat when choosing attack by changing something in the script or to make it possible to 'engage in close combat' as a option?

Im making a RMVX game that uses the normal combat system but I want to add a sidequest where you join forces with a set of mercenaries to take out a robber camp in a forest. Naturally this would work best with a Turn Based tactical battle and you seem to be the one closest a working tactical battle script for RMVX.

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