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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

There is no freezing at all. What happens is that the screen don't go to the place where the place event is.

However, when I try to start the battle "blindly", I get the following error:

undefined method 'down_case!' for "boss":String


Another error found. When I used the summon skill, I got the following error:

undefined method 'spriteset' for #<Scene_Battle_TBS:0x3252ab0>
New download...
sorry for all the bugs - I should have looked over it more before releasing after such a large change.  (it was the dual battle system that did it)


I have updated the main page with this download link as well.  All that was reported has been resolved, including the freezing.  I also did some performance fixes for a couple of spots I noticed that were "skippy".
not sure if ne1 else has this problem.....but when u start the battle using the place events (like in ur demo battle with Leo).......u can't see the status of the actors (hp, mana, etc) when your'e placing the characters.....
Also GubiD, the window used with placing characters were taken off but returned later and things went a bit sluggishly slow. Can you also do it without being SDK-dependent? or really some things are counting on the SDK?
Dunge, you can get the status window to work during the "place" at the beginning of a battle if you update this line... (465 in Scene_Battle_TBS)  @windows["status"].update to @windows["status"].update($game_party.actors[@index])

I have noticed some slowing in some other places, but looking back, it was there from before.  Specifically when a actor is selected and the Command window is displayed when scrolling needs to occur.  Also when you select to move and answer yes to the move prompt before the move completes.  I will try to find what is causing this slowing a little later.  As of now, it looks stable.
ummm.....how do you flee from a battle? ( i want to have encounters that don't advance the story line....but I can't figure out how to flee from a battle...) sum1 help plz.......
To retreat from a battle just create a "battle_event" event and have it exit the battle (script: $scene.exit_battle)

Dung, I will try to release an update with some performance enhancements sometime down the line. (shouldnt be too long)
Gubid, can you help me with the problem using UMS system during the battle ?

<img src=http://www.op.co.kr/ii/t4/imgd/th200805/24/31/1512066190483826d8eebb6.jpg>

this is the UMS system.. The event ID of the soldier is 11 , and I set the UMS system to the event 11 but it didnt worked.. can you please solve the problem ? Thank you !
I would imagine that most of the time systems will hold still during battle instead of proceed.  Although, those that created it would probably make an update if they knew.  Try setting one up, and contact them if it doesnt work.

probpe, what message system script are you using?  is it ccoa's?  The reason it doesnt work is because the events arent used during the battle, but are used only to setup the battle. 
Is there a way to make a actor, er... Don't act at all?

I wan't to make a target that the enemies will try to kill, destroy, but this target can't react. At the moment I handled it by making it a neutral actor with movement zero, but it's kind of annoying when it gets to the Neutral Phase
The only way I can think of would be as you have described.  Setting them to 0 movement and set a weapon with 0 range.  It would jump to them for a quick moment, but that would be all.  There is currently no way to set a "target" without them being able to take a turn/action.

As shown in the demo you can set a COUNTER state and while that state is present counter attacks can occur.  They are global.  Now as for how to get the state to the enemy, since I didnt build that part in, you will have to look at my code for "FLYING_ELEM_ID" Look for this in the module settings.  Create a new one for COUNTER_ELEM_ID, create a new element and call it counter.  Give that element to your desired enemy.  Then in Scene_Battle_TBS, find def battle_begin and search for the FLYING_ELEM_ID and do exactly what it says, but to assign the state of COUNTER instead of flying.  Hopefully this makes sense.  Good Luck!

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