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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

Also, I've observed this feat on RTH's ABS and the weird thing is this, the battle animations were rotatable, as long as you affix [Turn] after the Battle Animation's named. I hope you can do this as well in GTBS, so that tactical battles used by this TBS will be at least close to realism :D
Alright, I've searched through this whole topic and the help guide, and I really cannot find the answer I'm looking for.

My problem is that during battle, my characters and the AI monsters can go through tiles they aren't supposed to, for example water. Now in the tileset the water isn't passable or anything, yet in battle my character can move over it. How do you chose which tiles can't be walked over? Sorry if this was asked before, but I did look for almost an hour without luck finding the answer.
Speedpaws":2ubalr90 said:
Alright, I've searched through this whole topic and the help guide, and I really cannot find the answer I'm looking for.

My problem is that during battle, my characters and the AI monsters can go through tiles they aren't supposed to, for example water. Now in the tileset the water isn't passable or anything, yet in battle my character can move over it. How do you chose which tiles can't be walked over? Sorry if this was asked before, but I did look for almost an hour without luck finding the answer.

Might be the terrain tags, under the tileset check that, I believe 6 is water and 7 is flying, anything less and your characters can move thru it.

If not that, have you edited or added any custom states to your database? There are a few that are specific to this script, flying, walk on water, no move, no act etc etc. They are referenced in the script so if you've deleted them this might cause your problem.
No, it's not. I've done everything. I haven't changed them at all, I don't know what the heck I'm doing wrong. lol and the terrane tag is 6 which matches water too.
Try just transfering to the map and trying to walk on the tiles.  The terrain tags only allow you to walk over those tiles if you have the specified flying state or etc.  I use the standard system for determining if you can move to the specified tile or not.  So if you layed extra "clear" tiles from the 2nd or 3rd layer, then it will override the lower layers.  Let me know if that doesnt help you.

Dominic, I havent yet released the script and when it is ready, I will do so.



Great System!  :lol:
Everthing is good no bugs, except one. For some reason on the demo  move/attackable squares started turning to rectangles 1/4 size. , redownloaded and it worked though.
also how do you set an enemy to swim/fly? Set the terrain tag and set A for the state?
Anyway really good ill probably use it.

EDIT: looking back at page 18 i saw to add this 
enemy.add_state(GTBS::FLYING_ID,true) if enemy.element_set.include?(GTBS::FLYING_ELEM_ID)
but i know nearly no ruby so where do i initialize the constant and how should the line look? (using demo, its state 18)
edit2 added event after battle start and it worked
Gubid i maked a Frozen state, but they can move and act how can i make it so they r still  :/ id have a screen shot but i dont know how to take them



Dominic, to take a screenshot:

There's a button on your Keyboard called PrtSc or PrtScn. Something along those lines.

To take a screenshot of JUST the window, hold alt when you press Print Screen. (I think it's alt...)
Okay, I have some other script integration problems with GTBS. One of them is this...

Enhanced Weapons / Compoundable Weapons script a.k.a. the ROnline-ish Compoundable Weapon script, where if I made extra attributes like these...

Enhanced Weapon <-- once a weapon has this attribute, the compounding system can be used on the weapon with this attribute
Enhancement <-- this one's for assigning the enhancing item.
(1-5) Slot <-- these slots once checked, along with enhanced weapon attribute, it now allows you to place stuff like cards (RO) and Talics (RF)
TYPE (insert weapon type)

Now, when this script's around, it nullifies what you assigned in Move/Weapon/Skill part of GTBS, rendering all weapons having a range of 1.
I will need a link to the script or a demo of your project with it to be able to help.  I wouldnt think it would be that hard to write an integration piece whatever it is. 

Dominik.. in order to restrict movement/action of an enemy you must apply the paralyze state in the database.  If you have created a new state that does the same thing.... then you can add some additional lines to the script to support this additional state.  I would guess that it would be easiest to say when the state of frozen is applied, then it also applies paralyze, which is state 7 in the db.. I think.  In the upcoming GTBS 1.4 with projectiles you will have a little more control over the states from within the script.  You will have to wait to see what I mean.
Wow, the screenshots remind me of the classic Shining Force battle system! I downloaded both of your demos, and I really give you kudos for not making just another "generic" demo with it, it actually looks like it might be fun for once! I'll have to really test it out rigorously when I get off work tonight, after the screenshots, description and 20 pages of posts I expect this to be a pretty kickass system!



Hey- I just got a message using the default non-iso map with an encounter:

Script 'Scene_Battle_TBS-' line 2912: NoMethodError occurred
undefined method `frame_max' for nil:NilClass

when i used the default mass thunder attack with the mage- thought you should know :P
Downloading it now!.. I will try to get back to you tomorrow with some answers.

Thanks for the comments Kain!

Luvva, Just add this to the end of the line and it should resolve the error.  It has to do when a weapon hasnt had a animation associated with it.  I fixed this a long time ago, but it was right after the release of the 1.3 project. 
rescue @wait_count = 1



thanks for the fix ;)

i noticed something else that can easily be missed (ready for the next version)- i used the same attack, and it knocked out the caster of the attack- when the caster was knocked out, the attack stopped outright, whereas it'd be more appropriate if it continued (as that's what would happen normally)

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