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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

Dung, Here is what you will need to make that script compatible with mine.  The problem is that that script replaces the weapon_id for the character with a new id that is greater than the number of all current weapons in the system and progresses that number for every time a new "enhanced weapon" is created.  As the enhanced weapons dont apply to enemies they shouldnt have a problem.

Here is the integration piece.  Just place it in another script below everything else, or replace this section of the -Game_Actor- modifications already performed by my system and it should work as you were expecting.

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
  def weapon_range
    weapon = $data_weapons[@weapon_id]
    if weapon.is_a?(Enhanced_Weapon)
      return GTBS.w_range(weapon.ref_id)
      return GTBS.w_range(@weapon_id)

I have already added this code to the next release.  So it will be there when the update is released.

  I am not sure why the attack would be stopping the method says to process and continue doing so until all members of the "targets" have been processed.  You can review the code yourself if you want, but from what I can tell and in my testing it would still carry on for all other targets even if the actor was killed.  I even added a clause at the end to ensure that they dont gain exp at the end of it if they died.  (Its tbs_phase_9 where all the attacks are carried out)



hmmmm, i had a bit of a check- the only thing i can think of is that somehow the "hp =0" state makes him unable to act, in which case the attack fails because they're now regarded as koed, and then active battler has now become nil... possibly? i couldnt really see any other reason why it could go wrong either-

i downloaded a fresh copy of 1.3 and applied the fix i asked for last time to it (which was the only modification i added other than add in a couple of events for 2 more characters on the battlefield, and make the mage strong enough to KO herself and everyone else in one hit)- if you cast a the mass thunder spell from her on the square below her, it *should* KO all of your party, but it doesnt... note- i tried this on enemies too, and the same happened.

i cant really see what the problem is, but i'd appreciate if you checked it out for me- you know the system better than i do :P

here's the link to the modified demo:

edit: for some reason, it popped up a window that was visible but inactive for the character that had fallen- with only the wait and status buttons- as if it'd thought "oh next turn" "wait, hilda's koed... lets take the goblin's turn now."
That was actually a kinda of hard problem to track down!  Here is the deal... when you manually set the HP using a = command from the self.hp = standpoint it runs the method of def hp for the character.  When the character happens to die it goes through the add state function for the actor.. in which that clears the action at its completion IF the character is not "movable".  That is the problem.  You can simply comment out that line and it will work correcting in the TBS. 

So to recap...comment out line 110 of the Game_Battler2 script in the default scripts and the problem will be resolved.
This is the line.



I got a strange problem after putting this in my project. When the battle is over, the player is moved to some strange far off area of the map. Even onto the edges of different maps. The script is mostly unmodified from the demo. What gives?

Also, I can't get target animations to show up if its ID is really high up. For example, I can get a gunshot effect to show if its ID is 11, where the bow's effect would have been, but if its ID is say 105, it won't show.
You should check the open/exit settings in your project to ensure that the map you are fighting on is either not in there or configured correctly.  I would guess that one of the defaults from the demo is still there for your map id and so it seems odd.  This is because it was setup for the demo, not your map. 

As for the high animation id, I am guessing that you still have animated battler enabled.  When animated battler is enabled, then no animation will occur for any of the ANIM animations.  105 happens to be one I used in the demo as a ANIM animation.  Check you GTBS module settings to ensure that the animation ID for ANIM Attack etc are configured to be outside what you are assigning the particular animation.  I hope that makes sense. 

Also Rider Knight recommended something about turning animations based on attacker direction.  I have completed this and will be part of the 1.4 release.

I should be releasing within the next week if beta testing doesnt find any more problems.



:grin: Thanks, thanks, thank you man! I spent two years looking for something like your GTBS. Your script is amazing!
I have been able to do almost everything that is in the script, my game is already moving.
I have an idea about the display of HP and MP in the windows of the state, there is a way of showing bars of HP and MP beyond simply numbers? I think the use of bars can facilitate the quick view of the states of the hero and enemies, which would make the game more dynamic.
Thank you again, your work is great!  :wink:!
Thank you for this amazing system.  I have one question that was raised before, but I am not sure if there was any solution to it.  Is there a way to incorporate this TBS with the standard battle system or CBS?  I am working on a project where I want to have strategic war battles during important plot points and a non-tactical battle system for general fights for encounters such as dungeons and bosses similar to the Suikoden series.  I have been trying to incorporate a CBS into this TBS and while I have solved quite a few errors, the CBS is still completely unusable.
Because of changes made by this system, it currently doesnt support running it side by side with another.  I have previously attempted to make it do this, but requires more debugging.  Its a big project and I am in the process of getting it to VX right now.  Perhaps when it is completed in that respect I will get it to work with another CBS.

edit: gradient bars are easy.  I will do that. 
aight...........i have no scripting abilites...........or experience.....but how do you change the actual sprite thing in the battle......i mean like use a custom sprite instead of the 001-figher01 thing?
oh yeah.....1 more plea for help.....how do i change the menu thing for each individual character.......like magic for a mage and ninjutsu for a ninja etc. instead of the defaults u made?
sorry.........i keep finding more stuff i don't know how to do........i dunno if ne1 has asked this before....but how do u make a random encounter that teleports the character to another battle screen and teleports him back at the end of the battle? (i have a real slow connection so it takes me 5 mins to go to every page.....so can't check the previous posts......)
Please dont double/triple post in the thread, just select edit and update your comment unless someone else has replied.
Skare_Kro":15ura01n said:
aight...........i have no scripting abilites...........or experience.....but how do you change the actual sprite thing in the battle......i mean like use a custom sprite instead of the 001-figher01 thing?
Use the default "Set Actor Graphic" option on Page 3 of the event command.  You can see that used in the demo when going between the iso map and the non iso battle template map.
Skare_Kro":15ura01n said:
oh yeah.....1 more plea for help.....how do i change the menu thing for each individual character.......like magic for a mage and ninjutsu for a ninja etc. instead of the defaults u made?
Open -Window_Base- and you will see the options there for the names.
Skare_Kro":15ura01n said:
sorry.........i keep finding more stuff i don't know how to do........i dunno if ne1 has asked this before....but how do u make a random encounter that teleports the character to another battle screen and teleports him back at the end of the battle? (i have a real slow connection so it takes me 5 mins to go to every page.....so can't check the previous posts......)
Please review the open/exit settings section of the script to understand how that works.  You might also review this script, made by Luvva for better random encounters.  (http://www.rmxp.org/forums/http://dev.rmxp.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=446405#p446405)

Guess what everyone????  The GTBS 1.4 update has been released.  See the main page for details!



Hey Gubid, Your script has a promising future in the history of RPGMXP.
I test to version 1.4 and occurred a few bugs. In the first battle, against "Leo", the game was paralyzed. The other bug occurred in the test of battle: when happens the enemy´s attack, appear mistakes ("print") with numbers. Ex: "1", "2", "3" and so on.
I am anxious to be able to play my game, that I always dreamed, thank you once again man!
I am so surprised I missed that Arajabat.

You can resolve the error by updating 3 lines in Scene_Battle_TBS...
13  =      Audio.bgm_play("Audio/BGM/"+GTBS.actor_phase_music)
682 =        Audio.bgm_play("Audio/BGM/"+GTBS.actor_phase_music)
690 =        Audio.bgm_play("Audio/BGM/"+GTBS.enemy_phase_music)

Grunge, can you provide some more details on the freezing problem?  I found the problem with the numbers thing. 
Remove line 860 from -Game_Battler- to correct it.  I forgot to remove that debug line. 
GubiD, Version 1.4 was way too buggy as of this moment, all the way from frozen battle scenes, to summoning problems, Team-dependent BGM issues and finally the ISO sprite where Aluxes was facing north if he's heading to isometric north (or north-east)



I'm getting the same freeze problem as Grunge I believe.
The battle seems to be running, as I can hear the cursor sounds when I press arrow keys, just the screen is frozen the moment before the battle starts. It seems to only happen when using the "place" events for the battle, as soon as I swapped them out for "actor#" events it ran fine.

Dung Beetle":7y2hzlpv said:
and finally the ISO sprite where Aluxes was facing north if he's heading to isometric north (or north-east)

I think thats just a missing "change actor graphic" event command. If you leave the ISO castle map on the demo and re-enter (from north), Aluxes goes ISO properly.

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