But it should be made clear that the character of God/the Authority is an impostor God, not really God himself. He was just the first angel to be born from Dust, then convinced everyone that he was the Creator. So unless I completely misunderstood that whole plotline, killing him off is actually -preserving- the idea of a true God, don't you think? Christians really have nothing to worry about if they just see it that way.
The way I understood it, Pullman has nothing against religion or faith, it's the religious institution that he has a problem with. You can be extremely religious without ever being a part of a church, but a lot of people seem to ignore that.
Either way, it's a good story, and you don't have to have any certain belief to enjoy it IMO, you just have to be a little open minded is all.
I for one am really excited for this. It's such an amazing series, and I've always wanted them to do a movie ever since I first read the books about four years ago. Took them long enough!
I'm curious to see how their plan to move part of the ending to the second movie will play out. It makes me a bit worried, but I'll save my judgment until next weekend. I've read some good stuff about the dialogue, so if that turns out really well, I'm a happy camper.