baniff":1yqemlou said:
Most religions in general are hipocritical anyway (ESPECIALLY Christianity).
Erm... I'm not quite sure where you're coming from there, bro.
Anyways, although I haven't read the series (thus, in the minds of some on this thread, disqualifying me from any comment), my friend has read the whole series, and told me the basic gist of it. From what I can tell, Pullman's writings are not neccecarily anti-Christian, but do posess some strong anti-theist overtones. So, while I have no desire to see the movie, I have no problem with others seeing it as well.
And, before I am condemned as an overzealous religious nut, I have absolutely no problems with Harry Potter, Lord of The Rings, and anything involving witches/armored polar bears in general and/or talking animals.
So, them's my 2 cents.