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Final Fantasy VI SDK - Going Social!

Actually, the ASCII chart/image thingy explained it well Dargor. :)

I was thinking it was something completely different, so I guess its a good thing I asked :P

Thanks for answering my question :D
It's great to see you're still working on this wonderful project, Dargor!
I'm very much supporting this thing--I check this thread every day. Just don't get discouraged, it's coming along nicely. :)
Imzogelmo isn't the only one supporting you. I'm still lurking here too. Just haven't had much to add in terms of suggestions...... mostly because I can't code. Keep up the good work though!

-- CB
I must say I'm very impressed by your project. I checked your classes included in the SDK beta 2.0 and I can imagine the amount of work you put in writing them. I'm currently studying in programming and since I learned object oriented languages such as C# and Java, I was understanding a lot of your code, it's just that I haven't learned the syntax of RGSS2 in particular.

I've been startin g to do a hack of FF3us a couple weeks ago and I would be the first one to use the editor you made. Data expanding and customization can sometime be a heavy process through hex editing and I hope that with your editor it will make the task much easier. It's nice that you included a rom import feature for people who already started a hacking project.

I would like to offer you my help even though my assembly knowledge (for understanding FF3us subroutines) is very limited and I don't know what you have left to do...In fact I don't really know how I could help but you have my full support. Don't discourage yourself and if you don't finish the SDK I'll probably take over! lol!
Thank you very much guys! I'm sorry for the lack of updates but I don't have much to say right now :P

I'm still working on the game scripts and classes and everything is working great. I'm focusing on this in RMXP for the moment so everybody can have something usable even if the editor is not done yet. At least with all the scripts and data classes we can start working on something playable but it would require to go change the new data variables in the scripts.

At the same time, I'm experimenting with IronRuby, C# and XNA.
C# would be the new programming language for the editor, XNA would be used to render graphics and Ruby (or IronRuby in this case) would be used to read/write Ruby objects and would also be the editor's scripting language. I haven't managed to call Ruby functions in C# yet but I've seen a couple of people doing it on the internet.

And who knows, maybe I could even have my own scripting language that merges Ruby and XNA functions!?
Anyways, the editor is not the priority right now! :P

Thank you for your support, it is greatly appreciated!
Right now I could use some help with C#. I just starting to learn this language and it seems fairly easy to understand but I'm having problems using IronRuby in C#.

Take care!
- Dargor
Yo Dargor dude, it's been two months and I'm not seeing any updates... Can we just get some kind of confirmation that you're still continuing with this? Or some status updates? Every time I check this thread, you mention restarting something, or rebuilding something, or converting the whole thing to another code or something, which is all cool...

Do you have a projected release date for this? I'm not rushing or anything, but it has been like five years... I don't think it would be too hard to compile a RTP for your editor, and I'm sure there's at least a couple hundred people just waiting for this, more once it catches on that it's an RPG Maker with a side view battle system that trumps RPGMaker2003... I'm starting to think I should have just learned Ruby or that C++ thing or whatever.
Hello everybody!
I know I'm late but I want to wish all of you a happy new year! :)

You bring a very good point and I agree with you.
I restarted too many things to many times in the past (game scripts, editor, etc.) and made a few bad decisions that didn't helped in the development of the SDK.
I am very well aware of this fact and it also bugs me very often.

However! It's been more than 6 months since I started the rewrite of the SDK and I'm sticking to this decision, I'm not going back.
I also stopped the development of the editor for now, it was taking too much of my time and the Ruby scripts were not even finished when I started.
Things are going very well right now!

Now, to answer your questions:
1 - I'm still working on this (a lot lately)
2 - I have updates to share
3 - I have a release date for the scripts and RTP. December 2012. The editor will come after that.

About the update, as I said above, I've been working alot on this lately and here's what I have to share:

1) The main menu is 100% done. That means:
- Items, Skills, Equip, Relic, Party Equip, Status and Config.
2) The Title, Shop and Rename menus are fully implemented
3) The new message system (from VX) is fully implemented.
4) The save system along with the Save and Load menus are done.
5) The battle command system is integrated.

The new script library is perfectly clean, well documented and optimized.
The data structure is made for FF6 and not for RPGXP.
Data can be created using the FF6 SDK patcher in the script editor. Trust me, it works like a charm and it's beautiful even if it's in the script editor!
The editor is on hold indefinitely. Meanwhile, the Patcher is perfectly fine for data creation.
Debugging tools and error handling are now very solid, providing quick feedbacks on what's going on in the scripts at runtime and logging everything to a text file, increase debugging efficiency.

I still have a lot of work to do on the battle system, multiple parties and animated battlers.

That's all I have to say for now but I'll try to post more.
Actually, each time I work on the SDK, at the end of the day, I write down a change log.
Maybe I could post them.

Take care and thank you very much for your support! :)
- Dargor
More updates:

The menu system is almost completely done with a few exceptions (mostly the FF6J and FF6A menus).

[!]FF6A: Scene_Bestiary, I will do it for sure.
[?]FF6A: Scene_SoundTest, not sure if I will include it.
[?]FF6J: Scene_SwordTech Rename, not sure if I will include it.
[?]FF6J: Scene_ConfigControls, not sure if I will include it.
Yes indeed, I'm still working on this until it's released and 100% completed. ;)

I'm currently working on the batte system but more precisely the targetting system.
All the functions (roulette, multiple targets, etc.) are working rather well but it is not entirely finished yet.
I'm just having trouble making the actual selection feel good. It works fine, you can target a battler and everything, but the selection itself (moving from a battler to another) does not feel natural. It's hard to explain! :P

Anyway, right now I have a solid battle loop, command selection for Fight, Item and Magic (including reequip and esper) is working great. Once I am satisfied with the targetting system I'll move on to the special battle commands such as steal, blitz, mimic, etc.

That's all for now!
- Dargor
I have finally been able to complete the targeting system last night! It took me a while to figure out how it works in the original game and how I would do it in the SDK but it now works very well! :) I've only tested it with a standard battle (enemies on the left and actors on the right) but it is made so it can support any kind of positioning.

Tonight I will implement all the battle types (back, pincer and side) and test the targeting system in them as well.
Next step is the basic battle commands such as Fight, Item, Magic, Def. and Row. Most of them are working fine but I now have to update them using the new targeting system.

On a side note, I added a new value to battle actions; the wait count. It is possible to specify a delay before performing an action.
By default it's 3 seconds (180 frames) but you could make it so Ultima takes 6 seconds to cast! :)

Take care,
- Dargor
More updates!

I've been working a lot on damage algorithms lately based on Teeri Senshi's doc (here).
Everything is working pretty well, the code is well organized. Well enough to be able to skip parts of the damage calculation if needed.
I also add various item features as I go, such as Hero Ring or Earring that alters the final damage result.

It's not final yet but I'm heading in the right direction!


Also I might try to migrate from RGSS2 to RGSS3 this week end. I have no idea how it will end up but it would be nice to have it.
It's now using Ruby 1.9.2 which is twice as faster as Ruby 1.8 and there's a couple of nice built-in features such as playing a BGM from any position, play videos as well as an improved window class and input module.

I'll keep you posted!
- Dargor
*I hate it when your HDD dies -sigh-*

I have missed many updates! Such amazing updates too, makes me want to fansquee across the web. :cry:

You have done awesomely Dargor! Thanks for keeping the thread updated and good luck with the rest! Can't wait for more! :thumb:

I've been working on battle commands and the following are now integrated:
Fight, Magic, Item, Def., Row, Steal, Capture, Tools, Blitz, Runic, Dance and Mimic.

While working on the Dance command, I had to write a helper class for AI controlled actors (the Game_ActorAI class). This made me think of something really awesome.
In many occasions, an actor will be controlled by AI. Through various statuses, in the Coliseum or by default (such as Umaro or Kefka).

This class will allow the user to specify how an actor will behave when controlled by AI. Right now the actor AI is somewhat hard coded but it will eventually be possible to create instances of Game_ActorAI and change its properties via equipment, statuses, etc. This class will eventually be modified to make smarter decisions. I will keep on updating it as I integrate more features (such as Berserk or the Coliseum)

I think that's all for now, take care!
- Dargor
More Update!

First pass on Desperation Attack and Summoning system are done. Both are basically a "force to cast a specific skill" action.
The targeting system has also been improved. There's a few features that are missing such as Target Dead Member and Roulette but most of it is done.
The next thing I'm tackling after that is the reequip feature during battles.

It's not much of an update but I wanted to share that with you guys. :D

Take care,
- Dargor
Those are great updates, Dargor! Especially the new one! There is never a bad update! :D

I was wondering how you'd handle the Desperation Attacks, now I know. xD

Keep up the great work, Dargor! :thumb:

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