I should give it a try one day. Thanks for the tip
More updates!
I've been working very hard on the SDK lately and did A LOT of code cleaning.
First, I have created a new RMXP project, using the default scripts as base script library and rewriting the default classes and methods, instead of "appending" (or aliasing for programmers
By doing this, I have reduces the numbers of scripts and code lines by hundreds and maybe more. It looks a lot cleaner and is more readable, but it also means that RPGXP scripts will not be compatible with the FF6 SDK. At this point, I really don't care since the goal is to be an FF6 engine, not RPGXP
So basically, I'm porting v3.0 of the SDK to what you could call v4.0 in a blank and new RPGXP project.
Next, I have implemented new Base classes (Sprite_Base, Spriteset_Base and Scene_Base, this one is from the RMXP SDK).
These base classes are taking care of automatically updating and disposing ruby objects. It also reduces the number of lines required to create a child class of one of these base classes. If you wish to manually update or dispose an object, you can set its #disable_update or #disable_dispose flags to true and then call the #update or #dispose methods wherever you want. This is also a feature taken from the RMXP SDK.
A new implementation is the Game_Message class from RPGVX which makes it a lot easier to work with messages in the map or during battles.
A couple of features have been added to this class to make it feel more FF6.
Talking about the message system, I have noticed a couple of alignment issues with the FF6_Menu and FF6_Dialogue fonts, the font settings and glyph properties were wrong, resulting in blurry fonts in size higher than 8 and spacing problems with some characters. I am currently redoing these 2 fonts to be "pixel precise".
New features for maps!
It is now possible to define the map #bounding_rect to limit the view and scrolling within a given rectangle.
I have also added a #scroll_focus feature that let you change the scroll focus character in a map using the following script:
"$game_map.scroll_focus = $game_map.events[event_id]"
You can, for example, focus on an event to make the map scroll.
This event would indeed make the map scroll as if it was a player. The focus can go back on the player by calling the following script:
"$game_map.scroll_focus = $game_player"
I guess that's all for now, I'll keep you updated!
- Dargor