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FFVII Materia System XP/VX - Both versions Fully Translated!



@ Squall leonhart 323
It's already said a couple of times, this crash is already know and will be fixed on the update, it will take some time since i'm working on others things. So be patient.
Sorry About That...Ive Been Crashing And As We All Know When You Crash You Get Errors LoL.Thanks Very Much For The Script Atoa!Also Thanks To Sephirothspawn.Ill Put Both Your Names In The Credits And All The Other People Who Provide Me Script Files.Thanks Again. :biggrin:
Ok Ganstaquay5000, that's a little better of an explaination. Look at the number of the armor in the database tab, since you just want the shield pieces and weapons to have it. When you get the number, say the bronze shield or something which would be for example number one, keep that it looks like this: ARMORS_MATERIA_SLOTS[1] = [1 , 1] , and so on. Simply erase the other parts out of that area of the scripts that aren't shields. If you wish to add more shields and no other weapons pieces do something like this :ARMORS_MATERIA_SLOTS [30] = [2, 2]. Thats how you add a slot. If you have any more questions about it I can pm you that part of the script.
Just an update, to point out another potential error.

I found that after using Materia for a while when you unequip them, the character doesn't lose the skills... which kinda defeats the object of having materia.

So in the end i've just gotten rid of it all together and just made a load of common events that teach skills by using items. If anyone wants to know how i did this i'll happily tell you. It's very simple!



Wich version you using (xp/vx)?
it probably incompatibility with some script you using since the skills *are* lost when you remove the materias (unless the actor learned it through other ways like leveling)
Yeah, I understand the system you are using coopz121. I was gonna do it for my game sort, of like a final fantasy 5 thing but I was too lazy to take the time to do so. I even made black and white magic icons. Like Atoa said, it should take the skill away when you unequip the materia. Make sure the materia script is first above all other scripts and that error should disappear too. Try that and see what you get. Most errors are solved by rearranging the order of the scripts. So try that and see what happens. Good luck coopz121.
I get this error after a battle. (I have a weapon equiped witouth any materia attached to it.)


Can someone pls help?



I won't do anything on the materia system before i finnish my works on SBS Tankentai.

I will focus only on one script so i don't get confused.

Once i finnish fixing all in the SBS, i will update my ACBS.

Only then i will work on the materia system.

So all I can say is to wait.

BTW.: its strange that no one complained about this until now... i think that it's not an problem with the script itself.
Do Not Worry Guys I Have Sorted It Out...Compatibility Issue With Alchemy Pot!
All Okay Now! :thumb:

No It Is Wrong I Try To Change The Materia Ids And Then BAM! (Materia_Avalible) Line Goes Underneath The Rest!

materia_avaliable = [ 1, 3, 4, 5]
$scene = Scene_MateriaShop.new



lol, this is again has nothing to do with the script, since it's *you* that type the command on the script call.

If it's on the wrong line it's because you wrote it wrong.
And you dont need to write "materia_avaliable", any word/letter you write works.
So you can use something like

m_a = [1,2,3,4]
$scene = Scene_MateriaShop.new(m_a)


x = [1,2,3,4]
$scene = Scene_MateriaShop.new(x)
Atoa":29qxd75u said:
lol, this is again has nothing to do with the script, since it's *you* that type the command on the script call.

If it's on the wrong line it's because you wrote it wrong.
And you dont need to write "materia_avaliable", any word/letter you write works.
So you can use something like

m_a = [1,2,3,4]
$scene = Scene_MateriaShop.new(m_a)


x = [1,2,3,4]
$scene = Scene_MateriaShop.new(x)

Thanks Atoa Really! Thanks A Lot!

EDIT:Now Ive Found YET Another Problem Look:


Gosh!One After Another...Lol

EDIT:I HAVE DONE IT!Don't Worry About The Errors Any More!
This Script Is Awesome (As You All Know)But No One Has Replied In A While Sorry For DP But Thhis Request Of Mine I Was Wondering Maybe Materia Fusion But Items Too Like Materia Fire And Energy Crystal = Energy Materia...I'm Going To Have A Go At This Add-on Myself I Will Post It If It Works!
P.S:This Will Be My First Attempt At A Script...Lol

Got An Error...Why?
EDIT:You Cannot Use Materia On The Tutorial Add-on For Some Reason.



@Squall leonhart 323
The reason is probably because the materia info is loaded on the new_game or continue option, if the "tutorial" is a new option, that doesn't call the new game or continue, you wont be able to use the materias.
Anyone who has the "undefined method `return_paired_materia` for #<Game_Enemy"

error... it can be fixed by changing the "def make_skill_action_result"
part of the Materia System Script

Back up your script before using this as I have no scripting knowledge. However, this fixes it for me.

The bolded parts are the only changes from the original.
    def make_skill_action_result

      @skill = $data_skills[@active_battler.current_action.skill_id]

      unless @active_battler.current_action.forcing

        unless @active_battler.skill_can_use?(@skill.id)

          $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil

          @phase4_step = 1




      @active_battler.sp -= @skill.sp_cost


      @help_window.set_text(@skill.name, 1)

      @animation1_id = @skill.animation1_id

      @animation2_id = @skill.animation2_id

      @common_event_id = @skill.common_event_id

      scope = @skill.scope

     [b] if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)


      paired_materia_set = @active_battler.return_paired_materia

      for paired_set in paired_materia_set

        materia = paired_set[2]

        other_materia = paired_set[3]

        if materia.special_effect == 'All'

          for skill_id in other_materia.skills

            if skill_id == @skill.id

              unless @skill.element_set.include?(Materia_Config::Negate_All_ID)

                scope = 2 if @skill.scope == 1

                scope = 4 if @skill.scope == 3 || @skill.scope == 7

                scope = 6 if @skill.scope == 5








      for target in @target_battlers

        target.skill_effect(@active_battler, @skill)



Hope this helps someone!! I looked FOREVER for this fix.
fredizdman":1i64ayfe said:
Anyone who has the "undefined method `return_paired_materia` for #<Game_Enemy"

error... it can be fixed by changing the "def make_skill_action_result"
part of the Materia System Script

Back up your script before using this as I have no scripting knowledge. However, this fixes it for me.

The bolded parts are the only changes from the original.
    def make_skill_action_result

      @skill = $data_skills[@active_battler.current_action.skill_id]

      unless @active_battler.current_action.forcing

        unless @active_battler.skill_can_use?(@skill.id)

          $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil

          @phase4_step = 1




      @active_battler.sp -= @skill.sp_cost


      @help_window.set_text(@skill.name, 1)

      @animation1_id = @skill.animation1_id

      @animation2_id = @skill.animation2_id

      @common_event_id = @skill.common_event_id

      scope = @skill.scope

     [b] if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)


      paired_materia_set = @active_battler.return_paired_materia

      for paired_set in paired_materia_set

        materia = paired_set[2]

        other_materia = paired_set[3]

        if materia.special_effect == 'All'

          for skill_id in other_materia.skills

            if skill_id == @skill.id

              unless @skill.element_set.include?(Materia_Config::Negate_All_ID)

                scope = 2 if @skill.scope == 1

                scope = 4 if @skill.scope == 3 || @skill.scope == 7

                scope = 6 if @skill.scope == 5








      for target in @target_battlers

        target.skill_effect(@active_battler, @skill)



Hope this helps someone!! I looked FOREVER for this fix.
Well I Don't Have That Error Any More! :cheers:

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