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FFVII Materia System XP/VX - Both versions Fully Translated!

Atoa":3oj2haba said:
I'm not trying to make the materia system compatible, i've aready did xD

But the code was a bit different, so i'm going to make it to work automatically with enu SBS or default systems.
Do you have any kind of ETA on when you'll release the Materia script compatible with the side view battle system?



I'm just wondering if it's possible to take out the AP system and the leveling of the Materia. So the Materia have one skill each. And is it possible to call the equip scene by a script for events (like if I want my group to be able to equip only in a certain area)? I'm using Requiem CBS and AP system (and therefore leveing) will not work with it.

To take the ap system out would require quite a bit of work, so I have another suggestion that is somewhat similar to what I am thinking about implementing into my game. If you know how to use common events, make an event of the skill you want to learn. Say for instance, Change Skills [Hilda], + [Fire]. Make the event then either make an item that is consumable to only that person, so they will learn the skill at will. If you wanna make it to where you can take the skill away(the unequip part you could say) make another event and associate with an item that takes the skill away. Not only can you use any icons you want for the items, but you can customize whatever you like. It may take a little work, but if something goes wrong at least you have control over being able to fix it rather then waiting for someone to fix the script for you. Try doing that and see if it would work for you. Just a suggestion for you.



Hmmm...I don't know for some reason I'd think that'd take quite a lot of work with the amount of skills I"ll be having. I pretty much want something like the Materia system which allows users to equip spells like that (their choice). The equiipping thing is just fine with my battle system, just that the AP system is not needed. It looks rather gaudy when the AP and level of the materia show up when it's not really needed at all.

Have you heard of the Magica Scroll system (A VX script, however it's buggy with a critical error that prevents it from running if you change values)? That's what I"m aiming for. The script basically allows you to assign scrolls that allow users to use skills. You call up the equip menu via script and then you have 3 slots that you can equip various spell scrolls to for each character. :P I'd be using that system but with the error that's fairly impossible. So the Materia system is the next option I had in mind.

If if it's impossible to maybe disable the leveing/AP system for the materias then I'll just have to deal with the AP system and explain to my players that it doesn't really do much. It does everything I want (cept that I'd have to alter the functions of the materia a tad, not a problem), cept it looks gaudy with the uneeded functions that cannot be used with my combat system.

Sorry this seems rather tedious and redundant, and I probably seem rather lazy. But if I were to do it your way, there'd be a lot of menus/events that would need to be done, and it wouldn't seem as smooth as I would want it. Again sorry if I offended you in any way.



Actually that might be a good idea, I might be able to add the command at the end of the enemy events like that maybe....

And hopefully it'd add the AP afterwards.
Nope, I'm not offended at all. Just thought I'd try to help you a little. Yeah it would take lots of work but at least you can control all of it. Just give Atoa some time, he'll figure it out for you.
Good luck.



Hmmm...I got an error when I was trying this out on my tutorial map (I'm using a different menu script so it's probably why, it adds extra options for you to go to extra maps). It works fine on the main map (like where you start the game) but when i go from my menu to my battle tutorial map it gives me an error. I will get a picture of it.

Edit: Done

Hmmm... This is indeed an odd error, as it is one involving the reduce cost materia which involves sp and shouldn't effect something as small as that. I wouldn't be sure of how to fix this, as I'm not quite experienced enough to do so, but I can say only two things. One, try rearranging the order of your scripts, as this is a solution to about 70% of the problems people have with scripts. If you know what you are doing enough with scripts, try to fix it yourself. Two, try putting the scripts into a new project, using only the necessary scripts that you are using for the tests. If they work, then add the rest in carefully in an order that makes sense. That is the only advice I'm really capable of giving, since I too would try those things first. You'd be amazed though by how many errors and script issues I have fixed just trying those two things. Try em out and see if you can get it to work that way. If it doesn't. you'll probably have to wait for a script fix. Best of luck in your attempts to resolve the problem.



The problem is most definitely with my menu regarding the new map. I'm using Rafidelis KahH Box Menu. If you want to look at my project then I can send you a demo.

I got the AP system working by using a workaround :P
Grats to finding a work around. I'm not great with scripting, so I can't really help you on that one. All I can say is to put the menu script in a different place since script order can sometimes be the cause. If that doesn't work I'd look for a similar script.



Hello. I LOVE this system. Seph's was good, but I like some of the features you added. The materia option in the menu, for instance. PLUS it's compatible with my game. Seph's isn't. HOWEVER...

[EXTREMELY IMPORTANT] I have a custom damage formula, and DEX is accuracy. Your materia system overrided it, which is bad. How can I take out the VIT feature, but leave everything else the same?

[Sorta important] Also, how hard would it be to allow materia to influence evasion as well as other stats? It's not an option, now ><

PLEASE help me!!!



Atoa":3s0zn1ga said:
in the next update i will add the option to choose damage formula (the same one of my battle system).

That way you can set it to default formula?

Thank you very, VERY much.
When do you expect to update next?



one of the options will be the default '-'

But i don't know when i will do it, first i'm working on my CBS, then i will update the Tankentai.
Ok I'm having issues with this script (in XP):

The script is working absolutely amazingly, however due to certain bugs i've found i've had to remove ALL my other scripts to get this to work.

I used to have:

Limit Break, Enemy Detection, Battle switching & Summoning, Materia System, HP / MP Bars.

Now i've removed all the other scripts and i'm still getting an error message whenever i give an enemy a skill to us... The script works fine up until the enemy tries to use anything other than a basic attack.

" Undefined Method 'return_paired_materia'for # <game_enemy> "

In the script the line reads:
Line 2420. paired_materia_set = @active_battler.return_paired_materia

Naturally I have a temporary fix to this... Just don't give the enemies any skills... By that will make for a very boring game!

Can anyone suggest a fix for this?


After looking into this error a bit more i have found that the script is conflicting with itself... I ahve found that i'm not having to choose between, enemies allowed to use skills without the game crashing... or No support materia.

If i put the script in a certain position in the Scripts module then it allows enemies to use skills... however when you come to use a support (Blue) materia, it doesn't work. I've tested them all and found that they only half work, for example "All" only attacks 1 enemy (the last enemy in sequence, so if there were 4 enemies it would only attack number 4). Reduce Cost shows that a skill that usually costs 8 MP comes up as only costing 7 MP, though when you use that skill it still uses 8 MP.

Not quite sure how to sort this... Naturally I want enemies to be able to use skills... but without the support materia it defeats the whole object of having Paired slots...

Can Anyone help?
I need some help. In my game I only have a Weapon, One armor, and One Accessory. I'm don't have all those different kinds of armors. Can some one help me fix the script so that it only show the Weapon and only one Armor slot, because I don't want Accessories to equip Materia either. THanks
Gangstaquay, go to the area of the script where it shows the weapons and they look something like this: (2, 1) That indicates the number of slots. Simply change that number to change the number of slots(it'll look something like this(1, 0) or (0, 1) If you only want certain weapons or armors to be able to equip materia, like at the default setup and just copy the way its set up. Then just change the id number of it and there ya go. Try that and see what happens. I'm not on my home comp so this is the best example I can provide for now.
Maybe I didn't explain myself to well. The materia system shows Weapon, shield, helmet, body armor, and accessory. But I don't use all of those. All I use is the Weapon and shield. Everything else is not in my game. I want to know if there's a way so that the Materia menu doesn't show anything but Weapon and shield. Like final fantasy 7.

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