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FFVII Materia System XP/VX - Both versions Fully Translated!

I'm using this Great Materia System with the Great Tankentai Battle System.
But there are a lot of compatibility issues. So I'm asking if you would help me.
First... you won't get AP at the end of a battle.
Second... The ALL materias and the ELEMENTAL and such won't work
Thx in advance
From what little testing and setup I've done so far, I have to say I'm impressed. So thanks for having a working VX version of this... it's made life quite a bit simpler.

But there is one aspect of this system that is completely missing, and I'm rather surprised that SephSpawn didn't include it in the original (or if he did have it, that it got cut out). Late in FFVII, you have the ability to combine all the Mastered Materia into a single Master Materia. IE, once you mastered one of each of the Magic-type Materia, they were combined to form a single Master Materia that gave access to ALL of the spells in the game. The same thing went for the Support, Summon, and Command Materias.

I figured that making such a materia shouldn't be hard, using the system that's already in place. Then I really looked at the notes, and I no longer think it's possible, as it would appear that you can only gain one spell/ability per level of Materia... so putting the IDs of ALL the spells in wouldn't work. Especially since the Materia would already be a Master on receipt.

When you DO get around to the next version (understanding that this may be some time, with the other scripts being worked on), could this glaring ommision be remedied?
ArcanaMagek":vub27lh6 said:
I'm using this Great Materia System with the Great Tankentai Battle System.
But there are a lot of compatibility issues. So I'm asking if you would help me.
First... you won't get AP at the end of a battle.
Second... The ALL materias and the ELEMENTAL and such won't work
Thx in advance

This things happen to me too!
I have tried it and i know this script can be used with ATB but the all materia, Hp <-> Mp materia, elemental materia and Hp/mp absorb materia doesn't work
Just try remove the Tankentai Script and try it if it work just try something like
- Moving the Materia system script above Tankentai Script
- Don't use the All and Elemental materia

This things work in my game
Hope this help you Arcana



Currently the materia system isn't 100% compatible with the SBS.
I'm going update this as soon i'm done with the the bigger part of bug fixes on the acbs.
Atoa":2ryed95e said:
Currently the materia system isn't 100% compatible with the SBS.
I'm going update this as soon i'm done with the the bigger part of bug fixes on the acbs.
I hope you finish this things
I really need this Script
This Script are Wonderful!
Atoa":20vmgesp said:
Currently the materia system isn't 100% compatible with the SBS.
I'm going update this as soon i'm done with the the bigger part of bug fixes on the acbs.

Will this include, possibly, the addition of Master Materia as I described above? Or, at least, a way to stack multiple skills per Materia Level? Either way would allow me to completly mimic the FFVII Materia system.
Hey, I think I found a bug. At first I thought it was just me, but the demo was doing it too.
Right after I finish a battle, before I get exp and everything it says Script 'Materia System' Line 1879: Type Error occurred. No Implicit conversation from nil to integer. Idk what it means (cus imma noob) so I figured I'd let you know.
alphaao":2zbvehk5 said:
Go to line 1879 in the materia script and erase these two lines -
1878 self.contents.font.name = $fontface 

1879 self.contents.font.size = $fontsize
21stbreakcloud21":2zbvehk5 said:
Hey, I think I found a bug. At first I thought it was just me, but the demo was doing it too.
Right after I finish a battle, before I get exp and everything it says Script 'Materia System' Line 1879: Type Error occurred. No Implicit conversation from nil to integer. Idk what it means (cus imma noob) so I figured I'd let you know.
It's has been finished



Hi, I'm using the VX version of this - is there a way to make it so that if you replace a materia it asks if you're sure you want to change materia? and if you do then destroys it? thx in advance for any help =)



Hi, I'm using the VX version of this - is there a way to make it so that if you replace a materia it asks if you're sure you want to change materia? and if you do then destroys it? thx in advance for any help =)

EDIT: Argh! double post; sorry! x_x;;;



Wow sweet script this is awesome but a couple questions: Can I get rid of the materia option in the menu and can I get rid of the AP message after a battle?

Edit: I got rid of the AP message just deleted these lines from the code in Window_BattleResult

x += cx + 16
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
cx = contents.text_size(@ap.to_s).width
self.contents.draw_text(x, 0, cx, 32, @ap.to_s)
x += cx + 4
self.contents.font.color = system_color
cx = contents.text_size(Materia_Config::AP_Name).width
self.contents.draw_text(x, 0, 64, 32, Materia_Config::AP_Name)
I have a questions:
Is there anyway to equip materia and lock it on a character through an event? When I use this in my game, I dont want to use the 'materia' part of it. Instead, it fit my 'class system'. Everyone has a specific element, and as it levels up, they gain spells. Also, pending on their element, they will gain bonus' and negatives. Which is perfect for this. So i really dont want the player to be able to touch anything. Merely look at their progress on their element and see how it effects the player.

I have a new question:

For some reason, when i bring up the materia equip screen, it will not let me equip any materia. Has anyone else had this problem...? When i start a new game, it works fine. But when I load a game, it will not equip...
So, the script is finally working and everything. But I just want to know one thing:

Is there an easy way, through a script command, that I can manually equip someone with a materia? Just wonder if there is an easy way or fix to do that.


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