Venetia":3jiqj9ui said:god-DAMN
when it's nearing that time of the month, you don't go downtown on a lady! ya just DON'T!
you get points for being a good sport though ... i woulda dumped the bitch! Then probably I would have gone TOTALLY straight, insteada half-straight :/
Haha, well, like I said, it was a few hours into it, and I saw no signs of blood then. *shrug*
I've learned my lesson though, lol.
LGBT rights in the Republic of Ireland":3jiqj9ui said:I rememeber
One time a classmate of mine in 11th grade was telling us about a girl he was having intercourse with. Everything was going well and it was about to be the climax, when all of a sudden she drops a huge deuce. @_@ He then made her get up, wash his sheets, make up the bed, and walk home (about 6 miles).
I dunno if he was honest on this or not, but thats a pretty big fail for her! (And embarrassing.)
That guy was a pretty big asshole, though.
That reminds me of yet another fail, but not for me this time.
Apparently, one of my old friends was getting a bj from his girlfriend, when he goes to touch her ass, and finds that she had apparently shit herself. I don't know exactly what his reaction was, but I heard that instead of freaking out, he started to wipe it in her hair instead. Now everytime I look at her... :x
EDIT: I think it's possible that I've killed this thread now... >.<