I just had an omnifail. No wait, an epic fail... an Epifail.
I keep overhearing some guy in the common room, ranting on about how he hates me, because I always do better than him, but also because I keep staring at him. Truth is, in our common room, there is a clock. It just so happens, that he always sits underneath the clock, and me being the nerd I am, I keep looking at the clock to see what time it is (as you do). Anyway, that's just part of the fail.
Today, the clock had fell off the wall, so was about a metre away from this guy. I looked at it, and it was upside down, so I was sort of staring at it, tilting my head and such, so I could try and work out what time it was. Well, this guy starts at me:
"What are you staring at, are you a fucking pedo or something!?"
Anyway, I decided I had finally enough, so I shouted across the common room:
"Look, what is your problem, are you so big headed that you think just 'cause I'm looking in your direction you think I'm looking at something as ugly as you? Even if I did roll that way I wouldn't go near you in a lifetime!"
Anyway. It turns out, he wasn't shouting on behalf of him, but for the girl, who was sitting next to the clock, with her legs wide open, rubbing herself. So from where he was sitting (and from where this girl was sitting), it looked like I was staring at her, especially with the whole tilty-head thing. What's more, she thought I was saying that to her.
So, several things came from this:
1. The girl now hates me and avoids me like a plague of locusts.
2. Her friends hate me.
3. Anybody who has heard of her or her friends hates me.
4. The whole school now things I'm gay (since I said "Even if I did roll that way") which shouldn't be a bad thing, but you know how things start in schools.
5. The guy is now talking about how he's going to "stab the shit out of me" the next time he sees me.