Nikki seriously take off the elder scrolls fanboy glasses. Bethesda recycles a fuckton in their maps are you kidding me. How many unique shop and house interiors are there? How many generic non quest dungeons? They recycle like everyone else that has to create 1,000 different maps. And unlike Bioware games Bethesda's writing fare is dry as a sun bleached bagel with the exception of Fallout 3 which isn't completely their conceptual baby. Seriously Elder Scrolls is as tedious as listening to the Silmarillion be read by Ted Koppel. But if you really want to talk about lazy development, what has Bethesda really done other than repackage the same fucking game engine six times with new texture packs and locales. Granted Fallout 3 had some different physics tweaks and a different leveling system which imo is far superior than the spam an action and win system of the Elder scrolls series.
Massive worlds are only as good as the amount that you can actually interact with in a meaningful manner. Yeah Elder Scrolls lands are big but there is so much lifeless non interactive space. Random dungeons are the same old fare of whacking enemies to find some swag of questionable worth given the effort, there are very few puzzles or really any other thing to do other than click left or click right on the baddy coming your way. Really ES worlds are lonely as fuck. Their is no one character that populates them of any interest. At least Bioware can get you to care about its cast. Cyrodil is about to be destroyed and really i could give two shits either way. I've never actually experienced an emotion other than frustration and what i will construe as moments of mild excitement playing ES. There is no frustration like almost getting to a dungeon in the northern climb of morrowind to do a quest and having a stupid desert racer give you some horrific blight disease that takes your strength down to 7, and having to run all the way back to a town to get it lifted by a priest. You have played for almost an hour now and have done nothing other than walk in two directions.
But yeah if walking is your thing you can go outside for free and see trees and wildlife with little risk of lazy repeat mapping.
Frankly the battle systems don't compare. Bioware's no matter what series we speak of is easily deeper. The Baldur's Gate Series, NWN, and DA involve party management and tactical combat which just don't exist in ES FO 3 being lone adventuring crawlers. In those aforementioned bioware games you benefit a lot from planning your engagements, setting traps, choosing appropriate spells, whereas in elder scrolls you just left and right click and use potions when neccessary. Enemies don't really do much thinking themselves in ES they just kind of relentlessly pursue you or if they are ranged run backwards. The enemies don't really set any traps and if you have high sneak are easily surprised or circumnavigated.
I think Bioware does a way better job writing for their games, balancing them, and simply making them fun. Frankly I'd think a little differently of bethesda if they had done the obvious thing and added legitimate multiplayer support as a base component of their games. This would significantly make them a better experience and cut down on the feeling of loneliness and lifelessness since there will be at least one other person in the world with a pulse and a non generic personality.