Since we're playing games, I go with male for the left and right, the top and bottom, tough to call due to pose & angle, so no fair
However in any case you have to admit, at least if you've seen a lot of trannies, 95% of them are really, really easy to tell and frankly are horrifying unless that's your kink. If you want to pick the talk show highlight "can you believe I used to be a guy" transsexuals you're getting basically the same perspective as if you flip through Victoria's Secret in an effort to get an idea of what the average woman looks like.
Nonetheless, their body, their business, I've no qualms with them.
@Raven: Oh yeah I was essentially agreeing with you, I just think you could break it down even more if you chose and I felt like elaborating.
Nonetheless, their body, their business, I've no qualms with them.
@Raven: Oh yeah I was essentially agreeing with you, I just think you could break it down even more if you chose and I felt like elaborating.