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Chrono Crisis

ah, i see, what is yer estimate of when the game will be released? or is there an estimate? also, where did yer spriter learn!? (i've never received an answer for this)
There's no solid release date at the moment, and Lena basically taught herself. Mimicing other styles, lots of practice, then developing her own style is how she's gotten where she is today.
ah... i see... this game looks fantastic, it's amazing what taking yer time does to a game... hehe... also who is lena? is she a member of rmxp.org? (im gonna feel SO stupid when i receive the answer arent i?)
ah, i see, she is VERY talented, hopefully i can match up to that someday... does she make them from scratch or does she use a template?



:3 You love teasing people don't you? The sprites still look awesome, and the little preview thing on your forums makes me want to play it even more. ^^
its true... if he pulls it off everyone around here will know the names lena and chains of fate and the other people i need to take the time to find out there names...

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