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Chrono Crisis

Updates have been scarce for a bit, but that's because we've been busy with a surprise! ^__~

A friend of our spriter Lena has worked very hard to get us an amazing website, (which we've all been dying for) and unlike the sites of the past, this one's not going anywhere! XD

There's some new content to check out, so go take a look and let us know what you think!

hey, i heard you guys needed some concept artists, so I went over to your forum and registered.

awaiting to be validated.



ryanwh;68828 said:
Hah, this game has been in production since forever. I remember seeing it 4 or 5 times across communities over the last 3 years. How close to a demo are you because every time I get interested in this game it dissapeared and changes makers.
LOL, I have the very first original RM2K demo of this game still on my computer.

Special update today! Be sure to check out www.chrono-crisis.com too!

Firstly, something I'm sure everyone will be excited to see... finalized artwork for Xavier, Matison, and Celia! All done by our wonderful new artist, Dice. I'm sure you'll notice that Matison's outfit is different, this is because I felt the old design didn't really catch Matison's personality and battle style perfectly. I also wanted to give her a more futuristic look and a cool accessory. (Headphones! XD)

Here's the new artwork of Xavier, Matison, and Celia:

http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/9712/matisonembreekt2.th.jpg[/img] http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/9901/celiaguardiaiu4.th.jpg[/img]

Secondly, there's a new screenshot available in the Gallery. Don't you just love convenience stores?


Next up, two new music clips have been put up in Downloads, "Forward to the Past" and "Dreaming in the Rain," so definitely give those a listen. Where will they be used in the game? Can't say. ^__~ Here's quick links to them:

Forward to the Past Clip

Dreaming in the Rain Clip

Finally, I had our second new artist prepare a teaser poster for this occasion. Check out it: (Click for bigger size!)


This poster is an ad for an upcoming concert in the Crisis world, featuring the hottest music artist in Guardia, Calypso. Calypso used to be a somewhat different character who went by another name. Hardcore fans may remember the old version of her, do you?

Well, I hope everyone enjoyed this update! Happy Halloween! Now go out and do something fun!
Just checkin' up on the progress.
This looks great, guys!
Keep on pushing, or my game will be out before yours! >^_^<
Let me know if you need help with sprites, spell/tech effects, or your battle system.
I have been waiting for this game for quite a while now and i believe this game is probably one of the biggest and most known game to date made with RPG Maker XP, cant wait for it to be done! :D
I know I am entering a little late in the development of the game, but I want to say that this project looks freaking brilliant, those screen shots are amazing. :D
I have been looking in on this project for a while, but never got around to posting. So I figured I would post and display my interest.  ;)

Looking excellent. I especially appreciate your use of mode 7.

Keep it up.
Lies! Oh dang... now I look like an idiot... weren't you using it earlier for the airship? Epoch I believe it was called in the official game.
Ahh..This game is taking forever XD.. I remember it from almost 2 years ago or something like that. Hopefully, this game will be even better then the originals!

Keep up the good work!

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