@Iceplosion: you're totally right, I'vew always been nopen (and so are both my mom and dad) about seeing an attractive man / woman. neither one of my parents is afraid to say when they see an attractive man/woman.
I love making close-minded people uncomfortable to the poiint of accepting that they DO see it hahah
ANYWAYS, about my guilty pleasures :cool:
Umm, I have a lot of Guilty Pleasures hahaha
I've always been, for some reason, able to get people to like me/follow me/want me by just looking at them , not staring, mind you, but simply a simple, uninterested one-second eye contact. It even has it's own look, whether it's with the confident. I'm not super attractive, but it's just a thing that has an impressively high % of success in my case. a gift (har har har)
well, the main one that I will disclose is how i LOVE flirting, well, not really flirting itself... but being desired, it's a RUSH i tell ya. I can't go anywhere without enjoying screwing with someone's head. I'll be walking and do it, try to get WHOEVER IS IN MY WAY, and I'll do it repeatedly each day.
Don't think I'm one of those pathetic guys that goes to a woman and is like "hay babe, watcha doin'" I usually enjoy NOT doing anything up until the point where the girl (Or GUY, i don't really care who is attracted to me) comes up to me and starts talking.
Also, when it's a Guy I enjoy it a LOT, one because it's so different, guys approach you much differently than a girl, and that's where my second guilty pleasure comes to play..
I LOVE rejecting people, it's SO evil, but hahaha it's.... fun and amusing XD
I don't do it in a rude way to the person, but ti's usually:
Guy: haha, well, thanks man, but I'm not into guys.
Girl: oh, heh thanks, but I'm seeing someone. I'm sorry
in conclusion:
I'm probably a lil' bit egomaniac, Manipulative (hell yeah), and plain evil. an asshole XD