I should've defined or linked to a site that had the definition of what a guilty pleasure is...
definition":139dt0x5 said:
A guilty pleasure is known as a something one considers pleasurable despite it being mainly received negatively or looked down on by a majority of society.
So a guy who is a huge Lars G?ran Petrov fan and does everything he can to show off his Entombed t-shirts, CDs, and such listening to Shakira = a guilty pleasure.
That random guy in the flannel shirts and work boots at the bar watching Sex in the City - and not because of the title, but because of the plot and characters - would be a guilty pleasure.
That hardcore rapper with the grill and 38 bullet wounds unwinding to Simon and Garfunkle, that's a guilty pleasure.
Randomly stating some quirk is not a guilty pleasure. Being a liar is a trait not a guilty pleasure. Thinking a movie is funny isn't either. If you were the complete opposite demographic of that movie, and no one in the world would believe you even watched it - and you loved it, would in fact be a guilty pleasure.
My Flintstones vitamins is a guilty pleasure because I'm neither a child or a vitamin buff, but rather someone who actually is displeased with a "supplement pill popping nation", and disagree with most -cept for on a few special circumstances- child hood pill poppings. Therefore my intake of child based vitamins and supplements goes against my nature, personality, and stand on things - hence a guilty pleasure (as well as a hypocrisy).