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you'd let your kids go to school with Gary Suraci?

:mad: This really ought to go in The Symposium.

I don't want to have to start getting mad at people for discriminating against people with gender issues. Someone move this topic.

I'm so tired of homophobes and people with tolerance issues. People just need to mind their own damn business and everyone'd be a hell of a lot happier.

Gender-confused folks are much LESS likely to ever molest a kid. They're often afraid of their own sexuality because it's difficult for them to comprehend, usually stemming from childhood/sexual abuse. I'd feel safer letting Gary/Genna teach my kid than Chester the 40-year-old-single-guy because, statistically, he's the safer bet if you're betting on who'll be taking little Suzy Mae down to the harassment-hole.

People, get off your high-horses and understand that people have a right to happiness, as long as it doesn't harm anyone around them. Kids're resilient. More resilient than we give them credit.

So please move this topic before I go on a tirade. ':|
buffalo;268925 said:
why would this even cross your mind. why does this cross anybody's mind.

You totally missed the point I was trying to make. Her sex change doesn't have anything to do with the children that go to the school. It doesn't even have anything to do with the school PERIOD. As long as he deciding to become a she does not directly involve the children or the running of the school itself, then who gives a damn?

Seriously, I'm getting tired of how utterly retarded debates like this get. We have a right to do whatever we want with our bodies. We have a right to act as we wish. We have a right to prefer one thing over the other. As long as we don't cross the legal and personal boundaries, and don't force our opinions and our ways of life on another person, who gives a damn?
A page back but still...
Prexus;269056 said:
America is f*cked up. In Canada, nobody would have bat an eye at this. Reason being that it doesn't f*cking matter, in the slightest. The guy can do whatever he wants, whether people want him to or not. If the law protects his job, then the law protects his job. With such a drastic change, even if he lost his job I don't think he'd have cared.
My mother's uncle, when we visited him in Alberta, wouldn't let me play with a kid down the street, back in the late 90's. Because that kid's brother had wanted a sex change and was dating his classmate named Christopher.
The "it wouldn't happen here" argument, unless your talking about a very small region, never works.

Also, for the record, nothing I ever saw stated the sexual orientation of this principal, only the sex change. Not all people who have sex changes actually change their sexual orientation - while many do, it's not a rule that they must. Unless someone saw something I didn't... well.

But honestly, if this guy - as a guy - won achievement awards and other such awards and is nationally credited (according to the local news stations such as the more conservative Fox5 and the more liberal NY1) then really, what difference does it make?
Will she - as a female - now be unable to do the things that won him prestige and awards, based on his job and education and extra effort given to the high school children?
Least I think it's a HS... don't remember now.
Draken;269101 said:
Who twisted your words and how? Or can't you accept the fact that you were wrong?

I'm just trying to say that I don't agree with the general idea, but I have nothing against the people. In fact, I know a few very good people whom I disagree with thier choices, but I can't control anybody.
buffalo;269053 said:
then you'd be a shit parent. any parent who doesn't teach their kid PRETTY IMPORTANT SHIT like this and discards it as "lol ew fuck that im just gonna pull em out heh fuck their friends i dont agree with someones basic constitutional rights" is really pathetic.

i'm completely open-minded regarding closed-minded opinions. it doesn't mean i don't think the people who have them are complete idiots though. nobody who opposes GAYS or GAY MARRIAGE can back their opposition up with anything other than "ew hes stickin a d*ck in his butt", "god doesnt want it like that!!", or "its tradition", one of which is childish, one of which is utterly stupid, and one of which fails to take into account that stoning unfaithful family members is tradition too.

You're childish (lol)
I do find gross men having sex with each other (not women thought :D) but I don't condemn them or think of them to be less than me AND I don't hate them. I have the right to not agree with it as much as you have the right to be "open-minded" about it.

Rye;268976 said:
In that way of thinking, if my genes want me to have breast cancer or any kind of illness that goes through generations, shall I just let it get me? I mean, if it is in my genes, heaven forbid I go against it. ;)

But really, I see nothing wrong with the principal. H/She's the same person as they were before, just a lady instead of a dude. If someone is really unhappy with what they are (i.e. a man or a woman) and they have the power to change it, why not? If it makes them happier, then it should be fine! And parents can't keep their kids sheltered all the time.

Unless you think penis equals cancer, you can't say that o.0
Cancer is a sickness and the penis is part of your body (in males, ofc), its the same as removing your arms to be happier! What did the arms do to you? NOTHING. Might as well remove your HEAD. Homossexuality isn't present only in the human race, other species have homossexual behaviours, so it's acceptable, but you don't see monkeys chopping their dicks off. I think it is some sort of mental disturbance or something. I mean, you don't see every homossexual wanting to be women/men, do you?



Pete, you were saying that if the part of you came from your genes, you shouldn't bother to get rid of it. That is basically saying, if you get something from your genes, let it stay, because that's what is natural.

Also, some people do not feel like they are in the right gender, and if someone feels like that, that makes them unhappy. Why is it so immoral to be happy? It's not like changing their gender is going to hurt you or anyone else for that matter. Homosexuality is different from feeling like you are the wrong gender, you do know that right?
buffalo;268925 said:
601/4 you are a coolsmart guy but asking IS A SEX CHANGE WEIRD to a forum full of 14-year-olds is kindof not one of your best.
I was going to answer this last time but thought I typed to much, but now I can go on again - mwa ha ha... Yeah, sorry, but I was at most 7 when I was first introduced to "alternate lifestyles" and things, and I don't find anything wrong with someone being asked their opinion about something at double that age.
And thanks for a compliment heh.

As for the genetic argument...
Genetics have so much to do with, according to some people, our make up emotionally and mentally.
I remember a Discovery channel thing. I don't remember what it was... a geneticists said that it is possible to have your organs form one way - and your brain the other.

That what would be ovaries become testicles, what would be the clitoris becomes the penis, so on... But no one tells the brain, and the brain continues to function as an opposingly sexed brain. That is with hormones, and so on. I don't understand biology and genetics and such, but the documentary was about sex changes and was on about a year and a half ago.

So genetically. You have a female with the body of a male.
Genetically, you had a sex change occurring naturally geneticists' own words.

So with that, why not fix it?

Venetia;269093 said:
:mad: This really ought to go in The Symposium.
Reported the thread saying it was suggested to be moved to the Symposium.
I didn't think it would start a life preference debate, foolishly.
As I said, it's their body, they can go kill themselves. But I have the right to think it's wrong. It's fucking twisted, how many straight men you know that have sexual fantasies about men that change sex? Having sex with shemales would make them less straight. Just because a guy has his penis chopped off and consumes hormones to make his breasts bigger (and even make silicone implants) doesn't mean he becomes a woman. A woman borns a woman, doesn't born man. "The habit doesn't make the monk"
But what the hell, I can't tell them to not do it, but they can't make me think of them as normal people.

sixtyandaquarter;269231 said:
As for the genetic argument...
Genetics have so much to do with, according to some people, our make up emotionally and mentally.
I remember a Discovery channel thing. I don't remember what it was... a geneticists said that it is possible to have your organs form one way - and your brain the other.

That what would be ovaries become testicles, what would be the clitoris becomes the penis, so on... But no one tells the brain, and the brain continues to function as an opposingly sexed brain. That is with hormones, and so on. I don't understand biology and genetics and such, but the documentary was about sex changes and was on about a year and a half ago.

So genetically. You have a female with the body of a male.
Genetically, you had a sex change occurring naturally geneticists' own words.

So with that, why not fix it?

Really? I never heard of that. Pretty interesting...Kind of changes my way of looking at this.

also seriously mind your own godamn business, he's going to be the same guy, with a fucking vagina. He's not going to go into your child's classroom, and start talking about why he did it, that they should do it too, he's going to fucking do what he did before. I say he all the times there because it takes too fucking long to type s/he every damn time.

I heard someone say something about anal sex being bad for you somewhere? I'd like some clarification. Well not really, I just felt like drawing attention to you being an idiot. Good thing I don't remember your name!
Andy6000;269241":by1b2ldp said:

also seriously mind your own godamn business, he's going to be the same guy, with a fucking vagina. He's not going to go into your child's classroom, and start talking about why he did it, that they should do it too, he's going to fucking do what he did before. I say he all the times there because it takes too fucking long to type s/he every damn time.

I heard someone say something about anal sex being bad for you somewhere? I'd like some clarification. Well not really, I just felt like drawing attention to you being an idiot. Good thing I don't remember your name!

I <3 you, Andy. Thank you. :#
PeteD2S;269237 said:
how many straight men you know that have sexual fantasies about men that change sex? Having sex with shemales would make them less straight. Just because a guy has his penis chopped off and consumes hormones to make his breasts bigger (and even make silicone implants) doesn't mean he becomes a woman. A woman borns a woman, doesn't born man. "The habit doesn't make the monk"
So a hermaphrodite isn't capable of being sexed, they must remain the way they are? They can't be a woman or a man? They must be set aside from everyone else - regardless of how they feel?

The only difference here is one was born with extra equipment, while the other was born with wrong equipment.

PeteD2S;269237 said:
But what the hell, I can't tell them to not do it, but they can't make me think of them as normal people.
Sorry, but that sounds very wrong too me.
What does normality have to do with anything - define it. I have yet to meet one normal person in all of my 25 years of life. If anything normality to me has always been defined by how someone defines themselves, not how others define them.

They are a person. That's what matters. A person's rights and equality has nothing to do with their normalcy.
If it did I wouldn't be allowed to vote, and I'd have to be segregated from the rest of the world. Forget sitting at the back of the bus, I'd have to hold on to the tailpipe and hope I don't slip off, if that's the thinking.

PeteD2S;269237 said:
Really? I never heard of that. Pretty interesting...Kind of changes my way of looking at this.
I can't quote it exactly, so don't take it too seriously yet. If I find the source I will post it, but until then it's heresay to be fair.
Andy6000;269241 said:
He's not going to go into your child's classroom, and start talking about why he did it, that they should do it too, he's going to fucking do what he did before.

I heard someone say something about anal sex being bad for you somewhere? I'd like some clarification. Well not really, I just felt like drawing attention to you being an idiot. Good thing I don't remember your name!
Actually Genna Suraci will be talking about it. Or at the least the teachers will be talking about it, and hopefully will without bias explain the reasoning behind it too any children who raise their hand to ask.
From what I saw on the news they will be possibly putting out fliers in the hall with some notes on it - but that's besides the point. But still, the point you made is very true.

Genna will be doing everything Gary did before, possibly better since now she will be more comfortable in her own skin.
Something very few people are capable of doing, even if they are - what some would call - "normal".
I'm sure not comfortable in my body - and that has nothing to do with sexing, but if I could have a surgery to fix these, I just might.
Then I'll be that much more happy.
And my life will have that much more meaning, on top of what it already has now.

The quality of life overrides the opinions of others, in all cases.
I don't get what's so bad about this guy getting a sex change. If the kids ask questions about it, it's up to the damn parents to explain this to them and also tell them that it's not their right to criticize people based off of what they were born with/decided to change about themselves. If you can't deal with it, send your kids to another fucking school.



I'm glad there are still open-minded people running about.

Genna will not be the same person though, she will be a happier person, as Sixtyandaquarter said. With the newfound freedom to be herself, I can only see this as something positive for the school. Also, it'll be a damned shame if they don't speak of it to the students, as this could be a great learning experience for many of them and they have a right to know why their principal went from he to she. I also doubt that she'll try to tell the students to do it too, but it will open up conversation about it and maybe get a few of them to open up their minds and learn a little bit more about life and people.

Oh yes, and everyone does have their right to their own opinions. If you think this is despicable and she should be kept from your children, you have the right to think that(and even voice it). I also reserve the right to disagree with you (and voice my opinions on the topic) and hope you don't take your opinions so far as to hurt someone over them.

"An harm it none, do as ye will", it's an old saying, with many religions echoing it in one way or another, but it's a damn good one and worth following. She's not hurting anyone, and is actually sacrificing a great deal to be who she wants to be. I can only imagine the reactions and the turmoil this person will have to endure because of those who find it immoral. Regardless of what's to come for Genna, we should all be happy for her and hope that one day we too will get a chance to be who we truly wish to be.

I'd also like to add that I hope he at least plans to go the extra mile and make himself into a rather sexy lady, that way this benefits everyone. = )




This is so funny to just sit back and read!

I mean, here are a bunch of people just arguing away about their views... some saying gays are bad, some saying gays are okay, some saying immorally wrong, some saying who gives a care!

It is just funny...

Anyway, just to clarify one point.
I re-read my first post, and realized that I forgot to mention that I was being sarcastic ^_^
ie, it sounded like I agreed with gays and lesbians and all that jizz.

I would like to say that I am totally against it, and do not agree in any way that people should be gay.

I know there is nothing I can do about it, but there, that is what I think.

Great, now that that is said, I think I will read the whole thing again and have another few laughs... :D (I especially like Andys post ^_^)
Sure, it'll be a bit of a shocker to the kids right away, but same with any major thing happening in a teacher's life. At my elementary school, everyone in my class would freak out when a teacher got married, simply because of the new name she'd be aquiring(things were simpler in those days... oh how I miss the days where I could spend an afternoon eating glue...).

But it's better that they learn that (!)sex changes do exist, and that people can change if they desire it enough. It's better to learn as a kid and have ground for the future then to be thrown out into the world knowing nothing, that the world is the nice happy place that they were told to believe through childhood.

The most important thing would be to educate the childeren, and the families.



Atemu;269386 said:
Kraft, you seriously have to be the most narrow minded person I've ever encountered in my life. :|

Thank You!
And I would greatly appreciate it if you kept your opinions of me to yourself.
There is much I could say right now, but I will keep those things to myself.

That is what I think, and thats that.
seriously? glue?
I spent my afternoons hanging out with chicks and playing dodgeball and manhunt. well, except for jr. high where i spent my days getting high, and highschool where i spent my days getting a GED in 4 weeks.

Let's not forget, in this case, they are high school students. if they don't know about alternate lifestyles, or sex changes, or things that would be grouped in with those, then there's something wrong there. and it's not with the principal.

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