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Yay for Gays!!!!~~

Just a question, for those whose argument is that it is against Christianity or offensive to Christianity:

- Why can two Jewish people get married
- Why can two Atheists get married
- Why can an Atheist and a Mormon get married

But not two gay Christians?
Captain Murphy":iic3u5ss said:
Adam and Steve
I lol'd
I can't answer your question.. there are always people who do a thing-good thing- wrong, like someone becoming a high religious figure and later caught molesting kids, etc.

becoolioman":iic3u5ss said:
I stupid, to be honest with you.
I knew it !
Anyway, I thought I explained why gay marriage "ruins" marriage. Isn't it a valid answer? o.o

Eddie":iic3u5ss said:
its obvious that all the problems of the world seem to relate to religion.
It's obvious that it seems? and how do you have 'mixed feelings', it seems like you're all for gay marriage. you used "absolutely" twice. You keep contradicting yourself...
Other than that, it's more the religious people than the religion, like how the Koran talks about peace but Jihadists claim their war is a religious one.
I guess every social group of people has its share of nut cases.
* but religious ones tend to take it to the extreme *

Eddie":iic3u5ss said:
TRUE love down to its core is worthy of ceremony and being remembered
That's the best argument anyone made in this thread. Believe it or not, I disagree, at least in some cases. But I accept the fact that other people see it differently. Love is the new religion to some :)

Last thing, to all of you saying 'religion is a silly reason to hate gays'..
Religion is my moral compass, it tells me it's wrong to steal, to murder, and so on. Why is it ok to believe it's wrong to be a thief, but it's not ok to believe it's wrong to be gay? I mean, you as christians/muslems believe it's wrong to be Jew, and I live with that. I don't make parades of 'pride' in your town saying: Accept me, admit there's nothing wrong with me being Jew!
Edit: someone said gays were not getting the same rights, as they weren't allowed to get married. this saddens me, I had no idea it worked this way. I'd rather giving the same right to 'civil unions' than to legalize gay marriage, though.
Edit2: Wyatt, because the new testimony doesn't speak against it.



Just to clear things up before I post somthing, i have one question silver wind:
Do you want to make gay marriage illegal?
Yes or no?
(I know this sounds silly)
If yes, I think your argument is still :religion
Religion is my moral compass, it tells me it's wrong to steal, to murder, and so on. Why is it ok to believe it's wrong to be a thief, but it's not ok to believe it's wrong to be gay? I mean, you as christians/muslems believe it's wrong to be Jew, and I live with that. I don't make parades of 'pride' in your town saying: Accept me, admit there's nothing wrong with me being Jew!

Stealing hurts people.

Being gay doesn't. In any way. At all.

Are you honestly saying that if a law was made that said Jews would be second class citizens and a bunch of rights were taken away from them, that you would just sit back and say "fair enough"?
Religion =/= democracy. It isn't about what hurts people.
If you read 1 line below what you quoted you'll see what I think about gay rights.
silver wind":38anxzj8 said:
Religion =/= democracy. It isn't about what hurts people.
If you read 1 line below what you quoted you'll see what I think about gay rights.

Are you serious? You'd honestly do / not do something based on your religion, even if you thought it wasn't the right thing to do? Shows dedication, it honestly does, but I can't help but think it's a tad... silly.
Why would god give us the mental capacity to develop counter arguments against the bibles stipulations and guidance if he didn't want us to do so.
silver wind":2a342o5d said:
Religion =/= democracy. It isn't about what hurts people.

And this is exactly why religion is dangerous. What hurts people doesn't matter, what matters is what your god says. Religion leads people to crush, kill, and destroy in spite of the fact that it hurts people because they think God wants it. You may not do these things, but the thought processes you've just expressed have that as their natural conclusion. You disgust and terrify me.
silver wind":2lmz2w0m said:
Captain Murphy":2lmz2w0m said:
Adam and Steve
I lol'd
I can't answer your question.. there are always people who do a thing-good thing- wrong, like someone becoming a high religious figure and later caught molesting kids, etc.

becoolioman":2lmz2w0m said:
I stupid, to be honest with you.
I knew it !
Anyway, I thought I explained why gay marriage "ruins" marriage. Isn't it a valid answer? o.o

Eddie":2lmz2w0m said:
its obvious that all the problems of the world seem to relate to religion.
It's obvious that it seems? and how do you have 'mixed feelings', it seems like you're all for gay marriage. you used "absolutely" twice. You keep contradicting yourself...
Other than that, it's more the religious people than the religion, like how the Koran talks about peace but Jihadists claim their war is a religious one.
I guess every social group of people has its share of nut cases.
* but religious ones tend to take it to the extreme *

Eddie":2lmz2w0m said:
TRUE love down to its core is worthy of ceremony and being remembered
That's the best argument anyone made in this thread. Believe it or not, I disagree, at least in some cases. But I accept the fact that other people see it differently. Love is the new religion to some :)

Last thing, to all of you saying 'religion is a silly reason to hate gays'..
Religion is my moral compass, it tells me it's wrong to steal, to murder, and so on. Why is it ok to believe it's wrong to be a thief, but it's not ok to believe it's wrong to be gay? I mean, you as christians/muslems believe it's wrong to be Jew, and I live with that. I don't make parades of 'pride' in your town saying: Accept me, admit there's nothing wrong with me being Jew!
Edit: someone said gays were not getting the same rights, as they weren't allowed to get married. this saddens me, I had no idea it worked this way. I'd rather giving the same right to 'civil unions' than to legalize gay marriage, though.
Edit2: Wyatt, because the new testimony doesn't speak against it.

Sorry, I forgot to put the reasons of why I was against it. My only mixed feelings are, that I understand the reasons why having Gay Marriage can be a sort of in your face thing to religious people. If I had a choice in the matter, I would say that there would be civil unions that had the same benefits of marriage.

Marriage was an institution indoctrinated by religion, and I understand why some would argue that Gay Marriage is wrong. Gay rights should not conflict with religious rights, all the same... religious rights should not conflict gay rights.

As for myself personally, If I were... say... a Christian. And two men get married... how does that bother me or interfere with my way of life? It doesn't. There life is their own and their choices are their own, and the great thing about America is it IS there choice... or atleast it should be.

The arguement of religious problems with gay marriage just sounds like some kids built a treehouse first and aren't happy that some other kids built one that looked just like it... perhaps kids that seem strange or different to the first... In my own conscience, I don't see why some one's way of life is such a burden to another's way of life who may or may not have anything to do with one another.

Does that make sense? I'm kind of tired as I'm typing this, lol.

I will add though, that in many ways... I see Religion as a wonderful thing. The moral background most religions have are very great values and principals... while I may disagree with some doctrines of religion, I will atleast say this much. Most of them have it right on when it comes to raising the next generation with good principles and morals. I however... my beliefs are this... much like the constitution of the United States.

I believe that all should be granted the Freedom of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness... and it is these three principles that I base my own moral background (though in truth, I grew up in a christian family).

It is not my place to tell another how they are to live their life. It is not my place to take away a life of another. Perhaps that is God's... or Fate... or Nature.

It is not my place to tell another person who they can or can not worship.

It is not my place to intervene with another's pursuit of happiness only to my own amusement or because it just doesn't "feel" right.

People are born to decide their destiny and their choices are their own. I think the more the government interferes with civil liberties such as these, the more the U.S. loses track of what it really means to be a U.S. citizen.

But, that is really all I have to say about that. Right, wrong, or indifferent, this is my opinion, and I fully respect the views and opinions as others... but only as what they are. Opinions of others.
Zelfouz":22cfmon6 said:
silver wind":22cfmon6 said:
Religion =/= democracy. It isn't about what hurts people.

And this is exactly why religion is dangerous. What hurts people doesn't matter, what matters is what your god says. Religion leads people to crush, kill, and destroy in spite of the fact that it hurts people because they think God wants it. You may not do these things, but the thought processes you've just expressed have that as their natural conclusion. You disgust and terrify me.

Perhaps I was a bit wrong when I said Religion is the cause of all bad problems.

All the problems of the world come down to this, whether its directed at religion or other beliefs:

No matter where you go in the world, Opinions are like assholes... Everyone has one. And to add, there will always be another asshole who refuses to coexist with others who have beliefs that contradict their own. This is why mostly all wars are fought. Most political rallies are raised. Most people are in conflict with one another.

I just wish the world would realize, that no matter what, whether it was God, Jehova, or Allah ... or perhaps a really large random explosion at the center of the universe billions of years ago that placed us in this world, that we have been born with the ability to reason on ourn own and decide for ourselves what is right and what is wrong. Until people learn to accept that others will hold their own beliefs, and not to intervene in other people's civil rights based on their own beliefs, this is a problem we will see as a community for many years to come.
I'll say this first.

I do not believe in any religions. I believe in something more powerful. I believe that "god" is EVERYTHING. We all, as a whole, both spiritually and physically, make up "god". I also believe everything always existed, there was no creation, and no end. You can't create matter, you can't destroy matter. Not only this but I also believe that the universe is infinitely large as well as infinitely small. Everthing is made of atoms, atoms are made of smaller things, those smaller things are made of smaller things, etc. I believe the universe has no end. It goes on forever. It seems to be the most logical conclusion that I have reached.

You are your own person. Do what is best for you. However, if you do something that hurts another person, you are wronging them, and what goes around comes around. So in the end, hurting others will never be "good" for you unless you would like to be hurt. Do unto others as you would have done unto you. This is an inevitable fact that rings true regardless of what you believe. Murder is wrong, stealing is wrong, etc. And these wrongs have inevitable consequences.

Now, seeing all of your opinions I'd let you all know, not my opinion, but how I think it should be, for me and myself, for my own best reality.

I honestly believe that sex outside of love (true love) is wrong. Well, maybe wrong is the wrong word. Either you want that special someone, or you don't. Certain people do, certain people don't. Certain people want to abstain until they meet that right special person, certain people don't. In the end it's your own decision and if it works for you it works for you, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. There is nothing wrong with being a whore unless you cause another to sin against their "lover", because that wold be hurting them, which is inevitably wrong no matter what you believe. It is your body to do with as you please. And if being a whore pleases you, and you do not cause another to commit a sin against themself and their lover, then it's completely fine.

Sex (consensual sex, getting raped not included) will only ever be "special" with that one person. Gay or straight. You are completely opening yourself to them and therefore being completely comfortable with them. It is the most intimate you can ever be with someone. If that person just so happens to be a boy, then so be it. I have only ever had one partner and she has only ever had me. And this is something that I am truly happy about. For a lot of people though, it doesn't matter. And that's completely fine! Different people have different views on their own life. Don't ever let anyone tell you how to live your own life, HOWEVER you are to expect to be shot down when you hurt another person.

So in the end, for me, gay sex would be wrong for me to do it, because it would be a sin against my lover.

And usually speaking most gay people have lots of partners, so for me and my reality it is wrong, but if you do it I won't judge you and I will accept you as you are. And as long as you don't try to seduce/sexitize me I'll respect you.


Oh and also there was a lot of talk about religion.
It is wrong to do something that is right only for the sake of religion.
It is wrong to "love" for the sake of religion.

Do what is right because it was the right thing to do, not because the Bible told you to do it.


Also for those who said gay marriage is offensive to Christians...
Well Christians are offensive to non-Christians.

Also I do not view marriage as anything more than a legal document, due to the extremely high divorce rate. Marriage means nothing nowadays. It's all a matter of whether you truly love them and they truly love you. Marriage is barely even a symbol of that anymore.


I just reached a new conclusion. There's nothing wrong with being gay // loving someone of the same sex BUT marriage was instituted by religion and religion instituted it as something between a man and a woman. Gay marriage mocks the whole concept of "marriage" and also attacks those that instituted marriage, religious. However religious people attack unreligious people by hell-threats and such so it's a no-brainer. It's a very interesting thought. Although marriage barely means anything anymore. You can truly love someone without being married to them.

I also support turning the other cheek when someone wrongs you, so having a gay marriage to "strike back" at religion for attacking first would be wrong. ;]
And usually speaking most gay people have lots of partners,


That's what's called a stereotype bud.

I know a lot of couples you would absolutely scream if they heard that. Being gay doesn't suddenly make you a slut.
And --gay or hetero-- why is having lots of partners bad?
I mean there's a higher risk of catching a disease but that's pretty much it, and if you get regularly tested then you're fine ...
And what is "lots"? 10? 20? 30?
Someone once said that I was slutty and my count is under 10 o.0

It's immature to be jealous of your partner's past flings.

and FYI more experienced lovers are better lovers, have more confidence, and fall into boring routines less :eek:

that was off-topic but i always have to lol about teens bringing up philandering as a negative point



silver wind":3fy48b61 said:
Religion =/= democracy. It isn't about what hurts people.
This is exactly the reason why I don't have a religion, really.
I mean think about it, why did your "god" or whatever give you the gift of thinking.
I believe religion is the worst curse ever to fall upon humanity. It's rules and regs, its scheduled rituals and mumbo jumbo has done more to rip off God than anything else to come along. It ties people down with rules, it chains their feeet with restrictions, and loads their pockets down with lead and throws them in a lake to drown.

I HATE religion.

Having said that, I am all for a living, real relationship with Jesus Christ. God wants relationship more than anything. Religion kills it and puts us under a judgment that we can't survive.

God wants us to love people; enough to tell them when they are hurting themselves as well as others.

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