I lol'dCaptain Murphy":iic3u5ss said:Adam and Steve
I knew it !becoolioman":iic3u5ss said:I stupid, to be honest with you.
It's obvious that it seems? and how do you have 'mixed feelings', it seems like you're all for gay marriage. you used "absolutely" twice. You keep contradicting yourself...Eddie":iic3u5ss said:its obvious that all the problems of the world seem to relate to religion.
That's the best argument anyone made in this thread. Believe it or not, I disagree, at least in some cases. But I accept the fact that other people see it differently. Love is the new religion to someEddie":iic3u5ss said:TRUE love down to its core is worthy of ceremony and being remembered
Religion is my moral compass, it tells me it's wrong to steal, to murder, and so on. Why is it ok to believe it's wrong to be a thief, but it's not ok to believe it's wrong to be gay? I mean, you as christians/muslems believe it's wrong to be Jew, and I live with that. I don't make parades of 'pride' in your town saying: Accept me, admit there's nothing wrong with me being Jew!
Commodore Whynot":1tutjc0z said:Stealing hurts people.
Being gay doesn't. In any way. At all.
silver wind":38anxzj8 said:Religion =/= democracy. It isn't about what hurts people.
If you read 1 line below what you quoted you'll see what I think about gay rights.
silver wind":2a342o5d said:Religion =/= democracy. It isn't about what hurts people.
silver wind":2lmz2w0m said:I lol'dCaptain Murphy":2lmz2w0m said:Adam and Steve
I can't answer your question.. there are always people who do a thing-good thing- wrong, like someone becoming a high religious figure and later caught molesting kids, etc.
I knew it !becoolioman":2lmz2w0m said:I stupid, to be honest with you.
Anyway, I thought I explained why gay marriage "ruins" marriage. Isn't it a valid answer? o.o
It's obvious that it seems? and how do you have 'mixed feelings', it seems like you're all for gay marriage. you used "absolutely" twice. You keep contradicting yourself...Eddie":2lmz2w0m said:its obvious that all the problems of the world seem to relate to religion.
Other than that, it's more the religious people than the religion, like how the Koran talks about peace but Jihadists claim their war is a religious one.
I guess every social group of people has its share of nut cases.
* but religious ones tend to take it to the extreme *
That's the best argument anyone made in this thread. Believe it or not, I disagree, at least in some cases. But I accept the fact that other people see it differently. Love is the new religion to someEddie":2lmz2w0m said:TRUE love down to its core is worthy of ceremony and being remembered
Last thing, to all of you saying 'religion is a silly reason to hate gays'..
Religion is my moral compass, it tells me it's wrong to steal, to murder, and so on. Why is it ok to believe it's wrong to be a thief, but it's not ok to believe it's wrong to be gay? I mean, you as christians/muslems believe it's wrong to be Jew, and I live with that. I don't make parades of 'pride' in your town saying: Accept me, admit there's nothing wrong with me being Jew!
Edit: someone said gays were not getting the same rights, as they weren't allowed to get married. this saddens me, I had no idea it worked this way. I'd rather giving the same right to 'civil unions' than to legalize gay marriage, though.
Edit2: Wyatt, because the new testimony doesn't speak against it.
Zelfouz":22cfmon6 said:silver wind":22cfmon6 said:Religion =/= democracy. It isn't about what hurts people.
And this is exactly why religion is dangerous. What hurts people doesn't matter, what matters is what your god says. Religion leads people to crush, kill, and destroy in spite of the fact that it hurts people because they think God wants it. You may not do these things, but the thought processes you've just expressed have that as their natural conclusion. You disgust and terrify me.
And usually speaking most gay people have lots of partners,
This is exactly the reason why I don't have a religion, really.silver wind":3fy48b61 said:Religion =/= democracy. It isn't about what hurts people.