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Yay for Gays!!!!~~

Iowa high court legalizes gay marriage in state

1 hour ago

DES MOINES, Iowa — Gay rights activists are celebrating after Iowa's Supreme Court struck down the state's ban on same-sex marriage.

A former senior adviser on gay rights to President Bill Clinton calls the decision a "big win because, coming from Iowa, it represents the mainstreaming of gay marriage."

The court has ruled that the ban violates the state's constitution and doesn't further government interests.

The conservative Iowa Family Policy Center is dismayed at the ruling, saying "the mood is one of mourning right now."

The case began in 2005 when New York-based gay rights organization Lambda Legal filed a lawsuit on behalf of six gay Iowa couples who were denied marriage licences.

The Polk County attorney says he doesn't plan to contest the ruling, meaning the decision should take effect in three weeks.

Iowa joins Massachusetts and Connecticut as the only U.S. states to permit same-sex marriage.
src: http://www.google.com/hostednews/canadi ... nXoCv_atmw

Hooray for social progress!

Who knows, over the next few years, even more states might follow suit. And it'll be about god damned time.
"The conservative Iowa Family Policy Center is dismayed at the ruling, saying "the mood is one of mourning right now."
People like this really piss me off. Why? What is so wrong about people who love each other marrying, regardless of what gener they are? Who cares? If it really going to affect kids so much if they ask who two guys or two girls are getting married? They're going to learn about it eventually, and with homosexuality becoming less and less "hush hush" you might as well teach the kids now.

I don't get why anyone should be "mourning" at this, they should be celebrating another small victory in human progress.

go Iowa :D
I'm impressed because Iowa isn't typically known for being terribly socially liberal. Super-lib states like Mass and Conn are obvious for legalization, but when semi-conservative/very-conserv states with high concentrations of religious people like Iowa do something like this, it's huge. This could lead to a domino effect in other states. I really hope it does.

I can semi-appreciate the religious person's beliefs in that marriage, i.e. MARRIAGE, defined by their holy text, should be maintained. However if something is recognized on a statewide level, and FEDERAL AND STATE laws and resources are affected by this status, it should never be denied to anyone. I wouldn't have a problem with recategorizing it as "civil unions" to make them feel better, I really don't care. What is important here is the civil liberty for all people regardless of ANYTHING. Hooray equality and fuck the bigots who feel otherwise.
its good to see progress but what are the chances some religious nutbags will go and do a referendum like to get this appealed like california?
It goes by whatever it says on your birth certificate.

I've heard of some transgenders being able to change their birth certificate, though.
I guess this is good news, hopefully there won't be a some sort of overturn in the future...
I really hope this makes other states aware about this, and reconsider their position in the subject.
I have no problem with gay marriage, but they have no right to complain if they're denied a religious marriage. Being married by the state/fed is fine and good, but don't expect to bend a religious belief to get married.



SolstICE":171wfegb said:
its good to see progress but what are the chances some religious nutbags will go and do a referendum like to get this appealed like california?
Here's a good piece that talks about that question.

If you have a lot of free time, you can read the actual court decision here. It has some good stuff talking about the questions of religion and whether it had a bearing in the process.

Arbiter- there are multiple reasons that LGBTs are outraged that they can't marry. For some its the legal recognition not necessarily of their love, but that they're a couple. Marriage carries with it some benefits like visitation rights, tax codes, and allows you to sign onto legal documents as a couple.

For others its merely a matter of civil rights. They feel that they are being oppressed for ignorant prejudice and shouldn't be forced out of the same rights other people enjoy. It's not a matter of practicality but ideology.

Others still want to be able to represent their love for their partner by going the next step. Anyone can be 'together,' and not be married. But only heterosexual couples get to enjoy the legal union. Its a sign of added devotion and marriage means an awful lot to some.

I know there're more reasons that LGBTs want homosexual marriage, but those are some of the top generalized reasons. If you really want to know, you have to ask each couple why they want to be married. Just like with heterosexual couples there are different reasons for different couples.
Feldschlacht IV":4z4x5gic said:
I have no problem with gay marriage, but they have no right to complain if they're denied a religious marriage. Being married by the state/fed is fine and good, but don't expect to bend a religious belief to get married.
Most gay couples do not want or care for a religious marriage anyway.
and if they want one they can just go to a place that accepts them. The religious same sex marriage has never been an issue, for no one.
ДГъíтÉГ":yk44u9x8 said:
To be honest I don't know why a lot of gay people complain that they can't get married.
as far as i know - it's mostly because legal benefits and whatnot.
it's because of several reasons, first there are the legal benefits for married couples, then there's the feeling of let the world know you took your love to the next level, then there's the fact that not being able to marry the person you love makes you feel like a 2nd class citizen.
There are probably more reasons, but those are usually the ones mentioned.
Another piece of legislation pushed through by the secular humanists currently in charge of the government.

This is only one small battle in the Culture War, and I'm sorry to say that you haven't won just yet! (And I hope the Iowans are prepared for this year's hurricane season - if you know what I mean ;P)

It was obvious and inevitable that things like this would start poluting our political system once Caliph Obama was appointed Commander-in-Chief (despite not being an American citizen!!!!!) and is just one step further towards the Federal Government imposing Sharia Law across the United States.

Make no mistake, my friends, this is a victory for Radical Islam.

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