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XAS Action Rpg System (Secret Of Mana Styled)

The best ABS i've seen so far :eek:, all credit goes to XAS.

i was youtubing earlier today when i stumbled upon a video demonstrating this ABS...then a link was given to the owners of the system. it looks and feels great! the system allows you to create games like Zelda, Secret of Mana, etc… The possibilities are infinite. It is possible to create, items such as bombs, arcs and arrows, magic, items, swords, boomerang, shield or any item that you can imagine.

so heres the link to the site with the amazing system:

i sugest downloaded Hero Version beacuse it has a bunch of cool extras and add ons!
remember all credit goes to XAS for this work not me, i just found it and thought that it would be awesome to share with everyone!

PS: a translated version would be great too ;)




well, I'll start a translation process now. It will take some time, since the amount of scripts added isn't what you call small. I'll have to go soon, but don't worry, I'll finish it tomorrow and post the translated version.
A lot of the scripts on this site look like some of Moghunters scripts...In fact they are Moghunters...or rather XAS's. Hmmm...that's fishy.



this is not Spanish, this is Brazilian Portuguese. Some respect for our language :D. Anyway, almost finishing the translation of the main script, then I'll go for the add-ons, and that will take sometime I think, but when it's ready I'll post here.
It's a good system indeed :)
I was thinking to use it somehow but I couldn't really figure out how making skills works... Nothing ever worked correctly as I wanted it to, lol. So I got tired of messing with it.



@Cairn: sorry.

However, it's a bit hard use it in a new project, but it's a good system for an action-RPG.
I'll use it, I'm waiting for the translation. ;)



its ok nadim, its not that I'm a big fan of the spanish language, anyway, just have to make a quick translation of just a few add-ons and I'll be done, cya guys in around 30 minutes I think.
You know, if you click the link herogaurdin gave on the first post, there's a tutorial in English that tells you how to set up everything, even though the demo is in Portuguese...
It says "Script XAS - Bronze Sword (ID01)' line 33: Syntax Error occurred.

If you go into the editor, you can fix it by deleting =begin and =end (lines 33 and 38) and adding a # before the text in lines 33 to 37.

EDIT:  ;D XD lorddonk

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