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[WIP] Quarterman Template

That would be much appreciated Ven,
I did make some progress but I think it's worse off than before.
I don't like the arms. I made the feet wider, and the legs a bit too. I showed
my best shading thus far that I've been able to pull on the abdomen region. Haven't touched anything else, such as hips because I see both points about the ribs made early by RtDA and you with the hips but don't know how to remedy without causing the other one to still be prevalent yet.
Any better?
this thing is pretty ugly dude. he looks very FLAT and sortof reminds me of a naked prepubescent teen about to get taken by a pedophile

Don't worry about shading so much because you still need to work more on the rest.

This thing wasn't very fun to work with. there seems to be an extra color or two which was annoying. Also DONT USE PURE WHITE just like you DONT USE PURE BLACK EITHER. when i was doing the transparency for this I noticed there was pure white in the eye.

okay this is a quick edit I made. it's nowhere near PERFECT but it gives him some more form.

There isn't pure white in the eyes, I don't know how you got yours to have pure white when doing the transparency but mine uses a very light shade of grayish blue in the eyes.

Though I see where your coming from and appreciate the notes, thanks. I'll look over the differences in better detail later today though I didn't update the first post recently and you're using an older model I still can see exactly what you are talking about. Thanks.
Okay I was gonna edit my last post but posts have been made since then, so I lied and here's a new reply ;).

http://www.pixelcocktail.com/hosted_ite ... mplate.png[/IMG]

My attempt is a few pixels taller, but I hope it gears you in the right direction. I cleaned up the face a little, too.

I don't usually try to steer people in certain directions but I'm suddenly really loving this template so I decided to have a go at it.

He still looks a little stiff and I guess he looks a little beefier, but I think it looks decent. :D

P.S. Loving your custom title <3
I really like both Minkoffs and Venetia's versions and improvements but I'm still going to try to make my own smudge somewhere between those and other things I've seen.
Only thing is I never liked legs that are modeled like Vennies, not saying they are bad just not my style. It always looks like a guy trying to jump like a kangaroo, and dates back to middle era SNES graphics where I just kept laughing at one game's character every time he looked foward and jumped.

Evolution: EDIT: This does not include the newest posted version's attempt
View attachment 2626
Using notes from Minkoff's and Venetia's I worked on the last one in the chain (obviously not the ???).
I quite positively stole from both, the hands and face directly with only minor touching. I'm not sure if this is okay to steal, or if I'll try to make my own soon (as opposed to after getting the rest right) - unless it's not okay, in which case I try my best at my own sooner, and replace the above image with the old head. I think the arms are once again too short...
Legs need touching up on, but my comp keeps crashing so I'm done for the day. Just figured I'd post to get any feedback on the upper body/arms.

Obviously my list of people to thank and such is growing, for when -not if- I do finish this. I've given up doing the other frames again until I reach a point where I can't improve this any further.

Thanks again everyone whose helped thus far.

Oh, and Venetia, it is a rather schmexy camo.
It's cool, I don't care what you rip from me :')

I wasn't looking for you to take everything I did, it's good to learn on your own. But I'm happy to see progress :'D

I'd like to see other peoples' comments though, to steer you in multiple directions; taking from everyone could make something really cool. (Or a weird collage. But I'm assuming the former).

Also I just noticed the "pokepet" in your sig. Hilarious. I like the hobo guy there X'D
Tha's no hobo, that's the closest I could get to an edit of a coach to look like me.
I'm too sexy for their defaults :cool01:

And other than the head, which is your eyes and minkoff's shading, and the hands (completely minkoff's) the rest has been done on just suggestions, and I'm glad to hear I'm making progress, thanks!

Just playing around because I got tired of looking at this temp nude.
And yes, I know the template isn't ready to do characters yet, I just got tired of working on it all nude. That and I can't get the legs right so decided to have some fun.
That's, if you care (why?) Aaron, my project's lead.
View attachment 2639
The current, plus 3 quick renditions of leg pose: cowboy, laxed, and attention as I've nicked them.
Also fixed a color anamaly, even though I'm working in MSpaint and using the color sampler to pick up my colors (when attempting to fix shades) there were occasional bands of 2ndary colors that weren't off enough for me to have seen they were not the same color.
(attachment deleted)
That has all but the last attempt, which is below.
Newest Update (November 2nd):
(attachment deleted)
The thus-far final change has been made after hearing critique from Gmanjudo. These changes include an alteration of the chest, midsection, and hip/upper leg area. These changes were based on much appreciated input.
Thanks again for the input thus far, to everyone who has done so.

(Yes I noticed on the newest version the sides are not equal, difference in shading on the leg by the hand is present. The right side should not be there - I will fix this soon.)[/QUOTE]Jut to save time typing it all up, why not quote myself.

Is it coming along any better? I've been working on the side view a lot, and don't think it's ready to show, but figured I'd do more work on the front.

Thanks for any comments/thoughts you'd possibly like to share.

EDIT:Bah, photobucket is done and my attachments aren't going right (naturally) so, sorry. If you wish to see them, you'll have to go to the first page or open up the links =(
This got shuffled to the 2nd page so quickly I didn't notice it!

Sixty is the one on the first page your updated one? None of your links work, so I was wondering that before I comment. :'3
Too many stray and useless pixels, especially in the stomach area. You might even have an unneeded color in there. Look at the big version compated to the 1x one and you can see how not much of the detail is transfered over very well.

And his head looks like it's about to roll right off his shoulders.
I never noticed the head rolling issue.
I guess I have to work on giving him a more pronounced neck.

As far as I know I don't have an extra color, as I'm working in indexed color mode, but I'll check it out. I don't have the most clever eyes - and you've already caught extra colors in earlier versions already heh.

Can you help me out with stray/useless pixels? Like any other particular region?

Thanks for bringing those points up though. I'm either doing better or your in a nice mood - there were no direct insults XD

Would it help to know that my battle system and cut scenes use a camera zoom script? I tried to make the sprite so that when the camera is in normal mode (smallest) and zooms in (about the size of the middle one) it looks good on both.
A lot of the pixels particularly around the chest and hip region are lined up in an attempt to make the middle sized one (more so than the smallest at least) look a little more blended/smooth. I didn't think they really altered the smallest size.
I don't know if that changes any critiques or not, but maybe knowing that could add to the list of fixes, at the very least.

The largest sprite is just to make it easier to look at without you having to zoom if you wanted to see detail to critique.
Would it help to know that my battle system and cut scenes use a camera zoom script? I tried to make the sprite so that when the camera is in normal mode (smallest) and zooms in (about the size of the middle one) it looks good on both.

I'd suggest trying to push that idea out of your mind. If it looks good at 1x, it will look good magnified.
Sixty, I think this is a lot snazzier than people are giving credit for;
while I wouldn't use it in my project (it doesn't seem to fit in with the other art..), it's still a sweet template.. good job.
http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g147/ ... /twoup.png[/IMG]
It's funny, I was going threw my photobucket and I saw the original attempt, and putting it next to the current attempt made me think that I've improved - you know, if you forget that I stole from examples by both Ven and Des ;)

Though I'm starting to think Show was right. Four pages and a month and change now and at least 3 revamps (some very minor but still) per page and still really nothing to show outside of one single simple frame.

Speaking of Des,
Yeah are the stray pixels hurting it?
If so, then I care. Otherwise if they're just messy and unneeded, I'm not going to deal with it till after I spruce up other issues such as the head or more disabling things.

Thanks. While I do enjoy when people come down on the sprite for it's faults so I can improve it, it does make me glad to get a compliment :D
Makes me think its not completely worth giving up.
Hey Sixters I'm still trying to hash out what I believe to be some ideas on improving the template--it's just taking kind of a while. But don't worry, I'll post when I have something constructive to say!

... Er ... Ignoring what I just said ... Since it wasn't constructive o_o;;

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