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[WIP] Quarterman Template

I wasn't going to post in this until it was done, I wasn't going to post in this until it was done, I wasn't going to post in this until it was done.  Then my comp crashed I lost everything I didn't save on disk, and some of the things never formatted properly or whatever, and now I'm out a mostly done Quarterman.  That and because I feel like an idiot having this thread going for so long as WIP...

Anyway I rebuilt the back view.  And modified the hands a bit.  Any thoughts?  You know, now that my confidence is once against shattered.
http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g147/ ... terman.png[/img]
I still don't like the ass.  It looks sort of flat in spots.

I appreciate the comments.  I wish I could follow them, it's very helpful.  Unfortunately nothing I do with the legs looks good but I've slightly modified the torso and continue to do so. And since no characters in my project that I know of have that much of their legs bare at any moment, I'm going to pretend they're well defined under their pants and armor :lol:

Technically you didn't double post in the bad way, as you waited enough time and I'm active on the boards.  Well, as you can see it's not coming along very well.  As I just put, I completely screwed myself and lost all progress that wasn't already posted on this thread :down:.
But hopefully I'll have more done, I expect to have time to work on this (after finishing up a request, and some fill work), and I'll be working on it much more actively than usual.  My project's coming along so this is starting to become a bigger priority lol
I attempted to widen the hips, which led to me seeing he needs a mid torso as well.  And because I'm a stickler I didn't want his back view to be wider than his front so redid that to.
http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g147/ ... newold.gif[/img]
The changes aren't in your face, really.
Simply a widened hip/mid torso, redid the shading on head and shoulders.  I think I might have changed some things with the hands again.  The back of the head is likewise reshaded to make things like the base of the skull more proportional. On the front view I simply widened to match, and that was all I did there.

For a bigger non animated version open the spoiler below:
Again, thanks for all comments, and I welcome all.



I think quarterman's hindquarter looks just fine, but if you want to give it more "substance" try just dropping it a pixel lower.
Well the thing about having a thicker torso is that when you put clothes on it, it will be harder to do looser baggy clothing without it getting bunched up and crowded or even able to get it to look loose at all with such little area to work with.
I redid the evolution on the first page in the spoiler, still just to look at when I get fustrated lol... oh and:
http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g147/ ... rman-1.png[/img]
I believe I did move the butt down a bit too, I'm really not sure.  I spent more time on the upper shoulders and the torso on the front.

Yeah it's a great point.  It sounds stupid to say, but I inevitably did what I didn't like on (mot of) the HK's, a bit of a squished cramp gap here and there, with no real room for cloth movement folds and the like...  However I'm not overly concerned as I'm making this for my project and looking at the character designs there's not really much room needed... though I will attempt to see if I can find solutions without going back to noodles.

I have to make a bigger version of this (more muscular) when done, which will act as my "3 pixel crotch" version as Vennie called it, and have a less muscular version - so perhaps the less muscular version will stand out  well for those reasons I hope.

Big thanks again for suggestions peoples.  Even though some of them I haven't paid attention to or simply couldn't do :down:, but hopefully not too many :grin:
Blah.  I'm hyper.  Thanks again for comments.  Again.
Oooh, hey, this is much better than the one you PM'd me. His butt still kinda strikes me as saggy though and I can't tell why ......
I think it's because his butt is kind of narrow - what I mean by that the bottom only move out two or three pixels from the leg before starting to co upwards with no outer curve... That and it has no definition at the top.  Is that what's wrong?



Yeah not to be homoerotic or anything but I'd go check out some naked male buttocks if I were you.  I think the shape is about right, but like Venetia said you need a little more definition to match the muscular look of the template.  On a muscular male butt the sides are a little bit concave.
Yeah, pretty much what Ven and Nphyx have said. Here's a link, courtesy of www.3d.sk - the site is incredible for proportions and bases. It's probably not work safe, though, so be careful opening it.
Here's  another good reference - Michelangelo's David, as seen from behind. This should help with the template.

(Plus, when else do I get to do this kind of thing in the name of helping other people? It's win-win.)
Maybe the butt needs to be taller as well as the *ahem* crack? It looks kinda shrimpy to me. Make it larger (taking up space on the back not the leg area) and see how that goes. And man this is the non-muscular one? Geeze that's pretty musclefied for the average person.
I'll see what I can do to fix, what apparently everyone is talking about, the ass of Quarterman XD - I'm sorry but I'm watching old blaxploitation/sexploitation/comedies and that just really sounded like something Troma would buy the rights to...

Okay, I'll show more.  You first though.

I don't consider it homoerotic.  Lots of artists in their craft both painters, sculptors, and even those who do 3D models look at the human body for inspiration/references.  It's only anatomy after all, it's the same as looking at someone's shoulder muscles to see if you've got the curve right.  Though I haven't, I probably should do a quick search to see.

Well apparently I don't have to search for long after all.  What has been said is more clear now at least.  Your right, the 2nd looks like a great reference site.
And really, I can't think of a better way to help someone while throwing links of a sculpted man's bare ass XD

Something about "the *ahem* crack" caught me by surprise and made me laugh.
When I talk about a "muscular version" or "more muscular", it's not to denote this is "average".  Rather, this is a soldier of good size, more than average really.  Just there is another character who is bigger.  Like putting the guy who played John Coffee in Green Mile and stand him next to Brad Pitt on his biggest days (forgot the movie, he gained like 20 pounds mass of muscle for it or something like that).
So basically I need a smaller thinner version, this, and a bigger version at least for males in the project.  I dream big I know.



I was just "cracking" a joke :)  I got Anatomy for the Artist when I was 13, my mom wanted to draw fig leaves over the naughty bits (but she didn't).  I've been looking at naked people for art reference ever since.



Blood_Puppet":7tlv3p4e said:
Honestly, that butt is sagging. Look at your own if you have to. Shrink it vertically and shove it upwards.
If we were to judge by his forum avatar he might not be the best model!

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