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Pretty much nothing. I'm going round my nan's to clean up the place before we can sell it but other than that I'm doing what any typical fat lazy RPG Maker does: fuck all.
school,lunch,school,gym,tv,homework,internets and i still have to revise for this math test tomorrow
pretty much every day has been like this (minus the test and i only go to the gym three times a week)
ritalin just kind of gives me the jitters & that crappy medicine-head feeling, i dont see why anyone'd rail it
esp since railing turns your sinuses to shit
and i dont even really like taking it normally
i can understand doing lsd etc b/c hallucinogens make you see cool things
or pot b/c it makes you all calm etc
but never understood the allure in any of the other shit tbh
maybe it just affects me different
my grandfather used to have to take oxycontin (sp?) and i hurt my back at work one day, so i took a pill.. yeah it makes you feel good, but i got such a major fucking headache after. it's not worth it to me
-woke up after four hours of sleep, nearly missed bus
-wasted an hour on somethingawful during my spare
-played a rousing game of hearts in which we all ganged up on the brazilian kid
-sliced my finger opened (THE PAIN)