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Welcome to HBGames, a leading amateur game development forum and Discord server. All are welcome, and amongst our ranks you will find experts in their field from all aspects of video game design and development.

What did you do today?

took 2 finals, left my flashdrive at school (>.<), got the school's assassin game to a series of 11-6, with me on the losing side...


Awesome Bro

Lets see...

I woke up
I got washed and did my teeth
I straightened my hair
I got dressed
I went out to catch the bus
I arrived at college and did 3 hours of Games Design
I went to my mates house and pogged out on the PS3 for 3-4 hours
I caught the bus home
I made a home-made burger and some chips for tea
I ate it
I went into the bathroom and had a wank
I went on the PC and listened to music while browsing the forums and other internet sites that shall remain unnamed, and simultaneously talked to my mates over MSN
I wrote what I did today in this thread
-watched a presentation about the 150th anniversary of the nuns that founded our school
-wrote an exponentials unit test
-worked on making a functioning GUI
-flew over Europe
-sat outside for 40 minutes in the 35+ degree sun to take a picture of every student from our school spelling out our school's acronym, sweat buckets
-watched as this insane heat started to turn everybody into cranky assholes
-realized that i'm the only one who wrote articles for the school newspaper, our newspaper this month has 4 articles
-have been studying physics/religion, dicking around the internet and mixing cement (!!) ever since
nice, nice detail.

found the 4 kittens my stray cat had, scared as shit of me, although i tough the other pussy that was lying around...

filled the water bottles...

I said that, 'cause I woke up 30 minutes - not because everyone does that.... :(

I mean, like I had trouble sleeping and I finally woke up to start my mundane day.... T.T

I think, like I didn't do much today - yet.

Been at the hospital with my nan. Gotta have a blood transfusion. Only time she's had to go to the hospital in 86 years; even had home births. She wasn't happy.
Woke up, ate, drove to work
Drove home, ate, took a nap
wake up, eat snack, get called into work
drove to work, get home at 12am, shower, write this.


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