Getting the hang of using Effekseer. I made a chain. Then tentacles I can control with the mouse. Pretty sweet.
Ah~ I've had to introduce a lot of new characters, some of which are new to everyone almost! Thankfully I can write introductions pretty well and I can save myself some of this via word of mouth. Pep for instance, was already known of by Akra Olna because quote "Oh, Nola never shuts up about him~!"I've been waffling between screenwriting and coding stuff.
I hit a dead end with Effekseer and using dynamic inputs. Parameters can inform particles but particles can't inform parameters.
Meanwhile, with my screenwriting, I keep telling myself to avoid writing characters as strangers. It's a pitfall I keep getting into and I know it would be so much easier and natural if the characters are familiar with each other as friends, family, classmates, co-workers ect...
But for some reason I just instinctively go into these scenes like they're meeting for the first time. Probably because I'm thinking, the audience is meeting the characters for the first time too. But I've started thinking, maybe that could be my style if I ever figure out how to do it right.
I would love to see you make something for it! :DI did a little brain storm session the other day for the jam. Basically just putting ideas into a hat.
I haven't drawn anything from it yet.
The dev streams are a fairly new thing but they are incredible for motivating me to actually get stuff done!I've popped in once in a while to watch your streams.
I think her hair highlights still make it look like her hair is jello :0I'm just staring at this. Looking for micro improvements instead of just calling it done. I animated the hair with the warp tool in GIMP. But my technique could use some refinement. I think I could exaggerate the motion more too. GIMP is not great at animating things on layers.