Revisiting air magic animations. A lot of games just use spiraling ribbons, which imo isn't differentiating it from energy attacks. And you can only do so much with tornadoes. I mean, Fire and water do vortexes too but they also have other forms. The problem is people think of Air as motion; the solution is to think of air as clouds with volume that can be shaped and twisted, implode instead of explode, condense & disperse, speed up & slow down.
But I have to design around the technical issues in rpg maker's animation system. I solved the depth issue, so cells can move behind targets. And I can even fake movable targets. But the cell size is an issue. I don't like scaling up special effect -- Scaling up character sprites is fine though. But piecing multiple cells together for larger graphics is annoying. And the Animation Editor won't let you move cells off the screen, only a little past the top and bottom.
heh, I'd have an easier time making animations with Show Picture command. No wait, I might try that...